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GDU Update & Info

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The current status of GDU

The time is approaching for the stage where we can get some testers to start using GDU in preparation for a soft launch. After designing and integrating a user interface set, and ironing out a few bugs, the site should be ready for some volunteer testers to get in and start reporting bugs.


When we start redirecting the rmxpunlimited.net domain gdunlimited.net will depend on what the testers find and what needs to be done for the site to safely go live.


Why it is taking so long

The original design for GDU was actually done back in 2010 in December (in fact I have a screenshot from the 6th of December 2010) and has been evolving ever since. That includes a bit of a design upgrade from the live site over at gdunlimited.net which was originally going to be the final design. The change was due to branding reasons and also flexibility such as keeping in mind the need for mobile design.


GDU is a unique system that uses the IPB forum system as a base (this allows us to keep all members, posts, etc.) and simply clips onto that the system to run its own. A massive issue is that to keep up to date all the IPB files need to be overwritten and all the custom html redone for EVERY upgrade. To maintain a perfectly integrated system then is very difficult and it takes time to set it up so that upgrades can be completed in a timely fashion without destroying anything.


I'm also a pretty busy person. :)


What to expect when it goes live

GDU will have all the same accounts, posts, topics, etc. that RMXPU has.


It is important to note that when GDU goes live there is not going to be a lot of change in functionality. There shouldn't be too much difference. I had moved most of the content on our joomla website into forum topics, so when GDU goes live it should have pretty much everything RMXPU has, and not a lot more apart from a new design.


It will not in any way reflect our mission statement. This is essentially the long term goals.


The amount of time taken to get to this stage is not representative of the time it will take to develop the unique parts of GDU that fulfill the mission statement. So far its all been about preparing the system and getting it ready for development.


After this soft launch we will start developing GDU further based on priority. Our top priority is the games section, followed by community based sections like the new profiles, settings and dashboard.


Why go live so early?

Everyone must be tired of me talking about it by now :P Once the forums are functional it should be safe to make the switch. Then we can start getting more feedback and what we need to work on in terms of the existing sections. Starting to get recognition in terms of color scheme, logo's, design and the new name, are further reasons. There is also the issue of email's sent by the forum which have stopped working at the start of this year, those are tested and working on GDU. And finally once we get traffic into GDU we can start regaining traction on search engines and develop SEO after we have some data. The RMXPU menus and page flow are a real mess at the moment and it will be good to switch to an easier system and finally say goodbye to rmxpu after more than 5 years.

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Please let me be a tester. Pretty Please?


Are you also moving the topics?


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Stick around and you can be. I'm not going to say no to anyone, but right now I'm thinking the first members to put their hands up (when the time comes) will get the job because I only need so many and I don't want the same bugs posted over and over.


No I'm not moving the topics, they're already at GDU. It uses the same database which allows me to use GDU to make this very post and you can see it both on RMXPU and GDU. So testers can effectively switch permanently and interact with with everyone else on rmxpu, and vice versa. Get it? I've been asked that 10 time at least :P

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*I was writing this around 4pm my time and the power went off, so I am now going to try again.


I am really excited about GDU and all the work Marked has put into it. I wish it was done now, but I feel that Marked can take as much time as he needs so it can be right. I applaud Marked for the blending of the databases on the sites so nothing will be left behind. And as for testers Marked if you need me I am raising my hand now and getting in line, if you don't I am okay with that. You should be very proud of GDU. it is looking and is going to be awesome. Thank you for all the hard work and exra effort you have put into it to make it special for all of us.

Edited by ShinGamix

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Aww stop it king.gif I hope it's going to be awesome. I made this topic so members don't get really disappointed when it launches with just the forum. I'm really trying to do it properly and without taking shortcuts. There's a long way to go, but we've got a ton of great plans.

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