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Project Size Query


As some of you know, I'm coming very near to finishing my current main project.


However, it's been kind of a beast. I've got quite a few maps, I've got a lot of imported graphics, and I've got mostly original music. This is a game that, knowing how to solve everything myself and where all the best items are, it takes me a couple hours to speed 100% the game.


But my question is... do you guys think there's a certain file size I should try to keep my project under? Should I just be saying, it's a big game, get a big download, or are there things that ought to be heading to the chopping block in order to make it smaller? What's the average size of a completed project, to you?


P.S. Is it better to offer up the whole project folder in a .zip, or to publish it where it's just the program that needs only the RTE?

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My opinion, and that's all it is, would be to definitely zip/compress it somehow as that will make it easier to send and receive. Off the top of my head for game size, I know that picture format type makes as difference, and I believe rmxp takes two types at least, and to be honest I don't know if it would matter if you used one or the other. On the same note, all your audio may or may not be in the smallest sized format, those would be two things to consider if possible to reduce size.


Should I just be saying, it's a big game, get a big download


Obviously you would be diplomatic about it, as to not alienate future clients/consumers, but at the same time, yeah definitely, 'screw them' to a certain degree. Definitely consider your file size when making your game, much like writing code, make it efficient. But at the same time, most serious gamers will wait 1 whole day to play their game, as most console and pc games may take time to install, download patches, wait for que times if online, etc, etc. Waiting to play your game until tomorrow should really be realistic now adays, everyone wants instant gratification, but I mean if you are a gamer you can't tell me you don't have something else to play while you wait type thing. People who want their game/product 'now, now, now' are fan boys, and aren't your true fan base anyhow, they're just your coin purse. And fan boys are easy to get.


I think as long as the download link is decent, and the time is reasonable for the size, the megabytes or gigabytes it uses shouldn't matter. I don't mean to insult anyone here, or anywhere/one for that matter, but what kind of PC gamer are you/they if you don't have at least 1 external teraquad drive for all your 'crap' which should allow sufficient room on your internal drive to game it up. Know what I mean? At the very least I would think a reasonable person wouldn't be turned away by the file size, that's like not trying eating something because it looks or smells funny, only children do that.

Hope my opinion helps, but I tend to view things how they should be, not how they are.

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If it's 10g but takes 10seconds, I don't see the issue, know what I mean? I think the trick will be to hosting it correctly if large. The guy from grave prosperity has sorta the same issue his game is 500mb, I wanna say it took like 2hours total to download and install but i cant be sure. That was more than tolerable. Honestly, if it's under 10g I think you're fine.


EDIT: Unpacked and raw, my main project is 135mb. That's the incomplete engine for my project, with no storyline, eventing or anything. Just scripts, pictures, and database stuff. No music yet even.

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I would try to keep it under 500mb if you can. I have no clue what jon bon is talking about 10g. if he means 10gb thats way way to huge. No RMXP game should be more than 1gb.


If you want more people to play your game i would include the RTP or link them to the rtp they need.

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lol 10g's. That better be one hell of a game if it's 10 Gigabytes and probably not made with RMXP but some Indie Game system..

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I don't see why file size is even such an issue or why it would equal quality, it's just the file size, it's like a book cover. When I install some commercial games they are over 10g and made 'properly'. but I don't see why I would hold an indy gamer to a better standard than a professional one. Chrono trigger for PS3 is 282mb, just checked. Sure double or triple that, 500mg-1gig, is acceptable, but why not further. I would like to assume people are trying to include more than a game from up to and past 20 years ago had, as most of the rmxp games are inspires from the 2nd and 3rd generation console games. Disgaea 3 is something like 96mb a save file, which it is definitely a multiple save file kind of game, let alone the massive game size itself, and it uses a pure sprite system.


File size SHOULD be irrelevant within reasonable parameters. If the download time is worth the fun you had playing it who cares how 'big' it is, that's just a relative term.

