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[Tutorial/Coming Soon] The Mansion

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The Mansion

The Mansion is a small project to be used as a tutorial for adding random horror aspects to games where there isn't actually much room to move around and such. The idea for the game is to try escaping a haunted mansion which consists of five different rooms. Each room has a few different events and horror-aspects that may occur. Don't worry, no faces that pop up and scare the shit out of you, I promise. That is, in my books, what I consider cheap scares, and don't really count.


In order to escape the mansion, you must collect five different items from the five rooms, not including the main hallway. The game doesn't intend to be long, and is more of tutorial. The .rxproj file will be available so you can pry apart my events. Don't go prying before you play it, however, that removes the fun from it.


Note: It isn't complete as of yet, and I will release it as soon as I do. The reason this topic is even created is because usually I have a few issues editing and creating topics.

Hope you guys enjoy it! :)


Edited by Tomo2000

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