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AnimBat! Animated Battlers - Comprehensive

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Animated Battlers - Comprehensive
Version 1.0

Title Art by LunarBerry

This script adapts front-view battle systems (like the default battle system, or the RTAB system), and turns it into a side-view battle system. Battlers can bob and weave while waiting to attack, charge forward to attack, and strike a victory pose when they win.


Aluxes, Gloria and Ghost battlers courtesy of Green Raven. Artist for Felix battler is unknown.

Broken up into 7 pages.
Configuration - Basic Settings
Configuration - Pose Control
Configuration - Movement and Frames
Engine - Game Classes
Engine - Sprite Systems
Engine - Battle Engine


By battlesystem title (except the default system)
*Battlers by Green Raven and various artists

AnimBat! (the default battlesystem)
* Battlesystem by Yoji Ojima & Enterbrain
AnimBat! Holder Edition (the default battlesystem)
* Battlesystem by Yoji Ojima & Enterbrain - But with Holder's 13-pose battlers
The Action Cost CBS
* Battlesystem by Fomar0153
The Active Timer Battle System
* Battlesystem by Trickster
Agility Based Battle System
* Battlesystem by Syvkal (an XRXS edit)
Conditional Turns/Timer System
* Battlesystem by Trickster
Individual Turns Battle System
* Battlesystem by Trickster
MakirouAru's ATB
* Battlesystem by Makirou Aku
ParaDog's CTB v2.58
* Battlesystem by ParaDog
RTAB with Extras
* Battlesystem by Cogwheel
The Soul Rage System
* Battlesystem by Blizzard
Speed Based Battle System
* Battlesystem by Trickster
TRTAB - Trickster's RTAB
* Battlesystem by Trickster
XRXS's #65 System
* Battlesystem by XRXS (Cherry Tree Elegance Resident in Earth)

Original Demo(with the old 10-pose system)
The earliest version by Minkoff (w/ RTAB) that I know

With the Battle Animations 'Flip' system
Another system that literally 'flips' the battle animations horizontally and/or vertically.

Please refer to the following manual (in .chm help format) now available for download.
>Help File Manual<
If you are having problems reading the help file (the AnimBat.chm), follow these steps...

1. Right-Click the AnimBat.chm
2. Select Properties
3. Click the Unblock button at the bottom of the Properties dialog (above the OK and Cancel buttons)
4. You should now be able to read the CHM file.

Pre-Rendered Configs
The demo and the scripts above show how to generate a system that uses multiple types of spritesheets and RTP battlers. Below are two configuration files you may wish to use in it's place.
Minkoff Configuration ... the typical Minkoff system without any extra.
Cybersam Configuration ... a configuration system for Cybersam's 7-pose system.
Charset Configuration ... a configuration system to use Charactersets for battlers.
Holder Configuration ... a 13-pose system designed by Holder.
RM2K3 Styled Configuration ... based on RPGMaker 2003's style, but after formed into a single 1-row sheet.
RMMV Styled Configuration ... based on RPGMaker MV's style, but after formed into a single 1-row sheet.

The Formation System
Removed from Animated Battlers is the formation system. A new one (roughly similar in nature to Claihm's system) is available below if you want to make custom battle formations.


