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Can we stop bashing?

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So, I've noticed a trend recently in gaming discusions. This trend seems to follow this pattern

  1. Separate games
  2. praise the old
  3. Bash the new

Why do we keep doing this is my question? Is there some otherworldly force that compels us to degrade games and the people who play those games? I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on this.

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I think it's just reflects humanity's "superiority complex" pandemic. "Stop liking what I don't like", "You like something I don't like, therefore I'm better than you"


I, personally think, that "bashing" a game itself is okay. If the "basher" has valid reasons then cool, it's all subjective anyways and can make for good discussion. If the "basher" has no valid reasons, and is bashing for the sake of bashing (bandwagons, fanboyism, etc) than they just make themselves look like an idiot, and should be ignored.


I often bash newer games over older games (if I don't like them anyways, there are some new gen games I like) because my preference/taste in video games is often more catered to by older games. IMO, most new gen games lack the creativity, challenge or "fun" that most older games have. That's not to say new games can't be good.


A game is like anything subjective, if you don't like it and want to tell people your opinion, you should be able to. Especially if you spent money on it, and feel like you were ripped off (Companies love dressing up their products to be the next best thing, and often fail to deliver. IMO, this is false advertising and the only reason they get away with it, is because it's subjective)


Degrading people because they enjoy what one perceives as "trash," is not fair. Degrading something because you think it's trash, is fair. For example, I hate Final Fantasy 7. I think it was a boring game with a bland story line, poor gameplay (I know, all final fantasies play the same, but 6 had many more rich and cohesive features than 7) and had VERY poorly written characters/dialogue. IMO, the game was garbage. Do I think people who DO enjoy final fantasy 7 are a bunch of idiots? no. If they enjoyed it, they enjoyed it. I can't tell someone they are an idiot, because they like something. I also can't tell someone that they don't actually like something.


But of course, it's only human nature to translate subjective opinions into "OH MAN, YOU LIKE THAT? YOU'RE A LOSER!"


But I mean, this doesn't just apply to video games. This applies to everything from sports to movies to lifestyles. There's still people around who bash others because they enjoy recreational drugs, or go to church or are sexually attracted to the same gender.


It's okay to disagree about something (i.e., you may not like a religion or drugs or the same gender, but to bash people that do enjoy that is unfair.)


People should just learn "if you don't like it, don't do it, disagree with it; but don't degrade others who do like it" I believe, that everyone should be allowed to do anything they wish with their life, as long as they do not harm/negatively affect those around them.


i.e: I hate WoW, but I don't mind that other's play WoW; but if their enjoyment of WoW starts harming others (Like, yknow, forgetting to feed your children), then I think negatively of that person. Not because they like WoW, but because they abandoned their children over a video game.


Sorry, to go off on a tangent, I just feel this topic exceeds just the scope of video games, and is a very good question about the human race.


Degrading the game itself is either because of:

1. You personally disliked the game

2. You are jumping on a bandwagon, just to look internet-cool


Degrading the people who enjoy the game, is just wrong.


EDIT: Of course, In reverse, I think it's fair to argue against someone's negative opinion, but to bash them because THEY dislike something is wrong.

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Foxkit, you are describing fan boys. They jump from one product to another, whatever is new and hot, until they find their 'WoW' or 'CoD'. Then anything else similar that comes out is never better then their little slice of life. These people do not represent the heart of the community of gaming, they are simply the bread and butter, the people who pay the bills.

What you are describing is the action of immature, likely young, people, who have yet to grow up and experience the world for themselves. Those same people likely never try new foods, or anything different in life for that matter.

It's a phase most grow out of, and because the gaming world is mostly filled with 12 year olds, since they have the most free time, then you run into this attitude more often then not, because they aren't mature yet.


It's your job as a properly informed and mature individual to attempt to persuade everyone else to a broader outlook on life, as is the burden of intelligence.

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@Jon bon: if only it was limited to them, I wouldn't be making a post like this :( I would write it off as fanboy-ism and leave it alone. A good example is the upcoming X-Com games by Firaxes & 2K games and their competitor Xenonauts by GoldHalk ent. Xeno is supposed to be the spiritual inheritor of the game, meaning it tries to stay as close to the original mechanics as possible, while Firaxis is doing a 're imagining of the game' and changing mechanics they don't believe fit the game or that they can do better. If I could just find that Rock, Paper, Shotgun article... I'll find it later. My point though is that in the comments section, it broke down into a rabble of how Firaxis is ruining it. It became mud slinging after that, but , I'll stop running my mouth.

