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Black Shadow

Mapping - Seaside Road Tutorial

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Map Type: Seaside Road


Map+ Size: 23X19



This map is very funny to map with. You can create a very good map, if you think realistic with this map.


First of all, make the sand for the beach.



Then, start making the wawes, and the sea.



Now, you should start adding cliffs, with a nice look stair. Remember to add the details in the caves.



Now, most of the beach part is done. Just add bushes, rocks, and other funny things. ;)


But what about the green area? We can't make it empty. We need to do something.

Here, some tips from my other tutorilas comes. No straight roads.( NOTE: I hate the road that Im using here, but it's because it's with the standard tileset. You could change it if you want)



Much vegitations, so it looks realistic. Use more cliffs if you want. All to make it look good.

If you want, you can tint it night, and so some romantic scenes over it =D



It feels like Im losing the grip of this, so I don't have so much to add.


Hope it will help.

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When you create a new map, you get to select what tileset you are going to use, for this tutorial, you need the Seaside road one. It should be 005: Seaside Road

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