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Jon Bon

Multiplayer Online Emulation Guide V0.2

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Realizing that a lot of pretty solid gamers hadn't played what I consider some quite classic games, I thought it would be neat to share the ability to play them multi-player online. A lot of the original console strategy games really hold up to today's standards with their innovative yet classic nature. On the other end it's neat(I think) to be able to play classics like, Super Mario Bros. 3 online with a friend if you both have never played before.


I decided I would post this here, as this is really the only forum I frequent, but I would like to eventually have a small forum for people to get together and play classic games online together. There are some communities like this already, but a lot of them are just griefer bases. This would be something I would do long in the future.

Pre-Setup(~5 minutes)

If you do not already have an emulation section on your computer this will give you a run down of how to efficiently prepare for the applications you are about to get. When unzipping emulators (as few need actual installation). It is best to unzip the emulator into its intended permanent location, rather then unzipping and moving. This will cause far less errors in the future.

No matter what read through these steps.

  1. Make a folder called 'Emulation' (name it whatever you want).
  2. Inside your 'Emulation' folder create a folder to represent each system you will be emulating. (Snes, N64, Nes, Sega Genesis, etc.)
  3. Then create a folder called 'Games' inside each systems folder (this is where your games(roms) for each system will end up.)
  4. Put the 'Emulation' folder any where you desire (program files if you wish), but remember where you put it. Place it BEFORE you download any emulators. It does not have to be handy, as I will give advice on how to create shortcuts to those files easily, so that you can have game folders with just icons to click rather than confusing program files etc.
  5. Ensure both you and your intended second player have the EXACT same rom file, both TYPE and NAME.

After pre-setup it is best to not move or rename any folder inside your 'Emulation' folder. Renaming and moving rom files is ok.

Systems Setup


Each system setup assumes you have already dome the above Pre-Setup section, have your folders setup, and at least one rom downloaded into the correct 'Games' folder.

NES (Nintendo Entertainment System)



( 1 )Nestopia(~45 minutes)





1. Download Nestopia (Pic Below), if you are a Windows user you only need the top link(Nestopia Binary), not all three.





2. Create a folder called 'Nestopia' inside the 'NES' folder (see Pre-Setup, top of page).


3. Unzip Nestopia into the 'Nestopia' folder you just made.


4. Boot up Nestopia by clicking the program icon (may end in .exe), pic below.






5. Once Nestopia is open, click the Netplay option located at the top of the program window, and choose 'Connect...' Pic Below






6a. With the Netplay window up select the 'Add..' option(step 1 in pic below).

6b. Navigate to where you put your NES roms.(step 2 in pic below)

6c. Choose rom and select open(Steps 3 and 4 in pic below)

6d. Select 'Launch..' in the Netplay window(Step 5 in pic below)






7. The 'Anti3D Master VX.X' window should now be displayed (pic below). You may not see servers immediately, if this is the case, click the 'Refresh list' button(pic below). It may come back with zero searches found MANY times, as in dozens, upon dozens. Keep trying.







8. Once you do have servers visible choose a user name(pic below) choose a server with a low ping number (pic below) and hit the 'Connect' button.







9. You should now see a new window called 'Kaillera VX.X:"server name"(X Online users)'(pic below)

The nest step is in two parts, depending on whether you are hosting or joining.







10a.Creating a Game(hosting)

A.Select the 'Create Game' option, then the letter the game begins with, then the game.(pic below)







B. After your player 2 has joined, you can launch the game (pic below).





C. The game should now load


10b.Joining/Leaving a Game(connecting to a host)

A. To join a game select a room that is open and hit the 'Join' button (pic below).







B. Wait for host to start, communicate in chat box.


C. To leave a room select the 'Leave' button (pic below).









Saving states does not work during netplay. Make sure to save using in game methods.


You may have to grant access to the program, I have experienced no negative side effects.

I do not have to run this program in adminstration or compatibilty mode on windows.


