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Several Updates at once!

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Ok, so, I am combining all three of the last update topics into one here. So, hope you all enjoy it...it'll take up less space this way...


We have moved! That's right, if you haven't noticed, yet, the site is officially moved! I hope you enjoy the new site, and watch for new updates soon! They're coming very soon...I think...


The Staff of RMXP Unlimited has new E-mail Address to better surve you and them. You can now contact the following staff by the following E-mail Address:


scmike@rmxpunlimited.com -- Administrator/Operator

noobsaibot@rmxpunlimited.com -- Site Management/Supply The Hosting & Domain Name

wyzrd@rmxpunlimited.com -- Moderator

leon@rmxpunlimited.com -- Moderator

ichabod@rmxpunlimited.com -- Local Moderator


Attention: If you are a staff member and no E-mail Account exsists for you this is because you are not active enough. Be active and I or SCmike will make you an E-mail Account.


To Members: At this time E-mail accounts are not open to members. This may change after some reasearch into my Hosting Plan.


---Noob Saibot, Site Management


Also, Avatar Galleries are finally up! That's right, we have added all the avatar galleries up once more (which was lost on the trip to trap17) with a few updates (mainly the EGS one, though...). So, if you want one from there, feel free to snag it right up. The gallery will be updating pretty soon...just need to stop by my normal avatar area, and see what they have new up there...it's mainly gonna be EGS though...sorry for anyone who doesn't like, or want, an EGS avatar.


Also, I have added 3 new BBCodes. Flash Shockwave File, Google Video, and Youtube Video. I hope you enjoy them, and have fun with them. ^^


EDIT: Also, as YET ANOTHER update. MiDas Productions is now making its "home" here. As such, I will be adding 3 new forums. Also, there is now a wiki for MiDas Productions on here as well. Just go right here to access it.


EDIT 2: Arcade works once more. I have deleted moonlander, as it only gave scores of 10,000. Players may now leave comments on their scores as well (I just had to switch on the "Can leave game comments" ability).

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Another update up. This deals with the JoH series and MiDas Productions. Also, one about the arcade.

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As a final update addition to this topic: I have added...I think it is 5 games to the arcade. 2 are non-scoring games, which brings about the addition of our new "Non-Scoring Games" category.

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