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Hi there! I am Filtymcnasty, which is the name for a hooker on the McDonald's menu, and apparently the name of many Irish Pubs. I am a 25 year old graduate student, and a long-time fan and user of the RPG Maker series. I haven't completed a single project due to time constraits, loss of interest, and/or a crappy computer, but this time around, I plan on finishing at least one! The current project I am working on is based on a D&D Campaign some friends and I played last year; it was completely custom with an excellent storyline and great memories (used LEGOs as miniatures lol). As I am working on this, I may need will need help from the community, and I will help where I can. So.. pleased to meet y'all! :D

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Heya mate,

Haha, I have definitely been to an irish pub called that. DnD campaign with legos as avatars sounds super fun! I am sure you will find all the help you need here, welcome aboard.

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hey man welcome to the site :D if u need custom music im ur man x3 hmu on my shop page in the shop section o the fourms

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Hi and welcome! Hope you manage to finish this time, and I feel your pain. :P I've had the same project I'm back to working on now just sitting there for... gosh, at least a year, maybe even two or more.

Keep up the enthusiasm and get it done!... and hopefully I'll do the same. XD


DnD sounds fun. I never could find anyone in town who played it though, so I've just got the starter set gathering dust in the closet. lol

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Thanks for the welcomes, they are appreciated! smile.png

@Vinderex: You can always use D20Pro and get people to do a campaign online. It's a pretty nifty program that isn't too restrictive. Most of my players moved away, but we're still playing using that program, so give it a try sometime!

@Ackley14: I'll definitely keep that in mind, got a guy who can mix some pretty mean stuff, but fully custom? You'll definitely be on my list :D

@Jon Bon: I didn't know there was a pub called that til someone told me about it on WoW (I am WoW-sober, FYI), always just used it to name dirty hookers at McDonalds lol (I'd like a Filtymcnasty with a side of Herpes).

Edited by filtymcnasty

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