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Dark Dragon

No more n00bs talk fer me ;-;

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ok people, I've been looking into my previous posts and I was shocked by how....facinating they are, I cant find the words.

So here I am promising a new page (I did this before, didnt keep my word though xD) with you......and hoping

that I can get more serious...(thats never going to happen btw)


but since people dont apperciate the art of n00bs talk, and sweetalk's invaded the forums....I am sad....to annouce....the end of the....English dstroyers ;-; (RYAN ISAL YER FULT Y'NO)


but you have my word, that my history n00bs talkin is done, starting from ...... Now :(

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Hey, wtf are you doing?

That added character to the forums!


I'm afraid as a teacher, I cannot allow you to destroy the english destroyers.

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My apologies Arkbennet, but I cannot do anything about it now. There are lots of “sweetalks” in this forum, and they outnumber us, there is no way we can over come them.


But if you want to carry on the revolution, feel free to do so, and if you succeed, I shall return(^&%^$%@ I?m turning into a freak like them now *sob*)

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Sweet, Sweet victory. By the way, DD, as promised, my bill for Tylenol. It comes out to $53.38. Cough it up. xD

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Eh ? That wasn't my fault, and Leon stop using words that I don't know, I have to google everything you say.

Can't you use universal pills, like Panadol or something ? THIS IS A CONCEPERCY, YER NOOBS TALKIN' IN CODE @_@

pardon me, I couldn't help it ...

But my heir shall come and destroy all *smirk* (hopefully)

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... If this refers to what I think? Congratulations! I support good grammar! ^-^


... If this does not refer to what I think... then... assume I'm just a noobesh and ignore me.


Either way... <3 because I like <3.


So there.

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I am the one who delivered the final blow to his 'noob' speak. I shall lead my squadron of grammer protectors to victory!

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