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Fall of the Living: First Outbreak (Beta Release)

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Johnathan Preciado Productions presents...








Genre : Action/Adventure/Survival Horror/Rpg

Engine : Rpg Maker XP

Players : Single Player

Download Size : 287 MB




This topic is to review beta test results, as well as keep an eye on the amount of users interested in the game as the other topic has been started years ago. I believe this topic serves a different purpose than the development topic for the complete game. If this is a problem I will merge the main topic into two sections beta/full game development.


What is Fall of the Living?


Fall of the Living: First Outbreak is a survival horror action rpg made in RMXP that has been in production for quite some time now. It uses almost completely custom coding trying to steer away from nearly all RMXP's default systems.


Note Beta Campaign Mode Contains NO story mode gameplay. This is a COMBAT SYSTEM TEST BETA. To strictly test the combat on maps that will be featured

in the final game. None of the 3 stages end by themselves. After you have killed all the zombies and explored all the levels press the F12 button to return to the main menu to select the next stage through campaign.





-Advanced Weapons System - Take control of a detailed combat system. Ability to perform instant kill headshots. Fueled by the Mushroom Cloud Engine. A powerful engine I created from scratch taking advantages of a custom particle animations systems, and a deep stats system per weapon.


-Blood System - Enemies splatter blood when hurt


-Custom Map Lighting





Beta Locations:


-Apartment Complex: A staff section at an apartment complex uptown.


-Urban City (with a few stores) Has many areas, and the most zombies of the maps. The map downtown has a horde event.


-Country Side (with Abandoned Airport)


-Sheriff Office [Extra Op]



Beta Screenshots


Apartment Complex





Urban City







Country Side





















a small teaser of gameplay. Had to record offscreen due to my laptop not being able to record the videos fast without lag. I'm sorry for the bad quality, better on screen version of gameplay test showing multiple weapons will be posted soon.


Gameplay with the silenced MP5SD, USP, and MOSSBERG 500 12 gauge.


Graphics bugs are present in the video, ignore them.



Beta Gameplay Instructions and controls (Important)


About Weapon Slots (Inventory System)

Weapon slots are seperated into 4 different catagories. A,B,C and D.

You press W to switch through the weapon catogory letters.

Slot A: Primary Weapons (Assault Rifles and Sub Maching Guns only)

Slot B: Secondary Weapons (Handguns Only)

Slot C: Support Weapon (Shotguns and Hunting/Sniper Rifles)

Slot D: melee Weapon (Not available in beta)

If you look at a weapon that is able to be picked up, it will tell you which slot the weapon will take up. S1, S2, S3, Meaning slot A, Slot B, slot C.


Refilling your ammo:

[Ammo stashes are on the starting point of each stage, as well as can be found randomly around the level. Ammo stashes have a variety of ammo types. To collect ammo, simply equip the weapon you would like and interact with the ammo stash. You can refill slot A, B, and C with ammo stashes.



There is no auto reload. To reload your weapon press the Q key.



Hold the S key while walking to make your player Sprint. You cannot run and attack with firearms



After equipping youre weapon, and weapon slot, press and hold the A key to raise your weapon. Release to lower your weapon Press the SPACE BAR, or Enter or C while aiming your weapon to fire. While aiming your weapon, the players direction will be locked, allowing you to STRAFE.


First Aid Kits.

If a first aid kist is found, hold the Z key 5 seconds untill your health is fully restored. There will be no indication

of if your using it (glitch in beta)

(only ONE first aid can be carried at a time)


Beta Stages

Some of the stages in the beta are uncomplete graphic wise. Alot of the buildings in the beta CANNOT be entered, there was not enough time to do all the interiors, definately next demo. Small graphics or gameplay bugs may be in it. That is the REASON FOR A BETA.



Download the Beta!

Link Fixed!!


Downloading this beta means you agree to not hack, tamper, or break the games encrypted file. Steal graphics to edit them or anything. I will release this system as a standalone in a few weeks.


I Agree, Download the Beta


Post your thoughts or comments on this thread when finished. Or need help or have questions.



Known Bugs


Muzzle Flash - Smoke from firing gun sometimes a small puff goes in wrong directionwhen firing. this is just a graphics bug and does not affect gameplay. the muzzle flash animation is not complete, and doesnt have up and down animations.


Reloading - The "Reloading" Text stays on screen if you teleport to a new map while the text is displayed.To fix this error, simply reload again


Slot Menu -Somtimes on the first safe map, and only that map, the Slot menu will cycle through only a and b, or c and d. You can still pick up weapons. To fix this just continue to the second map and it will be returned to normal



Help! Review the beta


Write a small review of your experiences to help develop the game further for your enjoyment.



Promo Code: Extra Op


Enter this code to open the small extra map, Sheriffs Office.

To unlock the stage through campaign input the following promotional code in the options menu. Code: "WANTED". In all capitol letters without qoutation marks.


Edited by Saikyo765

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