When you use the program in the future you can check the 'Recent' tab, in the 'Anti3d Master' window, to immediately connect(if its still up) to a server you were on recently, even if your 'All Servers' tab is not displaying any servers. This allows you to skip Step 7 and the annoying refresh that goes with it.


You don't have to only play two player games online, you can show friends awesome parts in a single player game, or play together. Share a save file and you can take turns in a single player game. (quit the game, send player 2 the save file, they then host and you join).


(windows) Right click any rom file, choose 'open with' and navigate to the emulator file (Nestopia.exe) and select the 'always use this program' check box. Accept everything. Create a shortcut to your NES Games folder beside where ever your other games are found. You can now quickly and easily open your roms as instant playing games from your desktop without having the other files around. Perfect for letting children or inexperienced people use the emulator for single player play. Each icon in the folder is a game, simple as that.









It's tough say which games will work with this system. As I add other emulators for NES I will change the legend, but for now it is below. Please feel free to post and correct any mistakes, edit your posts to add new mistakes, instead of posting again if you find more.


Green = Works with Nestopia Netplay

Red = Does NOT work with Nestopia Netplay

(Wii) = Can buy on Wii Shoppng Channel for Virtual Console

(PSN) = Can buy on PSN

(XBL) = Can buy on Xbox Live for Arcade


10-Yard Fight


8 Eyes

Action 52

Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Alien Syndrome

All-Pro Basketball

American Gladiators



Archon: The Light and the Dark


Baby Boomer

Bad Dudes

Bad News Basketball

Bad Street Brawler

Balloon Fight (Wii)

Bandit Kings of Ancient China

Base Wars: Cyber Stadium Series

Baseball (Wii)

Baseball Simulator 1.000

Baseball Stars

Baseball Stars 2

Bases Loaded (Wii)

Bases Loaded 2

Bases Loaded 3

Bases Loaded 4


Battletoads: Double Dragon

Bee 52

Best of the Best: Championship Karate

Bible Buffet

Big Nose Freaks Out

Big Nose the Cave Man



Blades of Steel (Wii)

Bo Jackson Baseball

Bomberman 2

Boulder Dash

Break Thru

Break Time: The National Pool Tour

Bubble Bath Babes

Bubble Bobble (Wii)

Bubble Bobble 2

Burger Time


California Games (PSN)

Caltron 6 in 1

Captain America and The Avengers

Cavemen Games

Challenge Pebble Beach

Championship Bowling

Championship Pool


Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers

Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2

Chubbery Cherub

City Connection (Wii)

Classic Concentration

Clu Clu Land (Wii)




Contra Force

Cowboys Kid

Crash 'n the Boys: Street Challenge (Wii)

Crystal Mines


Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat


Death Race

Defender II

Desert Commander

Dig Dug 2 (Wii)

Donkey Kong (Wii)

Donkey Kong 3 (Wii)

Donkey Kong Classics

Donkey kong Jr. (Wii)

Donkey Kong Jr. Math (Wii)

Double Dare

Double Dragon (Wii)

Double Dragon II: The Revenge

Double Dragon III: The Sacraded Stones

Double Dribble (Wii)

Double Strike: Aerial Attack Force

Dr. Mario

Dragon Strike

Dragon's Lair (PSN)

Dudes with Attitude

Dust's Diamon's All-Star Football

Elevator Action (Wii)

Elimator Boat Duel

Evert & Lendl Top Players' Tennis


F-117A Stealth Fighter

F-15 Strike Eagle

Family Feud

Fisher-Price: I Can Remember

Fisher-Price: Perfect Fit

Freedom Force

Galactic Crusader

Galaga (Wii)

Galaxy 5000


Gauntlet II (PSN)


George Foreman's KO Boxing

Ghostbusters 2

Ghosts 'n Goblins (Wii)


Goal! 2

Gold Medal Challenge '92


Golf Grandslam

Gradius (Wii)

Greg Norman's Golf Power

Guerilla War


Harlem Globetrotters

Heavy Barrel

High Speed

Hollywood Squares



Ice Climber (Wii)

Ice Hockey (Wii)

Ikari III: The Rescue

Ikari Warrior

Ikari Warriors 2: Victory Road

Image Fight

Incredible Crash Dummies

Ivan 'Iron Man' Stewart's Super Off-Road

Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 holes of Championship Golf



Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition

Jeopardy! Jr.

