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What might cause a game to not recongize additions to the weapon database?
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So, been having an issue for a while and I know my scripter has no idea really WHY. But I noticed that when I add a new weapon to the database, and than start up a saved game; if I have any events or anything that reference to it, it will not recognize it.
Testing through the game (about 3 hours in) and I realize: f'ck... I need to have two characters upgrade their weapons. I have no such weapon made yet, so I add two new weapons to the database.
I make an event that adds them. They are added. But their names are not there, nor their stats. It just has the quantity listed.
I also try to make them buyable. They appear, but the same way; no name, or stats. Just the price.
I start up a new game, and there they are. But once I save and add something to the database, it does not exist upon starting up a new game.
Now, naturally, this is a HUGE hindrance to any game maker because they dont want to continuously start a game over because they want to make a change to the database; or worst yet, a stat change. I realize that the stats on the weapons currently provided are much lower than they should be. Too bad! Because that also wont update.
Is there SOMETHING I can do? Some kind of script call? Something that would 're-initialize' the starting scripts or data so that any changes to the database can reoccur at points like this? Because I have NO idea where it is in the scripts... but it most certainly is something with the scripting. Because start any brand new project and this is not an issue. And I know that when you start up a new game, there are a bunch of variables and information that initializes. So naturally, I assume there must be some kind of command that could make that happen again? *sigh* this is frustrating.
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