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Battle-related Requests

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Hi there, i'm here to ask for 3 scripts :x

i searched with the searching feature but... u know xD, i didnt found what i want :c



Skills that Requires Items to be casted, i mean, skills that "USE" an item to perform it, one example may be "Throw Bomb" if u dont have a bomb u cant cast it, and when u use it, get -1 Bomb.



Is there a scrip that "zoom-in" the actors when get striked by skills or attacks??? compatible with custom battle systems (the minkoff if possible)



mmmm, there is a way to make skill damage get based on either, DEF, AGI, DEX or any other parameter???? i suppose that that is possible with scripts :x



thats all


thanks biggrin.png!

Edited by SilverCrow

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1. This can be done with events. This can be done by linking the skill to a common event. Have the common event set to if there is a certain item in the invetory. (That might work). If it doesnt u could have it flipp a battle event for each troop and have it deal damage that way instead of the skill.


3. This is already in the database. Dex-F works for dexterity and so fourth.

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Actually there is a cbs for the first 2. I'm Afk at the moment so I can't post it. Give me 20 mins.

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Here's the CBS that uses minkoff: http://www.hbgames.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=62914


There's his system allows you to use bombs as skills that can require items and I think one of the add-ons allow for the screen to zoom in during attacks.

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