Jimmy Connors Tennis

Joe & Mac

John Elway's Quarterback

Jordan vs Bird: One on One


Jurassic Park

Karate Champ

Kid Niki

Kings of the Beach

Kiwi Kraze

Klash Ball

Krazy Kreatures

Kung Fu

Kung Fu Heroes

Lee Travino's Fighting Golf

Legend of Kage (Wii)

Legendary Wings

Legends of the Diamond

Life Force (Wii)

Little League Baseball: Championship Series

Little Ninja Brothers

Lode Runner (Wii)

Lunar Pool (Wii)

Magic Darts

Magic Johnson's Fast Break


Major League Baseball

Marble Madness

Mario Bros (Wii)

Master Chu & Drunkard Hu

Maxi 15

MC Kids

Mendel Palace

Mermaids of Atlantis

Michael Andretti's World Grand Prix

Micro Machines

Mig-29 Soviet Fighter


Mission Cobra


Monster in my Pocket

Monster truck Rally

Ms. Pac-Man (XBL)




NES Open Tournament Golf (Wii)

Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu

NES Play Action Football (Wii)

NFL Football

Nightmare on Elm Street

Ninja Crusaders

Nintendo World Cup Soccer

Nobunaga's Ambition

North & South


Pac Man (Wii)




Paperboy 2

Pinball (Wii) (XBL)


Pipe Dream



Pro Wrestling

Q*Bert (PSN)


Quattro Arcade

Quattro Sports

Race America

Racket Attack

Rad Racket: Deluxe Tennis II

Rally Bike


Rampart (PSN)

RBI Baseball

RBI Baseball 2

RBI Baseball 3

RC Pro Am Racing 2

Remote Control

Renegade (Wii)

Ring King

River City Ransom (Wii)

RoboCop 2

Rock 'n Ball

Roger Clemens MVP Baseball


Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Romance of the Three Kingdoms II

Roundball: 2-on-2 Challenge

Rush 'N Attack

SCAT (Wii)


Shadow of the Ninja (Wii)

Shock Wave

Shooting Range

Short Order / Eggsplode

Side Pocket


Silver Surfer

Sky Kid (Wii)

Sky Shark


Smash TV

Snake, Rattle'n Roll

Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular

Snow Bros.

Soccer (Wii)


Spy Vs Spy


Stealth ATF


Stunt Kids

Super C (Wii)

Super Dodge Ball (Wii)

Super Jeopardy!

Super Spike V'Ball

Super Sprint

Super Team Games

Solar War 2001

Spy vs. Spy

Super C

Super Dodge Ball

Super Mario Bros. (Wii)

Super Mario Bros. 2 (Wii)

Super Mario Bros. 3 (Wii)

Super Mario World

Super Off-Road

Super Sprint

T&C Surf Designs

Tag Team Wrestling

Tagin' Dragon

Tecmo Baseball

Tecmo Bowl (Wii)

Tecmo NBA Basketball

Tecmo Super Bowl

Tecmo World Wrestling

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game (XBL)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters

Tengen Tetris

Tennis (Wii)

Terra Cresta

Tetris 2

The Three Stooges

Thunder & Lightening



Tiles of Fate



Top Gun: The Second Mission

Touchdown Fever

Track & Field

Track & Field 2



Trolls on Treasure Island

Twin Bee

Twin Eagle

Ultimate Basketball

Ultimate League Soccer

Urban Champion (Wii)

Vegas Dream

Venice Beach Volleyball


Volleyball (Wii)

Wario's Woods (Wii)

Wayne Gretzky Hocket

WCW World Championship Wrestling

Werewolf: The Last Warrior

Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune Family Edition

Wheel of Fortune Jr.

