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[full] Reverse Shadow Mod?

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I have a simple event command that I was wondering if it could be converted into a script.


I'll try to explain this the best I can.


The event follows this pattern:

Page 1:

when character enters event square,

Change graphic to "shade"

turn on localswitch "A"


Page 2:

When character enters event square,

Change graphic to normal.

turn off localswitch "A"


I was looking for something that could be used on a global scale, maybe a script connected to the terrain type? (if that's possible.)

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Hmm. So your desired effect is that the character is changed to their 'shaded' graphic while on tiles that have the shaded graphic, correct?

I am wondering, does your characters graphic not change to a 'shaded' version automatically by being 'underneath' the layer that the 'shadow' is on? Or are you simply wishing to use a 'more shaded' version of a graphic when in shaded areas? I only ask to better understand what your end result is intended to be so that I can try and suggest the best method.

I think you should be able to achieve your effect with no events or scripts, but I could be wrong.

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Could you not just display opaque pictures for "shade" areas? This would eliminate the need to change graphics at all. A script could be made to draw shaded areas without the need for actual graphics, but it may be a pain in the ass to configure, depending on how prevalent they are in your game.


In fact, I'll see what I can whip up. I image the script could be pretty small. not more than 30-40 lines.



Alrighty, script is done. I'm gonna add some comments, instructions, etc., and will post it up,



See how this works out. Not sure if its exactly what you were looking for or not.


Edited by ForeverZer0

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I tried using different variations of Priority to create a shadow effect, but due to its nature and the size of the Kaiser sprites it tends to clip them:



I hope this helps.


I looked over your script ForeverZer0, hopefully I'll be able to test it out tomorrow.

Edited by WhiteRabbit

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i put this together as you described:

# *begin tone configuration
module Tone_Config
 #the terain tag the tone changes
 # set tone depended on terrain [RED, GREEN, BLUE] or [RED, GREEN, BLUE, GREY]
 #R, G, B settings = [min(-255), max(255)], gray settings = [min(0), max(255]
 NORMAL_TONE = [0, 0, 0]
 SHADED_TONE = [-40, -40, -40]
# *end tone config
# ** Sprite_Character
#  This sprite is used to display the character.It observes the Game_Character
#  class and automatically changes sprite conditions.
class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite
 alias update_tone update
 # * Frame Update
 def update
   self.tone = @character.tone
# ** Game_Character
#  This class deals with characters. It's used as a superclass for the
#  Game_Player and Game_Event classes.
class Game_Character
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_accessor :tone
 alias init_tone initialize
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize
   @tone = Tone.new(0, 0, 0, 0)
 # * Set tone
 def tone=(value)
   value = Tone.new(*value)
   @tone = value
class Game_Character
 # * Determine if Moving
 def moving?
 # check to change the tone 
   # If logical coordinates differ from real coordinates,
   # movement is occurring.   
   return (@real_x != @x * 128 or @real_y != @y * 128)
 # * Check the terrain for the character
 def set_tone
   t_id = Tone_Config::TONE_TERRAIN
   shade = Tone_Config::SHADED_TONE
   noshade = Tone_Config::NORMAL_TONE
   #get the terrain tag # upon which character is standing
   @terrain = $game_map.terrain_tag(@x, @y)
   #change character tone depending on terrain tag
   $game_player.tone = shade if @terrain == t_id
   $game_player.tone = noshade if @terrain != t_id
   for i in $game_map.events.keys
  $game_map.events[i].tone = shade if $game_map.events[i].terrain_tag == t_id
  $game_map.events[i].tone = noshade if $game_map.events[i].terrain_tag != t_id

it was good practice as im getting the hang of scripting, its pretty easy to setup ans works for the character and events :)

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Ah, I see. It will just be a matter of changing the viewport to fix the "head sticking up" thing. I can fix when I get home from work.

If not, I can make a graphic changer for you based off terrain tags.




I got to thinking, the terrain tag thing is much easier. I managed to create a simple way to do it in two methods, and it doesn't have the problems above, nor require the use of separate graphics.



# Shade Terrain Tag
# Author: ForeverZer0
# Version: 1.0
# Date: 6.27.2012
# Simply shades characters by blending a color with their sprites whenever they
# are stepping on a tile with a specific terrain tag. Not a whole lote more to
# it than that.
# See below to adjust the blend color and terrain tag number.
# ** Game_Character
class Game_Character
 # * Configuration
 SHADE_COLOR = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 60)
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_reader :shaded
 # * Frame Update (alias)
 alias shade_terrain_tag_update update
 def update
   @shaded = self.terrain_tag == SHADE_TERRAIN_TAG
# ** Sprite_Character
class Sprite_Character
 # * Frame Update (alias)
 alias shaded_blend_update update
 def update
   if @character.shaded && @blended == nil
  self.color = Game_Character::SHADE_COLOR
  @blended = true
   elsif !@character.shaded && @blended != nil
  self.color = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0)
  @blended = nil

Edited by ForeverZer0

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