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Jon Bon

Audio Settings Script

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Is it possible to have a script that would independently control each of the 4 audio channels inside rmxp in such a way that the player would be able to lower and raise the overall volumes of each channel in game through a script call with UI display.


Furthermore if this is possible, would it then also be possible to have the same script add an additional channel for voice acting, also allowing the same independent volume control for all audio generated through that new channel.


If this script currently exists (I have never seen, nor can find one) I would greatly appreciate it to be made for me.


I don't know how difficult or if this is possible so any feedback would be great.


-Jon Bon

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ForverZer0 made something like that with his MCI Player, he posted it on this site a few weeks ago, you should have no problem to find it.

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ForverZer0 made something like that with his MCI Player, he posted it on this site a few weeks ago, you should have no problem to find it.




Oh my goodness, how the heck did I miss that post? That's epic, and exactly what I need plus it solves another thing I needed too. Drool.

Thanks Moonpearl, and ForeverZer0 as well.

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