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GDU awards system

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GDUnlimited may have an awards system, similar to that found on console games now. This system as discussed between Marked and myself will be a series of trophies that would be unlocked under meeting the requirements for achievments. The achievments would mostly be simple things suchs as reaching certain post counts. There would also be exclusive trophies for contests and voted events, like MOTM (in which each month would have a different trophy).


Awards would pop up displaying messages like if you had hit 100 posts, showing a message saying something like "Achievment Unlocked!: Gone Postal 100posts!".


The trophys would be small icons that would appear in the profiles, in what I haven been calling the "trophy case". As well as this but there would be a page listing each of the different trophies possible to unlock, this page would not however show exclusive trophies that would be contest awards.


To make things even more worth while there may be a reward of a amount of points as well to go with each award.


This idea has been endoresed by Marked.


Lets see some feedback, and some ideas to make this even better.

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I talked to marked about this a year ago. Its a good idea and it should be done. Like isaac said it would encouragepeople.

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This would only work if you have a high-pitched jingle or beeping noise to stimulate the reward system, like the Trophy or Achievement jingles on the PS3/360

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This would only work if you have a high-pitched jingle or beeping noise to stimulate the reward system, like the Trophy or Achievement jingles on the PS3/360


That may be possible, much like the annoying beep in the chat now, I think a lot of people would like to ba able to disable it though, I'm one of the ones who likes quiet achievements.

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I'm not a fan on websites making ANY noise without me first requesting it. This is just in the idea stage so i dont know whats gona happen when an achievement is reached, but I'm sure its still going to work without a jingle :P Though, i get the feeling we having different definitions for what 'working' means in this context.

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I think it's a great ideal to have a achievement system in our new website. Like creating(has to be made by you) 10 scripts or something like that.

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Maybe as well in profiles, there could be a link to your achievements page down on the sidebar*


Because we want to let you know when you have achieved a new achievement.


So, does any have ideas for achievements? Here are mine:

  • posts
    • 50
    • 100
    • 200
    • 500
    • 1,000
    • 2,000


    • 10
    • 20
    • 50
    • 100
    • 200

    [*]gallery image views (not uploads, you get points for uploads)

    • 100 accumulative view

    [*]audio downloads

    • etc.

    [*]tutorials views

    • etc

    [*]Project downloads

    • 10 ppl download your game
    • etc.

    [*]Top poster within any given week (keep the time period low so ALL achievements are actually achievable)

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Points for scripts that you've created and have been view by a mod before being added to the summited forum.

5 Scripts

10 Scripts

15 Scripts

20 Scripts

40 Scripts

60 Scripts

80 Scripts

100 Scripts

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I think 20 would be a nice place to cut it, could call the achievement "Code Monkey!"


I may have another one to add:


Time spent as an active member:


- signed up

- 1 week

- 1 month

- 2 months

- 4 months

- 6 months

- 1 year

- ect...


This may be difficult to do but if it can check for the ammount of time actually spent logged on then have it be acumilated time online, starting with having just signed up.


Fooling around with Paint for some unknown reason I drew up a mock of a message that could pop up when you reach an achievement, yes I know the art is horrible.




A message like the one above could pop up as soon as you unlock an achievement, the image above is 180x32 so pretty small.

I know Marked had mentioned to me 16x16 for the trophy size but I think that would be to small the trophy I think should atleast be 32x32 maybe 64x64 at largest, the gray square and tiny "WELCOME" under it fit into 32x32.

Edited by RageMage

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Oh yup I forgot bout scripts. I think we'll cut it at 20? 40 scripts may be pushing it a bit far tongue.png


Well 40 could be called Scripting God or something, because that is alot.tongue.png

Edited by bigace

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Fooling around with Paint for some unknown reason I drew up a mock of a message that could pop up when you reach an achievement, yes I know the art is horrible.




A message like the one above could pop up as soon as you unlock an achievement, the image above is 180x32 so pretty small.

I know Marked had mentioned to me 16x16 for the trophy size but I think that would be to small the trophy I think should atleast be 32x32 maybe 64x64 at largest, the gray square and tiny "WELCOME" under it fit into 32x32.

We could have a little banner come up, depends on how I write the system. Coz checking for every possible trophy EVERY time the page is loaded may have a performance hit.


As for the 16x16 trophies, I meant only in the profile view. Because there's an entire page for a members trophies, the 16x16 trophies in the profile are a quick and compact way to show achievements.






Well 40 could be called Scripting God or something, because that is alot.tongue.png

The only problem with that bob is that no one in about 5 years has ever actually reached 5,000 let alone 10,000. My vision of this is setting obtaining goals for the majority of members. We're obviously copying the PS3 system a wee bit here, so think about that, would you try to collect all those trophies if there was no platinum at the end of it?


I just think that would get more members into going out and aiming for those achievements. Will anyone have an additional incentive to post through this achievement system is the last post achievement is 10,000?


What do you guys think?

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We could have a little banner come up, depends on how I write the system. Coz checking for every possible trophy EVERY time the page is loaded may have a performance hit.


As for the 16x16 trophies, I meant only in the profile view. Because there's an entire page for a members trophies, the 16x16 trophies in the profile are a quick and compact way to show achievements.


The banner I posted is just a layout of something in mind. I actually redid it a bit, I moved the award title and resized the "Award" Notification, also changed it from a trophy to... something, not sure what to call it actually.



I actually think this one looks better than the other one, obviously I changed it from Achievement Unlocked to Award just because it could be whatever we wanted, I have just realized I never included a space to show what was done to get the award, may repossistion things again to include that.

This could be used as a banner to pop up when reaching an award, and/or it could be used when you hover over the awards in your profile to show what they are and how you got them; the second of which would probably be the faster of the two uses.


I'd like to hear some of the creative names for the possible awards too to go along with each of the goals.


- Code Monkey for scripts (5), award icon could be an ape head.

- Gone postal for the posts (100).

- Join the herd for signing up.



I'm not sure about the 16x16 icons because that is very very small, barely able to tell what it was if at all, with the 32x32 the icons could be put into a scrolling box to take up less space and have more detail as well as able to see more than a tiny dot, also able to reuse the icons when showing the award "pop-up" and on the award list page, which I'm sure you'd like to have full sized icons with some nice quality. Maybe an example & comparison would be nice.

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