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How to properly runs animation without interfering with main loop
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Hello everyone, nice to meet you,
I made a custom class to display character portrait in RPGMaker XP Here is the class :
Create an event on the map to create an instance as global variable, tada! image popped out. Ok nice. But Im not satisfied, Now I want it to have bobbing-head animation-like (just like when we breathe, sometimes bob our head up and down) so I added another method :
I called the method to run the animation and it works, so far so good, but the problem is, WHILE the portrait goes up and down, I cannot move my character until the animation is finished.
So that's it, I'm stuck in the loop block, what I want is to watch the portrait moving up and down while I walk around village, talk to npc, etc.
Anyone has suggestion for better logic for playing animation ?
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