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[xp] Is there a way to make an Event have Two Sprites at the same time?


Stuck on this, trying to figure out how to make an Event have two sprites, one opacity 255, the other opacity =0 so I can use my fade_event script to "dissolve" between the two?


Im looking at class Spriteset_Map initialize...


	# Make character sprites
@character_sprites = []
for i in $game_map.events.keys.sort
  sprite = Sprite_Character.new(@viewport1, $game_map.events[i])


... and thinking it is possible, by making some new properties for it. Am I headed in the right direction?


Edit: Yep, that was the right direction.


Ok, got it working, testing for bugs, expect a new release very shortly as soon as I can get a Coffin Graphic for Characters...

Edited by Heretic86

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I have no idea how to script. But you could have an another event, that always changes its location to the first event. So make a common event that changes a variablex, and variabley, to event1s sprite x and y tiles

and then have event 2 change location based on variablexy.


You would have 2 events always in the same spot..

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I got it working. One event now gets two sprites. I had to do that for the last feature I wanted to put in my Caterpillar as it opened a whole hell of a lot of possibilities. So its up, working and in the caterpillar demo (in rgss1 scripts) if you want to see what I mean. Sure, I could have swapped out graphics without doing a Fade, but I didnt want that transition to "snap", wanted it to be Gradual, so it had to allow whoever uses the script to "dissolve" between the two graphics.

Edited by Heretic86

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Yes sir! I had a little help, and had to scrap the example code, but it gave me a solid base of understanding to work with.

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Hey good job, might I ask what you are using this for specifically, like, a transformation scene?

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I wanted to put together a feature in that Caterpillar Script so that if a Character is Dead, that their Sprite can change into another graphic by dissolving back and forth between it. When I get some time, I think I am going to expand it to include Inflicted States. So like if your Character is Poisoned, they would have Green Bubbles floating up over their heads. RIght now, the screen flashes if there is any sort of "Slip Damage" states for any Characters, but what if the Player isnt moving? I think, at least from a Graphical Perspective, that attaching a second spritesheet that indicates an Inflicted State visually is just as informative as going to the Menu to discover they are inflicted with some sort of Nasty State they need to take care of.

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