# ** AnimBat Add-On:
#    Animated Battler Formations
#    by DerVVulfman
#    version 1.0
#    11-22-2018 (MM-DD-YYYY)
#    RGSS / RPGMaker XP
#  It has been a  long time coming  in that I  wanted to  replace the  built-in 
#  formation system I hardwired into  "Minkoff's Animated Battlers - Enhanced",
#  and finally that time has arrived.  While the base system now has the origi-
#  ginal single formation,  it is by  this system  the end user  can design the
#  battle formations  for the actor battlers.   They will start out  and remain
#  lined up in the order the end user sets up.
#  The system recognizes the  'Mirror Effect'  system  in Animated Battlers XP,
#  and will adjust and reverse the battler positions accordingly.  You need not
#  worry about  creating duplicate  formation entries  for both left  and right
#  sided formations.
#  This system allows you to create multiple formations.   This is accomplished
#  by the way you use the 'ABATXP_FORMATION' array.  The syntax is as follows:
#  ABATXP_FORMATION = { id => [ formation set ], id => [formation set],... }
#  So...  with that,  you can make  multiple sets  of formations  which you can
#  switch to while the game is running..
#  Now...  each formation set holds the x and y position for each actor battler
#  in combat.  Not by their 'Actor ID' mind you,  merely by party member order.
#  So the first member in your party,regardless of their position in your actor
#  database, will be first battler position defined in the formation set.  The
#  layout for each formation set is as follows:
#             [ [Battler 1's X & Y], [Battler 2's X & Y],... ]
#  Most people would set a formation set with allowances for 4 battlers. But if
#  you wanted to use a large party script  to increase the number of members in
#  your battle party, you can add more than 4 battler arrays like so:
#  ...ON = { 0 => [ [350,200], [395,235], [440,270], [485,305], [530,340] ],
#            1 => [ [530,200], [485,235], [440,275], [395,305], [350,340] ]  }
#  There's only one script call you should be familiar with right now, and that
#  is the script call that changes the formation you want to use in battle.  By
#  default, the system uses the formation set by ID #0.  But you can change the
#  formation being used with the following call:
#  The call is simple:  $game_system.abatxp_form_id = number
#  Where the number is the ID number of your formation.  That's it.
#  NOTE:
#  While designed and intended for use with Animated Battlers VX,  it can be
#  used with only the Actor Battler Graphics script to change the basic for-
#  mation of  the heroes.   With this,  you can make  a very simple sideview
#  system... just not animated.
#  Free to use, even in commercial projects.  Just note that I need some form
#  of due credit... even a mere mention in some end titles.

module Formation
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  POSITION = {} # Do Not Touch
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #          ID      Battler 1      Battler 2      Battler 3      Battler 4
  # ===========      ============   ============   ============   ============ 
    POSITION[0] = [ [450, 200, 0], [495, 235, 0], [540, 270, 0], [585, 305, 0] ]
    POSITION[1] = [ [485, 200, 0], [440, 235, 0], [395, 270, 0], [350, 305, 0] ]
    POSITION[2] = [ [350, 200, 0], [350, 275, 0], [495, 200, 2], [495, 275 ,2] ]

# ** Game_System
#  This class handles system-related data. Also manages vehicles and BGM, etc.
# The instance of this class is referenced by $game_system.

class Game_System
  # * Alias Listings
  alias formations_game_system_initialize initialize
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :abatxp_form_id           # Formation ID
  attr_accessor :abatxp_mirror            # Mirror Effect (used by AnimBatVX)
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    @abatxp_form_id = 0                # Initial formation

# ** Game_Actor
#  This class handles actors. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and referenced by the Game_Party class ($game_party).

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  # * Alias Listings
  alias formations_game_actor_screen_x screen_x
  alias formations_game_actor_screen_y screen_y
  # * Actor X Coordinate
  def screen_x
    # Set a default retieve value
    pos_x       = nil
    # Obtain which position is in use
    position_id = $game_system.abatxp_form_id
    # Assign retrieve value if the formation is properly configured
    if Formation::POSITION.has_key?(position_id)
      pos_x = Formation::POSITION[position_id][self.index][0]
    # Exit with the original call if the retrieve value is still nil
    return formations_game_actor_screen_x if pos_x.nil?
    # Exit with the new retrieve value with accommodations for sideview
    return ($game_system.sideview_mirror == true) ? (640-pos_x) : pos_x
  # * Actor Y Coordinate
  def screen_y
    # Set a default retieve value
    pos_y       = nil
    # Obtain which position is in use
    position_id = $game_system.abatxp_form_id
    # Assign retrieve value if the formation is properly configured
    if Formation::POSITION.has_key?(position_id)
      pos_y = Formation::POSITION[position_id][self.index][1]
    # Exit with the original call if the retrieve value is still nil
    return formations_game_actor_screen_y if pos_y.nil?
    # Exit with the new retrieve value
    return pos_y

# ** Game_Party
#  This class handles the party. It includes information on amount of gold 
#  and items. Refer to "$game_party" for the instance of this class.

