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Who here thinks that it would be a good idea to add on to the built in RGSS classes such as bitmap. Well, I'm starting doing it. So far I have added in several RGSS2 bitmap functions missing from RGSS.


Functions completed:



draw_gradient(rectangle, color1, color2, gradient_type[, subtype])

rectangle - rectangle in which to draw gradient

color1, color2 - starting and ending colors


0 - horizontal, 1 - vertical, 2 - diagonal, 3 - radial

subtype - for diagonal:

0 - top-left to bottom-right, 1 - top-right to bottom-left

- this method is very laggy, especially with anything other than horizontal or vertical


draw_circle(rectangle, color[, border, border_size, border_color])

rectange - rectangle in which to draw circle

color - color of the circle

border - whether to draw a border (default false)

border_size - how large the border is (default 0)

border_color - color of the border (default black)

- this method doesn't lag as much as the gradient, but it still lags



- this method only lags a bit compared to the other functions



- this method lags a little more than blur


draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, color[, width])

x1, y1, x2, y2 - starting and ending coordinates of line

color - color in which to draw the line

width - thickness of the line

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what you figured out how to get blur and sharpen to work. happy.png Cool.

I've actually found a better way to draw a line in Window_base without having to write in bitmap.

class Window_Base
def draw_horz_line(y)
 line_y = y + 24 / 2 - 1
 self.contents.fill_rect(x, y width, height, line_color)
def draw_vert_line(x,y)
 line_y = y + 24 / 2 - 1
 line_x = x + 24 / 2 - 1
 self.contents.fill_rect(x, y width, height, line_color)
def line_color
 color = normal_color
 color.alpha = 192
 return color


And it's alot shorter then what bitmap does, unless you got it in a shorter version?

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*shakes head in despair

Mine can draw lines of any slope. And there's a simple formula for blur. You just set each pixel to the average of surrounding pixels.

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Sounds cool, when are you going to release it?


Is it all programmed in ruby?

I do have concerns about the blur/sharpen or any other algorithm that would require pixel-by-pixel manipulation.


I'm actually very interested in some profiling stats: how long does it take to blur a full 640x480 bitmap?


While it's a good idea, I do believe it to be useless in games if it causes lag. That was the reason I dropped my version of the blur algorithm -> It worked, but lagged too hard. Unfortunately, Ruby was not designed for manipulating graphics.


However, if your blur algorithm can blur 640x480 bitmap in less than a frame's worth of time, that would be pretty awesome.


And, you'd be my hero if you are actually cracking open the RGSS dll and adding the functions that way.

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Sorry, I'm trying to convert my code over to Win32API, but its not working very well. Right now it's just in ruby.

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oh, don't be sorry, I was just curious. My blur implementation was PAINFULLY slow, even on small bitmaps; yours sounds a little more usable and I was curious on the specific statistics.


If you get something usable going, I'm sure the community would find it very useful.

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I'll try some tests to see how they can be used ingame. I'm already working on making constantly changing gradient health bars on the map. I'll let you know when I get something cool working.

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Did you ever find the gradient_fill_rect(x, y, width, height, color1, color2[, vertical]) method as I need that for a script and it would be nice if anyone has seen or written already to save the trouble.

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That's one of them there's actually two unless you set it to an *argument. gradient_fill_rect(x, y, width, height, color1, color2[, vertical]) gradient_fill_rect(rect, color1, color2[, vertical]) You have the latter posted, and I need the first one.

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can't you just make a rectangle using the parameters?


Rect.new(x, y, width, height)

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Just a quick update on the progress of this project. I am almost ready to release version 1.0 of RGSS Addon. I have successfully ported most of the code to a dll to speed it up and have created corresponding ruby functions.

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