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Author: Bigace360

Type: Enemy Catalogue Display

Version: 2.7



This script will allow your characters to retrieve information about enemies they gained during battle and show them in a window.


Version History

1.30.2012 (v1.0) – Initial Release

3.13.2012 (v1.1) – Fixed Incompatibilites

4.24.2012 (v2.0) – Overworked the system, Improved coding, Fix bugs

6.04.2012 (v2.4) – Improved coding, Add conditions to the ability page

8.21.2012 (v2.7) – Fixed Incompatibilites, Improved coding, added layouts


Future Updates


  • Change the biography into text files.





  • Elemental and Status resist tables
  • Enemies skill Page
  • Show enemies description text
  • You can test fight defeated monsters
  • Some monsters data can stay hidden


Inside the script in the first comment.









Q: The demo won't open, how to open it?

A: Download Winrar and try again.

Q: I'm having problem with working this with my CBS, can you help?

A: No! Sorry but unless it's Tenkantai CBS, I suck at Custom Battle Systems so you're going to have to request help from some one else.


This is an Advisory for those of you using multiple scripts. If you are using other scripts that rewrite the same classes or methods as this one, there may be a conflict and things will work incorrectly in unpredictable ways.


This script automatically adds itself to the default menu if you turn that feature on in the module.



  • Bigace360, for the script.
  • Blizzard (Bitmap.Slice_text method)
  • Kellessdee, for helping me add the conditions to the Bestairy
  • Night_Runner, for helping fix a couple of things I was having trouble with


If you have any suggestion to add to the Monster Album, don't hestitate to ask. But just know that there's a chance that it won't be added.

Edited by bigace

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Where is the demo and/or script? ermm.gif I can asume this script is invalid now. Too bad. I was looking forward to using it. The thing that I was concerned about was if I needed to get all the icons and add the character graphic to EVERY one, but nevermind.

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Uh, first the demo link works so I have no clue what your talking about.

second, if you want to request for another link. You can do so in a more professional manner. Otherwise I don't feel condent to do anything at the moment, seeing as the link works fine for me.

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Where is the demo and/or script? ermm.gif I can asume this script is invalid now. Too bad. I was looking forward to using it. The thing that I was concerned about was if I needed to get all the icons and add the character graphic to EVERY one, but nevermind.


I think your confusion may be that the 'Demo' header/title is actually inside the 'Screenshots' header/title. I admit it could be confusing, however I downloaded this script a while ago and had no problem finding the link.

For the record, the download link also works for me as of this post.

This script requires, very minimal setup comparative to what it does, and for the most part I believe just pulls icons and graphics that were already assigned.

I have zero complaints on this script and would recommend it to anyone.

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I think your confusion may be that the 'Demo' header/title is actually inside the 'Screenshots' header/title. I admit it could be confusing, however I downloaded this script a while ago and had no problem finding the link.

For the record, the download link also works for me as of this post.

This script requires, very minimal setup comparative to what it does, and for the most part I believe just pulls icons and graphics that were already assigned.

I have zero complaints on this script and would recommend it to anyone.


Thank you, and if it's confusing I'll fix it.


Edit: hopfully thats doesn't confuse anymore.

Edited by bigace

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Bad news, mediafire saysthat the download is invalid or deleted. (You could say the media is on fire! Nyah!) But, seriously, it's not going to work.


Do you think you could create a code on a reply so I can access the file, please? It would help if people didn't have to download off media fire and download a zip file open software. (that's what I had to do last time) It would be nice, thanks.


And, sorry if I wasn't polite to request in my first reply. I don't know about anyone else, but I have had a rough day. Anyways, thank you for the response, very quick I might add. smile.png

Edited by crow5757

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Probably something wrong with your computer if that's the case, but anyways I added a dropbox link in the OP. Enjoy the script.

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Hmmm. I saved the dropbox file and when I opened it using notepad (honestly the best I've got) and it came up with a bunch of this:ʤt@E å* ¨>ÌŒ >@3 ð«!ÕÌŒüœ7y¤ŸÑÍ´ÒcnŸE Úchm‚v“!#!3


Something wrong with my computer probably. Well, thanks anyways, appreciate the work but I have to be off this soon. Notify me if you think you have a solution and for me vice versa.

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Uh, why did you open with notepad may I ask??huh.png That would just corrupt the file if you save it.