Wheel of Fortune Starring Vanna White

Wild Gunman

Win, Lose or Draw

Winter Games


World Champ

World Class Track Meet

World Games

Wrath of the Black Manta

Wrecking Crew (Wii)

WWF King of the Ring

WWF Steel Cage Challenge

WWF WrestleMania

WWF WrestleMania Challenge



Xevious (Wii) (XBL)


Yoshi's Cookie (Wii)






SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System)



( 1 )Zsnes(V1.36)(~25 minutes)





1. Download Zsnes V1.36.


2. Create a folder called 'Zsnes' inside your 'SNES' section of your emulation folder (see presetup, top of page).


3. Unzip Zsnes into the 'Zsnes' folder you just made.


4. Download Hamachi by clicking the download now button (see picture below).







5. Run the install file, and follow the prompts on the screen, keep clicking next. Make sure to leave the check box 'on' for 'open hamachi' when done installing.


6a. If you do not plan to host, you can skip step 6. With Hamachi open, create a new network by selecting 'Network' at the top of the Hamachi window then select 'Create a new network' from the drop down menu. See picture below.







6b. Pick a Network ID (name) and password. Name your network whatever you want. Pick a password you won't forget but at the same time something new that you do not already use, and feel ok about telling other people so they can connect to you. Click 'Create' when done. See picture below.







7a. If you only plan to host a network and never join you can skip step 7. To join a network again by selecting 'Network' at the top of the Hamachi window then select 'Join an existing network' from the drop down menu. See picture below.







7b. Input the Network ID (name) and password of the network you wish to join (not your own network name and password). If you would like to join a test server try ID: GDU1 Password: freeplay

See picture below.







7c. After connecting to a network you should be able to find the hosts IP address by hovering your moue cursor over the network name in the Hamachi window. Once you and someone else are in a Hamachi network together, you are done with Hamachi. Picture Below.







8. Run Zsnes by click the application icon (it should be inside your emulation section). Picture below.






NOTE: You will see this prompt the first time you run the application, see below.



It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the application after or before using this tutorial.





9a. With Zsnes running and the user interface(UI=esc) visible go to the 'Netplay' option at the top and select 'Internet'. See picture below.







9b. With Zsnes' Internet window open decide which of the two of you are going to host inside Zsnes (it does NOT have to be the same person who hosted hamachi. Once the host is decided that person then enters their nick name and selects 'start as server' (leave the port number the same). See picture below.







9c. After one person has hosted the Zsnes server the other person can pick their nickname, then enter the hosts Hamachi IP address(shown in step 7c,) and then select 'Connect to Server'. See picture below.







9d. You should now both be in the same Zsnes chat window, which has a series of options, for now continue onto the next step. Picture pending.


10a. In order to start play one player must go to the 'Game' option at the top of the screen and select 'Load'. See picture below.







10b. For the game to load correctly both people need to have the exact same file, with the exact same name and have their directory open (roms visible through Zsnes window, see picture below). Once in the correct directory, select the game you wish to play and then select load. See picture below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It may take long to initially load a game, like up to 60 seconds, maybe even 2 minutes, be patient before giving up, as once loaded many games work almost flawlessly.








You should now both be able to play the game together, have fun!









3 Ninja's Kick Back

Aero Fighters


Aerobiz Supersonic

Air Cavalry

Al Unsers Road to the top

American Gladiators

Art of fighting


Baku-Kyu Rennpatsu Super B-Daman

Bakuto Dochers

Ballz 3D

Barbie Vacation Adventure

Barkley Shut Up and Jam!

