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[RMXP] Problem with two events not working (Solved!)
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Thank you, deathmoverz24, for fixing this!!
I am in the process of translating a Japanese RPG Maker XP fan game and I'm trying to fix the coding that was overlooked by the creator. I am still a novice to RPG Maker XP, but working on these fan games have taught me a lot of how things work. Two particular events are troubling me and I cannot figure out how to make them both work properly.
Basically, this is how the events are supposed to work:
What the creator initially done is delete the poisonous tile, so it doesn't act like the other poisonous tiles, but the spirit works properly. I want to fix this so that the spirit and the poisonous tile both are working together. Whenever I try to fix this, I either make it where: 1.) The spirit stand in place instead of rushing toward the hero. Or 2.) The spirit never shows up, but the poisonous tile works properly.
Here are screenshots of the coding so you can see. If anyone wants, I can also send them the game with just that particular map.
I appreciate anyone who can help me out so that I can get a spirit and a poisonous tile to both work together in harmony.
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