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Make Enemy Un-selectable?


Hello everyone! I've been reading this forum for a long time but I've finally hit a snag that's puzzled me enough to need to ask for help. Any input would be appreciated!


I'm making my last boss and the idea is that it's a robot with an armored exterior and then a vulnerable core. What I want to do is make it so that the core is not selectable unless the armor is KO'ed. After 3 or so turns, the armor regenerates and you must get through it again to continue damaging the core.


Since I can't find a way to make the core un-selectable on its own or have it disappear and reappear, what I ended up trying to do was:


1. Make the graphic of the core part of the battleback

2. Make the battler graphic of the core just invisible

3. Have the armor face enemy immortal, and transform into the core enemy upon its HP reaching zero.

4. Use a variable to keep track of the core's HP so that after 3 turns, the core can transform back into the face, and the next time the face is KO'ed, the variable will restore the core's HP level.


The problem is that upon KO'ing the face for the first time, the battle freezes. There's a hangup somewhere that I'm not getting.






I put the "force action" at the end to see if that would get things to move on but it didn't.






Every enemy on the screen is supposed to die when the core's HP is depleted but not until then.



I have messed around with "Turn" and "Moment" settings but none of that seems to change anything.

Edited by hogdogger

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3 answers to this question

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This seems all very complicated to me. The solution that comes to my mind is to make the core dead, I mean, technically dead. Thus you can't interact with it anymore. Then, when the armor is low on HP, you may respawn the core and kill the armor. You could use a variable to keep track of the core's HP while it's down to give it back when the armor wears out. Also, you could display a picture in place of the core, so that the player gets the impression it's still there and alive.

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Here this is what I use, http://www.rpgrevolution.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=40199


and if you're using Tankentai SBS I have the fix for that since this script won't work without the fix.

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I haven't evented in ages... Seems too complicated for me.


So, instead, here's a scripting solution that might help you out (I hope this is what you are looking for)



- Place script above main, but below other scripts (blah blah as usual)

- Create a new state in the database called "non-targetable" or something similar (MAKE NOTE OF THE STATE'S ID NUMBER)

- Head to the top of the script, and set the NON_TARGETABLE_STATE_ID equal to the number of the state's id in the database

- When enemy has state "Non-Targetable" they CANNOT be selected



- Because of the nature of RMXP's default scripts, the methods for selecting targets had to be completely overridden; THEREFORE, there is a VERY high chance of compatibility issues with any custom script that affects the targeting system/enemy target arrow



This demo contains a rudimentary replication of what you are trying to achieve (to give you an idea)

Try out the battle test for the first troop, lemme know if that's what you are looking for

(the hellhound has 5 hp, so you can kill it in one hit, and revives after 3 turns)

(you could probably make a better battle event setup than me...honestly I'm no eventer)

(the state "non-targetable" is setup to NOT modify the enemy's stats, and priority is set to 0, this is so if you want to use this feature on an actor, the text "non-targetable" will not show up in the state listing.)




class Arrow_Base
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Set this value equal to the id of the "non-targetable" state
 # you created in the database
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------


 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

class Arrow_Enemy < Arrow_Base
 def update
   # Skip if indicating a nonexistant enemy
   $game_troop.enemies.size.times do
     break if self.enemy.exist? && !self.enemy.state?(NOT_TARGETABLE_STATE_ID)
     @index += 1
     @index %= $game_troop.enemies.size
   # Cursor right
   if Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT)
     $game_troop.enemies.size.times do
       @index += 1
       @index %= $game_troop.enemies.size
       break if self.enemy.exist? && !self.enemy.state?(NOT_TARGETABLE_STATE_ID)
   # Cursor left
   if Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT)
     $game_troop.enemies.size.times do
       @index += $game_troop.enemies.size - 1
       @index %= $game_troop.enemies.size
       break if self.enemy.exist? && !self.enemy.state?(NOT_TARGETABLE_STATE_ID)
   # Set sprite coordinates
   if self.enemy != nil
     self.x = self.enemy.screen_x
     self.y = self.enemy.screen_y

class Game_Troop
 def random_target_enemy(hp0 = false)
   # Initialize roulette
   roulette = []
   # Loop
   @enemies.each do |enemy|
     # If it fits the conditions
     if (!hp0 && enemy.exist?) || (hp0 && enemy.hp0?) && !enemy.state?(NOT_TARGETABLE_STATE_ID)
       # Add an enemy to the roulette
   # If roulette size is 0
   if roulette.size == 0
     return nil
   # Spin the roulette, choose an enemy
   return roulette[rand(roulette.size)]


If you want the ability to make Actors non-targetable in the same sense, add this script as well:



class Arrow_Actor < Arrow_Base
 def update
   # Skip if indicating a non-targetable actor
   $game_party.actors.each do |actor|
     break if !actor.state?(NOT_TARGETABLE_STATE_ID)
     @index += 1
     @index %= $game_party.actors.size
   # Cursor right
   if Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT)
     $game_party.actors.each do |actor|
       @index += 1
       @index %= $game_party.actors.size
       break if !actor.state?(NOT_TARGETABLE_STATE_ID)
   # Cursor left
   if Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT)
     $game_party.actors.each do |actor|
       @index += $game_party.actors.size - 1
       @index %= $game_party.actors.size
       break if !actor.state?(NOT_TARGETABLE_STATE_ID)
   # Set sprite coordinates
   if self.actor != nil
     self.x = self.actor.screen_x
     self.y = self.actor.screen_y

class Game_Party
 def random_target_actor(hp0 = false)
   # Initialize roulette
   roulette = []
   # Loop
   @actors.each do |actor|
     if (!hp0 && actor.exist?) || (hp0 && actor.hp0?) && !actor.state?(NOT_TARGETABLE_STATE_ID)
       # Get actor class [position]
       position = $data_classes[actor.class_id].position
       # Front guard: n = 4; Mid guard: n = 3; Rear guard: n = 2
       n = 4 - position
       # Add actor to roulette n times
       n.times do
   # If roulette size is 0
   if roulette.size == 0
     return nil
   # Spin the roulette, choose an actor
   return roulette[rand(roulette.size)]


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