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XP Script - Flat Sprites Render as Flat!

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Anyone ever try to use this Graphic for an Event?




Your Character has a problem of "Walking Behind or Under" that Graphic. Like this:




That isnt what we want. I wont bother to explain the problem in technical terms, but I will offer a FIX.




THAT is what we want! Did you notice the Characters are now on TOP of the Graphic?


The problem is that the engine "Thinks" that the Graphic is a Character that is standing up and not laying on the ground. This script tells the Engine to just render it as "Flat" instead of as "Standing Up".



# Heretic Fix Flat Sprites
# People stand up straight off the ground, but
# Rugs lay flat on the ground.
# The intention of this script is to allow a quick fix for
# Sprites that are supposed to look like they should lay flat
# Namely, the "Support 7" Graphics.  They look like they should
# lay flat, and not stack in front of the characters EVER.
# The "Support 7" Graphic, make an event, give it a Graphic
# and find "Support 7", it is one up from the bottom of the list.
# To define an event to be FLAT, change the NAME of the EVENT
# and add \z_flat, so a Rug would be "Rug\z_flat"
# If you have trouble with your Event stacking correctly
# you can try using the optional parameter field to specify a Z-Index to add
# I.E. - "Sign\z_flat[32]", 32 per tile you want higher.
# This is useful if you have TWO EVENTS you want to stack, like a TREE
# I sometimes use EVENTS to hold GRAPHICS when I need to put more
# than Three Layers of Graphics
# Another option is "Name\z_add[32]" which REQUIRES a Number
# This is intended also for fixing things like Graphic Events.  To make it
# stack on top of Characters, give it a nice high number, but less than 999
# as 999 is the Z-Index for "Always On Top", thus allowing even more
# Graphic Events to stack on top of that.  500 is a good number to work with.
# This whole thing gives you MUCH MORE CONTROL over the way that events stack
# when they occupy the same space.  Normally, the engine just cycles through
# Events in order, so if you have 3 Graphic Events stacked on top of one another
# the Event with the LOWEST EVENT ID will be on Bottom of that Stack.
# Needless to say, if you are fighting with the Stacking Order and trying to
# figure out Event ID's, then change tons of other stuff, this script will
# save you time from heavy modifications.
# Shouldnt affect performance because it is only called when the map is loaded
# which would be the only place you might take a performance hit.
# If you use my revision of Zeriab's Caterpillar, place this BELOW that script
# and above MAIN

class Game_Event < Game_Character

 unless self.method_defined?('flat_sprite_initialize')
alias flat_sprite_initialize initialize

 def initialize(map_id, event, *args)
flat_sprite_initialize(map_id, event, *args)
 unless self.method_defined?('flat_sprite_screen_z')
alias flat_sprite_screen_z screen_z

 def screen_z (height = 0)
if not @z_flat.nil? and [email="!@always_on_top"]!@always_on_top[/email]
  return z = (@real_y - $game_map.display_y + 3) / 4 + @z_flat

if not @z_add.nil? and [email="!@always_on_top"]!@always_on_top[/email]
  return z = (@real_y - $game_map.display_y + 3) / 4 + 32 + @z_add
#Run Original screen_z


 def flat_sprite_check(event)
# Options
# "Name\z_flat"
# "Name\z_flat[32]" for characters manual adjustments, for whatever reason
# "Name\z_add[32]" for characters higher than 32 pixels high

event.name.gsub(/\\z_flat/) [email="{@z_flat"]{@z_flat[/email] = 0}
return if @z_flat
event.name.gsub(/\\z_flat\[([0-9]+)\]/i) [email="{@z_flat"]{@z_flat[/email] = $1.to_i }
return if @z_flat

# Handles Negative GSub cuz I suck with Regexp
event.name.gsub(/\\z_flat\[[-]([0-9]+)\]/i) [email="{@z_flat"]{@z_flat[/email] = -1 * $1.to_i }
return if @z_flat

event.name.gsub(/\\z_add\[([0-9]+)\]/i) [email="{@z_add"]{@z_add[/email] = $1.to_i }
return if @z_add

# Handles Negative GSub cuz I suck with Regexp
event.name.gsub(/\\z_add\[[-]([0-9]+)\]/i) [email="{@z_add"]{@z_add[/email] = -1 * $1.to_i }
return if @z_add




To do this, change the Name of the event to include \z_flat, so "Rug\z_flat" will force the engine to render characters on top of it correctly.


Will anyone find this to be useful?

Edited by Heretic86

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Well, I don't really use RPG Maker XP anymore..... BUT, I can say this is actually really nifty. I'm sure it could be VERY useful.



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That's awesome, I know exactly what you are talking about. I have had that same problem and never used that graphic because of it. This is definitely a huge help, very nice to be able to control this.

Great job, slick creation mate.



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Wasnt really looking for a way to fix this, I just came across it when messing with other stuff. Thought I'd share tho, very quick script...

Edited by Heretic86

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