class Game_Party
  # * Random Selection of Target Actor
  #     hp0 : limited to actors with 0 HP
  def random_target_actor(hp0 = false)
    # Initialize roulette
    roulette = []
    # Loop
    for actor in @actors
      # If it fits the conditions
      if (not hp0 and actor.exist?) or (hp0 and actor.hp0?)
        # Get actor class [position]
        position = formations_function_actor_target_position(actor)
        # Front guard: n = 4; Mid guard: n = 3; Rear guard: n = 2
        n = 4 - position
        # Add actor to roulette n times
        n.times do
    # Exit nil if roulette size is 0
    return nil if roulette.size == 0
    # Spin the roulette, choose an actor
    return roulette[rand(roulette.size)]
  # * Random Selection of Target Actor
  #     actor : Actor
  def formations_function_actor_target_position(actor)
    # Get actor position in party
    idx         = @actors.index(actor)
    # Obtain which position is in use
    position_id = $game_system.abatxp_form_id
    # Obtain original position based on class
    position    = $data_classes[actor.class_id].position
    # Reset position if the formation is properly configured
    if Formation::POSITION.has_key?(position_id)
      position  = Formation::POSITION[position_id][idx][2]
    # Return with position
    return position


The Window Depth Adjuster
The battlers in this system tend to draw themselves over the battlesystem's command windows. This patch can fix this for you.


# ** AnimBat Add-On:
#    Window Depth Adjuster
#    by DerVVulfman
#    version 1.0
#    11-22-2018 (MM-DD-YYYY)
#    RGSS / RPGMaker XP
#  This is a simple script addition  that lets the game developer (you) set the
#  depth perspective of the battlesystem's windows. Under normal circumstances,
#  the Item, Skill, and other windows appear behind the Animated Battlers. This
#  add-on patch lets you adjust the depth of the windows as you see fit.
#  It's pretty simple.  If you're creating your own battlesystem with this as
#  a basis, you can use these simple calls on your own.  ^_^
#  To Boomy of House Slashers for pointing out the Skill Window overlap.
#  Free to use, even in commercial projects.  Just note that I need some form
#  of due credit for both Boomy and myself... even a mere mention in some end
#  titles.

module AnimDepth
  #   ****         C O N F I G U R A T I O N   S E C T I O N         ****   #
  # * Set the window depth here.  Higher numbers are closer to the player

  PARTY    = 1000  # Depth of the Party Window (Fight/Escape)
  COMMAND  = 1000  # Depth of the Actor Command Window
  HELP     = 1000  # Depth of the Help Window
  SKILL    = 1000  # Depth of the Skill Window
  ITEM     = 1000  # Depth of the Item Window

  #   ****             C O N F I G U R A T I O N   E N D             ****   #
# ** Scene_Battle
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Alias Listings
  alias animbat_depth_start_phase2 start_phase2
  alias animbat_depth_start_phase3 start_phase3
  alias animbat_depth_start_skill_select start_skill_select
  alias animbat_depth_start_item_select start_item_select
  # * Start Party Command Phase
  def start_phase2
    # Set Party and Help Window Depths
    @party_command_window.z = AnimDepth::PARTY
    @help_window.z          = AnimDepth::HELP
    # Perform the original call
  # * Frame Update (main phase)
  def start_phase3
    # Set Actor Command Window Depth
    @actor_command_window.z = AnimDepth::COMMAND
    # Perform the original call
  # * Start Skill Selection
  def start_skill_select
    # Perform the original call
    # Set Skill Window Depth
    @skill_window.z = AnimDepth::SKILL
  # * Start Item Selection
  def start_item_select
    # Perform the original call
    # Set Item Window Depth
    @item_window.z = AnimDepth::ITEM


Awards and Badges
A few awards of note for Animated Battlers
[spoiler=Honorary Awards for Spritesheet Artists]


[spoiler=Honorary Awards for Animated Battler Scripters]


This side-view battler script was designed to work with both, the default battle system AND the RTAB system. It was also instrumental in making Charlie Fleed's CTB. And it apparently works with a whole host of others ranging from ParaDog's and the XRXS systems and those by Trickster. But I cannot account for it working with any other systems.

