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[VX-Ace] -Alive- Puzzle survival game

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Hello ! So as Iam waiting for some resources for my main project Ex-Stigma I have decided to create a small survival & puzzle game. It will not have any battle system and will mostly be focused on dialouge and brainstorming. Although the player CAN die by accidents, such as getting hit by a car,train or even falling obstacles. And to avoid these things there will be a quick time event for you to decide the outcome.


The name of this game is ALIVE and is currently developed by myself but hopefully I'll get some more people onboard. So the reason Iam making this topic instead of a project topic to display the game, is because I don't have enough to show yet and that I would like some help in regards to HOW to make a game like this interesting and fun playing.

These are a few questions I would like to know about you as a player so that I can make it as enjoyable as possible.

  • What kind of puzzles do you like? What is a challenge and what is frustrating?
  • Dialouge, what is to much and do you bother reading it ?
  • horror, do you like horror? And what about it do you like

Ps: To anyone that would be interested in joining me in making this project I would love to have you onboard. So far Iam looking for a:

  • Scripter, Since I can't script to save a life having a scripter helping me out to edit/create scripts would be a life saver.
  • Spriter, Spriting is also something I can't do unfortunatlysad.png so having a spriter to edit/create would be awesome.
  • Audio, Altough I "can" make my own sounds I can't say that they would match up against someone who knows what they are doing lol , so having someone who can make "creepy" horror sounds/themes would be a welcome addition.
  • Dialouge and puzzle design Since english isn't my native language I cant promise that you would understand every word I write and every puzzle I make, So some creative people who can come up with some uniqe and fun puzzles with some nice dialouge to go with it (good english preferable) and someone who can correct some grammar misstakes would also be a welcome addition

And that's pretty much it. Thanks for reading and Iam looking forward to working with you


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