Bastard!! - Ankoku no Hakai-shin

Batman Forever

Battle Cars

Battle Cross

Battle Grand Prix

Battle Jockey

Battletoads - Battlemaniacs

Battletoads & Double Dragon - The Ultimate Team

Beavis and Butthead

Biker Mice From Mars

Bill Laimbeers Combat Basketball

Bill Walsh College Football

Boxing Legends of the Ring

Brawl Brothers

Brett Hull Hockey

Brett Hull Hockey '95

Brunswick World Tournament of Champions

Brutal- Paws of Fury

BS Kaizou Tyoujin Shubibinman Zero

Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind

Bust a Move

Cacoma Knight

California Games 2

Cal Ripkin Jr. Baseball

Cannondale Cup

Capcom MVP football

Capcom Soccer Shootout

Captain America and the Avengers

Captain Commando

Carrier Aces

Championship Pool

Championship Soccer '94

Champions World Class Soccer


Chavez 2

Clay Fighter

Clayfighter 2: Judgment clay

Clayfighter Tournament Edition


College Football '97

College Slam Basketball

Congos Caper

Contra 3


Cosmo Gang: The Puzzle

Cosmo Gang: The Video

Cosmo Police Galivan 2: Arrow of Justice

Crystal Beans: From Dungeon Explorer

Cutthroat Island

Darius Twin

David Crane's Amazing Tennis

Dig and Spike Volleyball

Dino City

Dirt Trax FX

Donkey Kong Country

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kongs Quest

Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kongs Quest

Doomsday Warrior

Double Dragon 5

Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension

Dragon Ball Z: Super Butoden

Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story

Dragons Lair


Elite Soccer

Emmit Smith Football

ESPN National Hocky Night

ESPN SpeedWorld

ESPN Sunday Night NFL

Exertainment Mountain Bike Rally

Extra Innings

F1 Pole Position

F1 Race of Champions

F1 Race of Champions 2

Faceball 2000

Family Fued

Fatal Fury

Fatal Fury 2

Fatal Fury Special




FIFA International Soccer

Fighters History

Final Fantasy IV

Final Fight 2

Final Fight 3

Fire Striker

Firepower 2000

Football Fury

Foreman For Real

Frank Thomas' Big Hurt Baseball


Front Mission

Front Mission - Gun Hazard

Full throttle Racing

Gekitotsu Dangan Jidousya Kessen Battle Mobile


Genghis Khan 2: Clan of the Gray Wolf

George Foreman Knockout Boxing

Ghoul Patrol

Godzilla - Kaijuu Daikessen

Goof Troop

Gokujō Parodius!

GP 1

GP 1 part 2

Gradius 3

Gunforce: Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island

Hanna Barbera's Turbo Toons

Hals Hole in one Golf

Hammerlock Wrestling

Hardball 3

Harley's Humungous Adventure

Head on Soccer

Hebereke no Popuun

Hit the Ice

Honoo no Doukyuuji: Dodge Danpei


Hyper V ball

International Superstar Soccer Deluxe

Jack Nicklaus Golf



Jeopardy Deluxe Edition

Jeopardy Sports Edition

Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius

Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour

Joe & Mac

Joe & Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics

JRR Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings Volume 1

Jurrassic Park 2: The Chaos Continues

Justice League Task Force

Jutei Senki


Kawasaki Superbike Challenge

Ken Griffy Jr Baseball

Ken Griffy Jr Winning Run Baseball

Killer Instinct

King of Dragons

King of the Monsters

King of the Monsters 2

Kingyo Chuiho: Tobidase Game Gakuen

Kirby's Avalanche

Kirby's Dream Course

Kirby no Kira Kizzu

Kirby Super Star

Knights of the Round

Kyle Petty's No Fear Racing

Lamborghini: American Challenge


Legend of the Mystical Ninja


Lemmings 2

Lethal Enforcers

Liberty or Death

Looney Tunes B-Ball

Lost Vikings

Lost Vikings 2

Madden NFL 94

Madden NFL 95

Madden NFL 96

Madden NFL 97

Madden NFL 98

Megaman 7 [secret Code To Make It Two Players: 1415/5585/7823/6251, L + R + Start]