Credits and Thanks
[spoiler=Lots o' credits]

    • Minkoff for the original 2005 base system.
    • ccoa who designed the spritestrips system as opposed to the spritesheet concept
    • Twin Matrix who requested a Low Percentages option and coded the basis for status effect poses
    • Min-Chan and Caldaron who requested fixes to Hero and enemy z-Depth
    • Jirby Taylor -or- Taylor who discovered an F12 stack error with the collapse code
    • SephirrothSpawn who instructed me on code to eliminate F12 Stack errors
    • Mimi-Chan who detected a timing fault with battle animations, especially full screen battle animations, and saw a variable frames-per-pose bug
    • Trickster for compatability code for his Gradient Bars v 3.4
    • Fomar0153 who supplied code to halt AT bar growth for certain battle actions
    • daigotsu who noticed an 'None/All' targeting error
    • MasterMine5823 who requested a fix on saved data issues
    • Alistor who notice an issue with viewports and certain gradient bar code
    • Angel_FX who noticed that dead hero battlers were still visible in new battles
    • Yin who requested the use of ccoa spritesheets
    • Jaberwocky who supplied dodge pose mechanices
    • Alistor who requested a variation of the center-pose system whereby attackers were still vertically lined up with their targets
    • hanetzer who requested that both individual poses and red-out collapse deaths to be available at the same time[/list[


      by DerVVulfman
      (M. B. Randolph)

      Based on the original system by

      Spritestrip Concepts by
      ccoa / S. Harlow

      Additional Pptions and Programming by
      Twin Matrix * SephirothSpawn * Trickster * Fomar0153 * Jaberwocky

      Expansion Concepts by
      Twin Matrix * Min-Chan * Caldaron * MasterMine5823 * Yin * Alistor * hanetzer

      Additional Betatesting and Reports by
      Jirby Taylor / Taylor * Mimi-Chan * daigotsu * Alistor * Angel_FX


    • Terms and Conditions
      Required for distribution:
      This system is available royalty free. I make no claim as to the usage of this system, even for commercial use. Edits to the system may be permitted as to suit your needs, but I cannot guarantee these edits effectiveness nor can I guarantee support for these same edits.

      When using the system, the name of the animation system must be prominent along with my name and name of the scripter who created the basis of this work (that's Minkoff... if you didn't know :D ). If your project includes a end-of-game 'Credit Roll', I would also require the listing of all parties in the Credits and Thanks section (above) as contributers and betatesters of this system. Given their assistance, I wouldn't ask no less.

      Author's Notes
      Um... nope... none that I can think of. And I thought there wasn't much left to add to this years ago...
Edited by DerVVulfman

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Actually no.


You can define a number of various formations for your game if you wish and change them by a script call for what formation you're wishing to use. However, you cannot set an X,Y,Z to a specific actor in-game.


Z-Depth is pretty much a copy of the Y position, so setting a Z-depth iwouldn;t have been necessary. The lower the Y position, the larger the Z Depth value and thus the closer to the player visually.

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Sorry for the late responce. As you may guess (as an admin elsewhere) ... I keep occupied. There's that and Christmas present wrapping doesn't help matters much.


You ask for the complete script. Please look in the first post. The complete script is available in the various links, from the intro and config scripts to the battle, Misc and RTAB patch scripts.


Paste each part below Scene_Debug and above Main in your script editor, with the exception of the RTAB patch (part 6)... unless you're running the RTAB battlesystem. Configure as needed.


If you want to see it in action though, please note that there are 12 actual demos in the demo spoiler.

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Sorry for the late responce. As you may guess (as an admin elsewhere) ... I keep occupied. There's that and Christmas present wrapping doesn't help matters much.

You can get emailed about the replies on this forum is hit the "follow topic" button at the top. Or you could just link to your forum for support.

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Does anyone know if you can disable character sprite animation for actor 2, Basil?

I can't seem to get the 11 pose animation sprites to work for this character and I'm not seeing how the code fixes actor 2 for the character spritesheet.

Easy fix is to just not use actor 2 slot it's just bugging me that I can't find what's making it stay with those sprites only.

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I'd love help checking the problem. However, as we all can see, most (if not all) of the link listed on the first post are dead. I'd be grateful if anyone could reupload the script again (organize it on a new thread, even) so we can have some materials to discuss.

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Whoa, you're right, Marked. Went to the asylum and I'm not only found the copy but the fact that DerVVulfman is still alive there.


Here's the thread:

Minkoff's Animated Battlers - Enhanced


It contains most (if not all) of the stuff from the original post in this thread, but with an active link. I'll check them later after going home.

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Yeah, I've been around too long.

Perhaps you belong to a museum XD. JK


Does anyone know if you can disable character sprite animation for actor 2, Basil?

I can't seem to get the 11 pose animation sprites to work for this character and I'm not seeing how the code fixes actor 2 for the character spritesheet.

Easy fix is to just not use actor 2 slot it's just bugging me that I can't find what's making it stay with those sprites only.

