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Looking for alternates to Monster-13 (dragon)

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My game is going to have a LOT of dragon characters in it, and so I'd like to have a little bit more variety in their appearances, such as different body types and different features: Skinny ones, fat ones, smaller chests, possibly distinguishable males and females, varying head crests and wing shapes, etc. Would anyone happen to have, or be willing to make any kind of edits at all to Monster13? Just about anything that sets it off from its normal appearance would be helpful. I'm not really asking for anything in particular, just so long as it has something that sets it off from the original while still fitting in with the style. Variety is all I'm after.

Thanks. smile.png

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I want to give this a try, as I need a large dragon for my main project, and need the practice drawing. I have just been ultra busy filling out other requests. I am getting close to wrapping the other stuff up, so I just wanted to bump this to help remind me, and to ask you if you still needed more dragon variations.


Also, I know you want variations, but did you also want color/pattern changes of the current one, because that I could do easy, where as a unique dragon look will be a bit more difficult. Let me know.

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i was messing around with the Idea making a female Dragon, but yeah, i need to work on it a bit more :S


if you want more dragons kinds/types/stuffs i have quite a few,

ill post just in case tongue.png




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Hey nice, I was messing around trying to make a female too. Only did 1 frame of the two sides so far. I'll post it here when finished, here is what she looks like so far.

That other stuff is awesome nice post, are they yours or others, for credit?



I had the same idea you did, just kept going with it. Feel free to use these and continue with it if you want FatYogi, just let me know if you do so I don't do work you are already doing.



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Awesome. smile.png Both of those females look great. And I like those anthros too, Yogi. My main character will actually be half dragon, and I've been debating with myself a bit about whether his dragon form should look like a full dragon, or if he should only be able to shift halfway. With a little bit of tweaking I think those will do quite nicely. thanks. smile.png

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My main character will actually be half dragon, and I've been debating with myself a bit about whether his dragon form should look like a full dragon, or if he should only be able to shift halfway.


Very cool. Maybe you could have different shifts, like in Breath of Fire (Series from Snes on where the main character was part dragon). That way you could have a graphic that is his normal sprite but with wings and scales, so like half dragoin/half human, and have another shift where he is full dragon and similar colors to his hair color. Just a thought, I love the idea of a dragon hero, and it would be cool if he had multiple shifts. Love the idea, and I look forward to see it.

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That other stuff is awesome nice post, are they yours or others, for credit?



To be honest i dunno, these are from searchs and forum browsing from over the years, If i ever find out ill give proper credit.


and im trying to make the female dragon more female....no one ever said dragon boobs were easy. :P

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im trying to make the female dragon more female....no one ever said dragon boobs were easy. tongue.png


They don't necessarily need breasts to be more feminine, since its a dragon/beast, there is no guarantee they actually have teats in order to feed their young etc. Since dragons are normally magical based, I would go so far as to say the females don't have breasts at all, and neither 'gender' would even have reproductive organs, they would likely procreate through the use of magic. Having that in mind, one could really just make any variation and just say that is the 'female' version, since even in nature the size, color difference, sound etc. is not standard when comparing the opposite sex.

This is kinda what I was thinking when I started mine, and hadn't really planned on adding 'breasts' per se, just really having a smaller/more narrow chest. But that's the beauty of the creative license.

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Ehehe i know i know but points for seeing they really dont need brests to be female, Slender hourglass shapes, and feminine features.

90% of the people ive been showing instantly say "it needs boobs" to be female.

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Ehehe i know i know but points for seeing they really dont need brests to be female, Slender hourglass shapes, and feminine features.

90% of the people ive been showing instantly say "it needs boobs" to be female.


That's the exact problem with creative inspiration sometimes, people will expect what they know, rather than think what's different/unique or even appropriate/accurate. Ever seen the Alien series? The female aliens in that have no breasts at all, and it's still very clear which the female is, it's the one birthing eggs. What about dwarves, in some mythos they are 'gender neutral'. Then there are examples of non 'traditional female roles' in non-fiction, like spiders and praying mantis who the females are the dominant of the species by eating their mate after copulation, or Penguins who the males tend the eggs, or even sea horses where the males actually 'birth' the new life. Since dragons are mythical, but also potentially 'from earth' I like to think they wouldn't necessarily be the 'same ol' creature' like other stuff, but be more unique, like the stuff mentioned above. I don't see why the 'green' and 'large' dragons can't be female, and the 'purple' and 'small' dragons can't be male, know what I mean?


To be perfectly honest if someone told me a dragon needed "boobs" to be a female I would likely politely explain to them that breasts are the mammary gland of mammals. Dragons almost always give birth to eggs and are very unlikely to be mammals, and there for are also likely not to have 'boobs'. But like I said creative license, to each his own, but I think it's weird.

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Dragons are reptiles hence like you said, they have no breast. You ever see a chicken, snake, turtle, or fish breast feeding? No, once they lay there eggs it's up to the babies to survive, which is different then mammals where we actually care for our young.

Edited by bigace

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Dragons are reptiles hence like you said, they have no breast. You ever see a chicken, snake, turtle, or fish breast feeding? No, once they lay there eggs it's up to the babies to survive, which is different then mammals where we actually care for our young.


I mostly agree. They are likely reptile if non magical based, I left that unsaid on purpose, as a Platypus is the mammal that lays eggs, no reason a dragon couldn't be a mammal too. Also since they are magical based in most mythology and can also choose any shape they want, because of this I refuse to say in stone dragons are reptiles, as I believe that is likely their most preferred chosen form that is acceptable to show humans and for procreation. In any event the point was to show it could go either way, as I said, that's the beauty of creative license, you can make dragons mammals if you want, it's up to the inventor of the mythos to choose whatever they want.

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Ehehe i know i know but points for seeing they really dont need brests to be female, Slender hourglass shapes, and feminine features.

90% of the people ive been showing instantly say "it needs boobs" to be female.


Lol. I feel you there. :) A little bit of boobs are reasonable, but I hate it so much when people create a "female version" of something just by strapping two watermelons to their chest.

But as for dragons, I tend to stick more with reptilian anatomy, so no mammaries. I've heard plenty of conflicting theoretical differences between male and female. Heck, one of my favorite artists depicts females and being the bigger and often meaner of the two, but I prefer the opposite. And a convention I usually stick with is that males have spaded tails.

But yeah, A little bit of breast isn't a bad thing as long as it's not exaggerated. :P

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