Just google a rar file opener of the internent. It's free.

try this: http://free-rar-extract-frog.pwpw.de/

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Well, my laptop is, by far, the worst I've seen in my life and its memory is below 1MB right now. Plus, I cannot download word, or, pretty much, any other software without it slowing down to turtle pace.


But I'll see if I can help it and attempt the rar file opener. I will tell you if the script is successful.


EDIT: I have the script, and I must say, this is the best I've seen for a bestairy. Thank you very much.

Edited by crow5757

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As per usual, the script has clashed with my atb script so, I will find another atb script that doesn't have faults with itself whenever I add another script that's completely unrelated. pinch.gif Any suggestions, then please don't hesitate to tell.


EDIT: More problems are stacking. When I call the script using an event I get a Name error. Any help or any clue what this means?

Edited by crow5757

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Nevermind, sorted the name error. But, now, I have a new problem. The enemies are not appearing in the bestiary when I have defeated them. Any reason why this is happening, please?

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Here's the link, however, I'm not sure if this is the problem anymore, but if you think it will help.


The only problem right now is of the actual addition of enem information. After I defeat an enemy in any way, it will not show up and info on the scene. It only comes up with ????? ??. I have no idea what the problem is, so if you can find a solution, that would be great, thanks.

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Update: v2.0 (Apr. 24, 2012)

● Improved coding and overworked system

● New design (more cleaner design and coding)

● Fixed font changing bug

● Losing in a test battle doesn't end your game

● Added an option in the module that adds the Bestairy into the Menu for you and gives you a hotkey to use while on the map. (All Optional)

● The battler graphic now works and you can now click left or right to see it in different positions.

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Very awesome script. Just had to make a few edits to get it to work with my title skip and custom menu. :D

Best monster album script i have ever seen.

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Thanks, but as you can see it still needs the conditions on the ability page or it just looks wierd. Other then that it's practically done for now.

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I'm still having problems, it happens in the new version too. When I defeat an enemy in my game using this script the information is still ?????? ??. Could anyone help because I really need this script.

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Ah, I've now seen the notification od the Scene_ uses. This conflicts with my ATB script. Both use the same scene in the script, which obviously means it's incompatible. I can't find a real solution, other making it hugely complicated and maybe a waste of your time just to sort my game out.


I compliment on the script though. It's very useful. Try to contact me if you have a solution, I've already made the ATB link 2 posts ago, in case you need it.

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Sorry Crow5757 if you're still here, but I look at that battle system and I didn't know what I was doing. Your going to have to request some else to help on that one. Sorry.


Updated: v2.4 (Jun. 4, 2012)

● Upgraded Scene_Base

● Removed Outlines, Download Warrior Core Engine for Outlines

● Fixed element chart (The source code was a mess for this part)

● Added the draw_line method to Window_base and got rid of Ziifee Bitmap Draw_line method

● Add conditions to the ability page

Edited by bigace

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I've tried so many times to import a bestiary script but the battle system Im using apparently doesn't co-op with any form of bestiary. :(

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What battle system are you using. By the way unless its the tenkentai (sp?) SBS, I can't really help you as that's the only battle system I'm good at. I can try my best, but it might end in failure

Edited by bigace

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What battle system are you using. By the way unless its the tenkentai (sp?) SBS, I can't really help you as that's the only battle system I'm good at. I can try my best, but it might end in failure

Im using a custom battle script called "Real time active battle (RTAB) Ver 1.16" but a lot of scripts isn't compatible for some reason.

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these scripts are so hard to find


edit: doesnt seem to be compatible with the scripts im using :( oh well

Edited by Bob423

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Could you give me the script directly? Because, I couldn't open the demo to get the script due to the difference of the software version or whatever. Please, I want it so much!!!

Edited by Darkness

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Updated: v2.7 (Aug. 21, 2012)

â— Improved coding

â— Fixed compatibility with my Scene_Biography and Scene_RowChanger

â— Fixed element chart again

â— Created two Layout images, one for the main page, another for the bio pages


Could you give me the script directly? Because, I couldn't open the demo to get the script due to the difference of the software version or whatever. Please, I want it so much!!!

I have no clue what your talking about, different software versions? Just download winrar and open the demo.

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Well the script itself seems to be great, havent seen a bestiary that has been worked on so much. But you have to wonder about all those issues with download, compatibility and instalation...

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