Have you tried to emptying these brackets?

MNK_POSES_ACTOR = {2 => 4}

MNK_APOSE1   =   {2 => 2} 
MNK_APOSE2   =   {2 => 2}   
MNK_APOSE3   =   {2 => 2}
MNK_APOSE4   =   {2 => 2}
MNK_APOSE5   =   {2 => 2}
MNK_APOSE6   =   {2 => 3} 
MNK_APOSE7   =   {2 => 2} 
MNK_APOSE8   =   {2 => 2} 
MNK_APOSE9   =   {2 => 2} 
MNK_APOSE10  =   {2 => 2}
MNK_APOSE11  =   {2 => 2}

The hashes inside the brackets are the configuration to make Basil use charset graphic as a battler, thus I suspect that it contribute to the problem.

Edited by black mage

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This topic will SEVERLY be changed and altered as a totally new version will replace this.  New features will be:

1) Configuration page now broken into three.  All post handling (a main focus) will be on its own separate page and easier to understand.

2) Compatibility with Blizzard's Soul Rage v 6.1+

3) NEW Step Casting option (battler steps forward 'before' starting the chanting pose)

4) NEW Victim Delay feature (useful in ATBs so victims stop for an attacker)

5) Totally rewritten help file



Changes in the POSE section:

This just covers an individual actor... this being for the 1st and 2nd pose.

MNK_APOSE1 = {2 => 2}
MNK_APOSE2 = {2 => 2}



The [0] denotes all battlers (no ID)

POSE_01[0]   = 1
POSE_02[0]   = 1

THIS denotes Actor battler #2 ([2]), while a negative key (like [-9]) would be for an enemy like the Zombie.

POSE_01[2]   = 2
POSE_02[2]   = 2
. . . 

But you can still use braces to hold multiple hash values like so (here covering both actor #2 and enemy #9):

POSE_01   = {2 => 2, -9 => 5 }
POSE_02   = {2 => 2, -9 => 4 }

The help file will be a lot more helpful.  I've had a few test reads already.  The last one read like an instruction manual for a 1970's ham radio.



Edited by DerVVulfman

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This is more than a conventional bump.

This is a rebranding!

"Minkoff's Animated Battlers - Enhanced" has gone through a system rewrite and has now been rebranded as AnimBat!  Version 1.0

Reorganized and with many scripts within rewritten, it should come as no surprise that this system now uses  "THREE" configuration scripts.  Broken into three, the end user can now focus on what he/she wishes to tweak.

The system has a more in-depth and accurate method to detect the battlesystems in use.  This should cut down on possible errors.

There were a number of bugs in the system that were not reported, be it a z-Depth issue involving attacker/victim overlapping or enemies not properly vanishing if they were meant to escape.

Some patches were put into place that actively benefited other battlesystems, such as attack cancellations with Fomar0153's Action Cost system.

For those who still use the RTAB system by cogwheel, there is no longer any need to employ a separate script to bypass his native camera pan/zoom feature.  It is natively disabled by AnimBat!  And likewise, there is no longer a separate RTAB patch as Minkoff's Animated Battlers previously required.

Meanwhile, new features have been added.

There's been many requests to allow battlers to step forward from their group to begin chanting spells.  An enhancement to a feature where a hero or enemy must spend some time to get a skill ready for action, you have always had an option to make the character go through some form of active pose.  Now, you can have the character step forward before he or she even begins to chant a spell.

For some time, the battlers could move to the center of the screen to perform a special attack.  This, a feature that the game developer would need to code.  But Alistor of HBGames and Save-Point.Org requested that the attacker could stay verically lined up with their target when moving to the center of the battlefield.  So yep, it's been added.

Easy enouth to add was a battler death feature by hanetzer.  In essence, he wanted it so one could assign the traditional 'collapse' death to certain battlers while others would still use the Minkoff/Cybersam styled dead-pose animations.

And a long-awaited feature for those who use scripts that allow multiple weapon attacks.  Battlers who use two or more weapons do not return to their formation until they have finished their attack.  If a hero has two weapons, he doesn't run up to a ghost and slash with the first and return to his group, only to run back on the field for the second weapon swipe.   This feature is compatible with Guillaume777's Multi Slot Equipment Script, Fomar0153's Two Weapons, and DerVVulfman's MultiSlots!

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