I already know that if you use resources you didint make in makeing a game that you should give proper credit to those people....but, like, what if your makeing a remake of a resident evil game. Do you have to show all the people involved in the production of the original game in the credits or can you just credit capcom and it be just as good? Ive worked on and off on a resident evil remake, just for fun, and i was just wondering if im going to have to do some searching for a list of the original creators names, for when ive finished it.
I already know that if you use resources you didint make in makeing a game that you should give proper credit to those people....but, like, what if your makeing a remake of a resident evil game. Do you have to show all the people involved in the production of the original game in the credits or can you just credit capcom and it be just as good? Ive worked on and off on a resident evil remake, just for fun, and i was just wondering if im going to have to do some searching for a list of the original creators names, for when ive finished it.
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