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need some help bluemagic script


hi guys im new here.


this problem its making mi head blow up , i dotn know at all the language of scripting, so please can you help me with this? i just downloaded this bluemagic (mog) script and it worked very good, the party members learned the spells and all, but just 1 problem and it fucked all


when monster cast spells to themselves (Heals, buffs, etc) the game crashes and this error show up




and here is the script




# MOG_Blue Magic V1.3


# By Moghunter

# http://www.atelier-rgss.com


# Permite que os personagens aprendam as magias dos inimigos.

# Para definir quais magias serão aprendidas devemos criar um

# atributo com o nome de "Blue Skill" e atribuir à habilidade

# desejada, e após isso criar uma classe com o nome de "Blue Mage"

# e atribuí-lo aos personagens que poderão aprender as magias.


module MOG

#Nome da classe que poderá aprender as magias.

CLASS_LEARN = "Blue Mage"

#Nome do atributo do banco do dados.(Skills que poderão ser


ELE_LEARN = "Blue Skill"

#Texto apresentado quando se aprende a Magia.

TEXT_LEARN = "Learned"

#Definição do som quando se aprende a Magia.

SE_LEARN = "086-Action01"



# Scene_Battle


class Scene_Battle


# Update Status


alias mog55_update_phase4_step6 update_phase4_step6

def update_phase4_step6

if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and @active_battler.current_action.kind == 1

for tr in @target_battlers

if not tr.dead?








# learn_skill


def learn_skill(tr, skill_id)

unless tr.skill_learn?(skill_id)

if @skill.element_set.include?($data_system.elements.index(MOG::ELE_LEARN)) and

tr.class_name == MOG::CLASS_LEARN


tr.damage = MOG::TEXT_LEARN

tr.damage_pop = true

Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + MOG::SE_LEARN, 100, 100) rescue nil


return true


return false



$mog_rgss_Blue_Magic = true


what i can do to fix it :( ?

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Looks like the author didn't account for the fact that enemies can use skills on themselves (as you know)


Tell me if this works for you:

# MOG_Blue Magic V1.3            
# By Moghunter            
# http://www.atelier-rgss.com
# Permite que os personagens aprendam as magias dos inimigos.
# Para definir quais magias serão aprendidas devemos criar um
# atributo com o nome de "Blue Skill" e atribuir à habilidade
# desejada, e após isso criar uma classe com o nome de "Blue Mage"
# e atribuí-lo aos personagens que poderão aprender as magias.
module MOG
 #Nome da classe que poderá aprender as magias.  
 CLASS_LEARN = "Blue Mage"  
 #Nome do atributo do banco do dados.(Skills que poderão ser
 ELE_LEARN = "Blue Skill"
 #Texto apresentado quando se aprende a Magia.
 TEXT_LEARN = "Learned"
 #Definição do som quando se aprende a Magia.
 SE_LEARN = "056-Right02"
# Scene_Battle
class Scene_Battle
# Update Status
 alias mog55_update_phase4_step6 update_phase4_step6 
 def update_phase4_step6
   if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and @active_battler.current_action.kind == 1
     for tr in @target_battlers  
       next if tr.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
       if not tr.dead?
# learn_skill
 def learn_skill(tr, skill_id)
   unless tr.skill_learn?(skill_id)
     if @skill.element_set.include?($data_system.elements.index(MOG::ELE_LEARN)) and
       tr.class_name == MOG::CLASS_LEARN
       tr.damage = MOG::TEXT_LEARN
       tr.damage_pop = true
       Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + MOG::SE_LEARN, 100, 100) rescue nil    
   return true
 return false
$mog_rgss_Blue_Magic = true


* Note: It probably looks nearly identical to the existing code, which is because all I added was one line, to skip attempts for allowing an enemy to learn a skill

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Also he should probably use a code wrap around any source code as its easier to look at and copy.

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Hmmm, to be honest I hadn't tested the script. So I just tested it, and it *seems* to work for me.


Did you replace your script with mine or just add mine in there (so you have both scripts)?

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