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I want to like new games but I really just can't anymore. Everything is going into the dumpster. Where are my traditional turn-based jRPGs? Where are my platform games? What about survival horror? Games nowadays are mostly shooters, car games, sports games, and crappy motion control casual "games." Games are also getting shorter, buggier, and costlier. Many games these days are finished a year after launch, and virtually cost $100+ with all the cash grab day 1 DLC. Of course there are some exceptions but this is my experience with gaming this generation.


The market nowadays is saturated it's ridiculous. Variety is getting fewer. And companies are completely abandoning their fans all for extra money. Of course I am upset.

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Knuckles, I completely agree with everything you just said. This is why I think it's time or independent developers and alternate methods to be used to make games. People whos hearts are in it, whats new and hot tomorrow is defined by today's nerds, not yesterday's fans. Check this amazing site, I wanted/want to do a write up here for it but haven't had the time yet.


It's called kickstarter, and is getting a really amazing series(game, table top rpg, book) back going by its original creator, known as Shadowrun. Anyway I think that's the future, moving away from unnecessary large scale commercialism, and making most games through independent and smaller scale operations. Game making technology and the ability to gain the knowledge needed is so freely available no a days, that I think it's inevitable. Anyhow check the link, he comically apologizes for letting his game become a first person shooter for Xbox, my kind of developer and the creator of a great series, one of my top 10 favorite fictional worlds/universe.



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Yeah, the indies are the only hope gaming has anymore as they seem to be today's best of gaming and the most creative. Look at thatgamecompany and their PS3 games. Not really the games I would play, but much respect goes to them for making unique, bizarre games. Then we have Bastion which I heard nothing but good about it.


Thanks for the link. Some interesting stuff there. My reason of going PC next gen is because of the huge support it is getting from indie developers. On console the only publishers I have major respect for are Atlus and NIS. To a smaller extect, Bethesda is pretty good. Skyrim is one of my favorite games. Every other publisher is going the way of EA and Activision.

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Yeah, the indies are the only hope gaming has anymore as they seem to be today's best of gaming and the most creative. Look at thatgamecompany and their PS3 games. Not really the games I would play, but much respect goes to them for making unique, bizarre games. Then we have Bastion which I heard nothing but good about it.


I again completely agree, I love the work thatgamecompany has done, they are one of my top inspirations.


Thanks for the link. Some interesting stuff there. My reason of going PC next gen is because of the huge support it is getting from indie developers. On console the only publishers I have major respect for are Atlus and NIS. To a smaller extect, Bethesda is pretty good. Skyrim is one of my favorite games. Every other publisher is going the way of EA and Activision.


As a hobbyist gamer(game player) I couldn't imagine not owning a gaming capable PC, and at least 2 stationary consoles and 2 portable consoles. It would be like being a skateboarder and having only one board, or an athlete that plays one sport, an entertainer with one craft etc. But as a consumer I couldn't see not being a PC gamer at all. I come from the console era, where console was better then PC, then PC started beating console, and now it's not even comparable when talking about versatility of a PC versus a console. I do however have high hopes for the next gen of console being more PC like in it's design and user function as far as internet, media use etc. I prefer console gaming, but would be hard pressed to not pick PC if I could only pick one game platform. A PC capable of new gaming is capable of so much more then a new age console, PC is a tool a console is not. Like I said though I'm lucky to have chosen this as 'my thing' so I work to get as much of it as I can, but that's not realistic for everyone.


I long for a day when all games can easily be released on all mediums and no one will have to choose on anything other then then their preference in game platform rather then company.

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Thats a good point Jon, Kickstarters do one thing: release game making companies from the publishers. If you look at pretty much all money grabbers (EA, Activision, and Ubisoft) its not the game companies that are grabbing for the money, Its the publishers, though in the case of Sims 3 I'm not so sure pirate.gif






Watch these for a good idea of just what game designers have to go through before they can actually get their game released. So people who do say that there is no more pride in game design need to direct their fire(their paycheck) elsewhere. There are other game companies that make incredibly good games (Valve, Double Fine, Creative Assembly, Blizzard, and many more.) I'll leave you guys to come up with your own opinions based on the videos.

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Thats a good point Jon, Kickstarters do one thing: release game making companies from the publishers. If you look at pretty


Exactly. I have known about this for a while now, never seen the videos on penny arcade, but I knew what they were telling me. More people need to know and I'm glad they are spreading the word too. That's why I have spent the past years working on my game development skills. The wave is coming, time to ride it or get hit by it.

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