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Help Customizing Battle System


I have been working on the battle system in my game and tying to find tutorials how to customize or help explain the script. Most everything I find is tutorials how to implement a system someone else has made. My indie team and I are developing our game to be released commercially so that won't work.


So to the questions at hand. I want to figure out how to change the following things:

The max of four characters in party works great, how do I set the main character to not appear in battle?


We want to have two characters in the battle scene and have one in reserve with the main character never entering battle. I will need to script a party switcher from what I understand.


Thank you for any and all help and i hope this isn't to noobish of questions...

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4 answers to this question

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All you need is something simple, nothing complicated.


class Scene_Battle

 alias remove_leader main
 def main
   actor = $game_party.actors.shift

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Where would I place that in Scene_Battle? There are four parts to Scene_Battle, since it runs at the start the top of the script to be sure it runs before the battle starts? Thank you for being so helpful and answering all my questions.


So it seems I will need to design a party switcher, any clues to tutorials or a helpful forum page? Again thanks for all the help

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Place this anywhere below Scene_Battle.

It simple removes and stores the first actor in the party before battle actually begins, and adds him/her back as the scene exits.

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Works perfectly, but since there are only three in battle it all shifts to the left. Any way to make it centered? How would I keep the thrid out of battle but available to use in a party switcher? I shouldn't need an advanced party switcher, it only really needs to see if there is an actor available and switch the two actors places? Thanks for all the help

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