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The reason filesize is an issue is because some people dont want to take the time to download a huge file or dont have the bandwidth(me) or stable enough internet(me). I would have to download a project 300mb like 40 times before it actually gets downloades. My internet cuts out every 1-10min because of low bandwidth so its very very hard to download big files.

So filesize dont = quality.

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The reason filesize is an issue is because some people dont want to take the time to download a huge file or dont have the bandwidth(me) or stable enough internet(me). I would have to download a project 300mb like 40 times before it actually gets downloades. My internet cuts out every 1-10min because of low bandwidth so its very very hard to download big files.

So filesize dont = quality.


I agree, file size doesn't=quality. I'll be brutally honest, I don't see why an indy developer who makes a game for free in his/her free time should have to take extra consideration for someone who doesn't have a reliable internet setup. It may not be your fault, but it's not their fault either. My game is definitely going to pass the 500mb, and likely the 1gig marker as well. It's also going to have 100's of hours of content, my engine choice, and other peoples poor internet setup shouldn't dictate my file size outcome. If it has to be 1gig it has to be, no reason to split your game up or anything crazy, this is of course my opinion.

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I put more thought into this. If you end up with a large game there is no reason why you can't look into using torrents, or other data packet systems, or even a downloader program with pausing ability. This would solve any issues anyone has with file size as they would be able to pause and continue their download as needed. I would think this is a more realistic method for distribution of larger games, rather then putting an overall cap on game creation size.

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I think you're correct that it's better and more realistic and pretty durned convenient. I admire your perspective.


BUT. I don't think folks would be as willing to do it if it's not CLICK DIS BUTTON FOR YER GAME. At least, most people. However, I have to say, with the amount of interest in my product, it should probably be however you want it, Jon, since you're the only person who seems fantastically interested.


On that note, I should probably promote more... hoom. Or at least post more to raise interest.


EDIT: Oh, and one more thing. My question about how to publish things: Do you guys think I should use RMXP's built-in publishing stuff, or just send the project folder with a copy of the RTP installer?

Edited by NightmareFelix

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(just popping in here x3) personally even tho ive never released a game b4 on rmxp (or any engine for that matter) i would say encrypt the project folders exept for the "game.exe" file. that way nobody can steal your game content aswell as modify the game and redistribute it. (pol told me the encrypting thing lol) then send it off to your DL host provider and set it up that way you have more controllability over how its distributed.

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The whole encrypting thing is a tough call. I am fairly certain any rmxp veteran can easily crack the encryption and access the stuff inside. I also believe there are programs that read the .data files and extract the info that way, which I believe also circumvents the encryption. My personal opinion is, if the game is free, encrypt it with rmxp methods, and maybe say you will release the contents for free unencrypted after X amount of downloads. Some people have tons of hours of work in their games though and don't want any ol person using their stuff, which is understandable, so it is really a tough call on encrypting or not. I personally plan to release all my free products as open source, but some scripts and other resources prevent this in their user agreements so it's good to be careful. When I release a pay product, I will likely look into outside encryption methods, but I have't done sufficient research into this aspect yet.


By using a downloader or a torrent file your game can still be as easy as "CLICK DIS BUTTON FOR YER GAME", and will even give it a more commercial and/or polished feel to it. I rarely buy the disc for a game anymore, I mostly do digital downloads, so a $60 game that is a few gigs big always takes an hour or so to download, then 20mins+ to install, then I have to patch and update, etc. So I mean a game I am getting for free that has no disc, I don't see why a long download time is unreasonable.


As far as game promotion goes, I have a plethora of ideas and tips for that, if you want send me a pm and I can ask you questions about your free time etc, and give you some good ideas on how to promote your product. Your game will likely be worth a reasonable wait, and I have no problem writing you up a glowing review when the time comes, and helping you with popularity on social networking sites etc. Patience=reasonable, and that should always be your target audience, once the true fans come, everyone else will bite the bullet just to be a part of it.

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