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Storage Event System Help


I have used events to create a text storage system of characters using conditional branch to check who is in the party and setting a switch to activate a conditional branch when trying to take someone back. It all works great but there will be times when someone may have multiple characters using only one of the actors. Should this be setup with a script for clones in the database or can I make a change to see the clones? Is it possible to make clones using only events?


After reading my posts it sounds like I am trying to avoid script, I don't mean for that at all, I only want to know I am making use of the events as best I can before I move into scripting.

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4 answers to this question

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I take you are creating an event-based party switcher? Although they are very possible, they are very messy when using many characters, requiring loads of conditional branches to do correctly. Its kinda hard to answer your question without more information, or even better a look at your implementation so far. I don't understand what a your first sentence means about the "text storage system" or "taking someone back" means in regards to events, not without seeing your event.

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Sorry for being vague, to help clarify "text based storage" I meant I wasn't using a interface only the dialogue. "Taking someone back" was in reference to the second part of the event, first part to store someone and the second to add them to your party.


My events so far are all simple choices and add or remove party member. I have a switch that is turned on after removing actor to set the conditional branch for being able to have them rejoin the party.


I know it is going to be messy and lots of copy pasting, but from every actor storage system I have seen it is beyond my scope of the scripting, sounds like I need to giveup on eventing this and find a way to script it.. Any pointers on where to begin?

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It depends on if you know how to script or not. If you know how to script, a simple party switch without all the frills is relatively easy, just a scene with a couple windows, and a few functions on moving array elements around.


If you don't know how to script, well, its a bit more complicated. You are not going to learn how to make a full script in a matter of a couple days, and you need to get the basics of Ruby and RGSS down before you can even start. The RMXP help manual is an invaluable tool for this, as it explains the core classes, and some basic Ruby 101 stuff.

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I can understand the basics from playing with various bits of the engine, and I have been learning about the syntax. I understand the gist of your explanation and from the fix to my battle system (thank you so much) i think i have a clue how to go about it. With some more practice perhaps I can write my own. Any ideas about cloning actors?


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