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Evolution script requested

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Goodday, I'm Souldustwolf and have been using RPGMXP for like 3 months now.


I'm searching for an evolution script, googling and searching on the forums didn't help me.

I want to use this evolution script to evolve actors (pets) . The way I do it now is a lot of work and very unstructured.


I create an actor like "babydino" which starts at lv 1 and learns Dinobeam at lv10.Then I created another actor called "GrownDino" (which has a totally diffrent sprite) which starts at lv10.


Then I create a common event called "evolution babydino" parralled with a switch "babydinoevolution"


-conditional branch : babydino is Dinobeam learned


-remove actor babydino

-add actor Growndino

-control switches babydinoevolution off

-control switches growndinoevolution on


Sometimes I create another commen event like this parrallel with the switch growndinoevolution to evolve GrownDino in a thrid form.



Like you read you end up with a lot of commen events. And i need to activate a switch when you manage to add babydino to your team. I already have 60 actors this way. So 60 Common events.



Does anyone know how to do this faster? Probably a simple script will help me alot. Such a script would allow me to simply define an evolution stage like actor_id01,lv10->actor_ id02,lv20->actorid-03.


Any help on this would be awesome I'm learning to script so I know a little.


Thx anyways,



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Well, make a single common event which tests each evolvable actor for the required conditions in turn.

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