Metal Warriors


Micromachines: Turbo Tournament

Mickey & Minnie: The Great Circus Mystery

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Fighting Edition

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie

Mortal Kombat 2

Mortal Kombat 3

Ms. Pac Man

Mystical Ninja

Mutant Chronicles: Doom Troopers

Natsume Champion Wrestling

NBA Give' n Go


NBA Jam: Tournament Edition

NBA Live 95

NBA Live 96

NBA Live 97

NBA Live 98

NHL 94

NHL 95

NHL 96

NHL 97

NHL 98

On the Ball

Parodius Da! -Shinwa kara Owarai he

Peace Keapers


Pirates of the Dark Water

Pocky & Rocky

Popeye: Ijiwaru Majo Sea Hag no Maki

Pop'n Twinbee

Pop'n Twinbee: Rainbow Bell Adventure

Power Instinct

Primal Rage

Raiden Trad


Revolution X

Rise of the Robots

Rival Turf

Rock 'n Roll Racing

Run Saber

Rushing Beat Ran - Fukusei Toshi

Rushing Beat Shura

Sailor Moon

Samurai Shodown

Saturday Night Slam Masters

Secrets of Evermore (Hack)

Secret of Mana

Seiken Densetsu 3

Shaq Fu

Shin Kidoesenki Gundam Wing - Endless Duel

Shin Nekketsu Kouha - Kunio Tachi no Banka

Side Pocket

Smash Tennis

Soldiers of Fortune

Star Fox 2

Star Trek Starfleet Academy

Street Fighter Alpha 2

Street Fighter II

Street Fighter II Turbo

Street Racer

Stunt Race FX

Sugoi Hebereke

Sunset Riders

Super Bomberman

Super Bomberman 2

Super Bomberman 3

Super Bomberman 4

Super Bomberman 5

Super Bomberman Panic Bomber W

Super Famicom Wars

Super Fire Pro Wrestling X

Super Mario All-Stars

Super Mario Kart

Super Mario World

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island [X,X,Y,B,A At Map.]

Super Ninja Boy

Super Offroad

Super Probotector: Alien Rebels

Super Smash TV

Super Street Fighter 2

Super Tetris 3

Suzuka 8 Hours


T2: The Arcade Game


Tecmo Super Bowl III: The Final Edition

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 5 - Tournament Fighters

Tetris 2

Tetris Attack

Tetris & Dr. Mario

Tetris Battlegaiden

Tiny Toons Adventure: Wacky Sports Challenge

The Chessmaster

The Great Battle 4

The Great Waldo Search

Top Gear 2

Top Gear 3000

Tuff E Nuff

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3


Vegas Stakes

Wario Woods

Wedding Peach

Wild Guns

World Heroes

Wrecking Crew '98


WWF Royal Rumble

WWF Super WrestleMania

WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game

Yu Yu Hakusho

Yu Yu Hakusho - Tokubetuhen

Yu Yu Hakusho 2

Zombies ate my Neighbor






NES Section

BlackCecil05 -

(up to 4:10)

MPQC - NES Multiplayer List

Wikipedia.org - Information base


SNES Section

Sova - Front Riow Crew Forum Post

MPQC - SNES Multilpayer List



-Multiplayer Snes Games List formating

-Tips and Tricks to emulation section

-Setting up a PS3 Controller for Emulation on PC

-Nintendo 64 Section


DISCLAIMER: I do not condone piracy or theft of any kind. Using emulation and roms to play video games is perfectly legal provided you own a real world copy(or previously bought digital copy) of the game. The rom acts as a digital back up from which you are allowed to own and use. I will not help anyone find roms, please do not contact me or post here about rom locations. Do a search on your own they are easy to find. Only post here about anything directly related to this guide(except rom locations).

I do not accept any responsibility for negative effects caused by the use of information in this guide, which there of course should be none.

Edited by Jon Bon

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