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Mangastreams temporally Disappearance

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Well, I meant to post this last week but forgot so this is the news now. Appearently when I went to Mangastream last week the forum tab had disappear. First I thought they were doing maintance or something so I thought it was nothing. However, on thursday they sent out a message on there twitter page or you can read on there main page.




Apparently, one of there staff had a rage quit (exaggerating) and decided to purge absolutely everything in the web server and backup server. Well before blocking him out, they lost 40,000 members and every post & thread gone.


So pretty much almost everything is gone and there working on the manga right now leaving the forum for later. Is there a moral out of this, I guess keep a more carefully eye on your staff, just in case they want to rage quit and DELETE EVERYTHING. Well as long as I get my Bleach & Naruto, I'm fine as I don't post there any ways. I would read at mangareader, but there translations suck. They're only good for looking at old chapters as Manga Stream only keeps the latest five.


Anyways what are your thoughts on this.

Edited by bigace

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