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Removing Members After Battle. (rmxp)


Hey guys here's my situation. I have one of my characters as a Summoner Type caster. With certain spells that are used, I'd like to add characters to the battle DURING the battle, and then have them leave the party after the battle is over. Is there a script that allows me to do this easily?


Here's how I've got it so far: Using common events, add the summon spirits to the party using the "Change Party Member" button. But from here I can't figure out how to get them out of the party after the battle is over. Is there a Call Script for after battle actions?


Would appreciate some help! Thanks guys.



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2 answers to this question

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Add the following to your script editor, in a new entry above Main:

# Edit the following array with the IDs of actors to be removed automatically after battle
ACTORID_REMOVE = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

class Scene_Battle
 alias old_battle_end battle_end
 def battle_end(result)
   for actor_id in ACTORID_REMOVE

This should work fine.

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