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[Resolved] Remembering the inventory


Is there a way to take away the player's items, weapons, and armor, then, put them all back, later, exactly the way they were, including the equipment?

Edited by Bob423

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hows this:



# Script Calls:
# -------------
# * $game_party.remove_items (removes and stores all objects in possesion)
# * $game_party.regain_items (regains all stored items)
# * when using the script calls removing items multiple times will result in
#   item amounts stacking so you dont have to worry about losing stored items,
#   also regaining items will stack ontop of the current invetory so you dont
#   need to worry about losing the current possesions
# ** Game_Party
#  modified to remove and store items, weapons and armors
class Game_Party
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_reader :stored_items, :stored_weapons, :stored_armors
 # * Object Initialization
 alias init_items initialize
 def initialize
   @stored_items = {}
   @stored_weapons = {}
   @stored_armors = {}
 # * Get stored item amount
 def stored_item_number(item_id)
   # If quantity data is in the hash, use it. If not, return 0
   return @stored_items.include?(item_id) ? @stored_items[item_id] : 0
 # * Get stored weapon amount
 def stored_weapon_number(weapon_id)
   # If quantity data is in the hash, use it. If not, return 0
   return @stored_weapons.include?(weapon_id) ? @stored_weapons[weapon_id] : 0
 # * Get stored armor amount
 def stored_armor_number(armor_id)
   # If quantity data is in the hash, use it. If not, return 0
   return @stored_armors.include?(armor_id) ? @stored_armors[armor_id] : 0
 # * Remove and store items in possesion
 def remove_items
   (1..$data_items.size).each {|i|
  @stored_items[i] = stored_item_number(i) + item_number(i)
   (1..$data_weapons.size).each {|i|
  @stored_weapons[i] = stored_weapon_number(i) + weapon_number(i)
   (1..$data_armors.size).each {|i|
  @stored_armors[i] = stored_armor_number(i) + armor_number(i)
   @items = {}
   @weapons = {}
   @armors = {}
 # * Regain stored items
 def regain_items
   (1..$data_items.size).each {|i|
  amount = stored_item_number(i)
  gain_item(i, amount)
   (1..$data_weapons.size).each {|i|
  amount = stored_weapon_number(i)
  gain_weapon(i, amount)
   (1..$data_armors.size).each {|i|
  amount = stored_armor_number(i)
  gain_armor(i, amount)
   @stored_items = {}
   @stored_weapons = {}
   @stored_armors = {}




Edited by diagostimo

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thanks, but i get an error when i use the script call:

line 36: no method error

undefined method "include?" for nil:NilClass

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do you have any other custom scripts? the only reason i can think of is that one of your scripts is overwriting the initialization method and not aliasing it, put my script below all others and above main for good messure, i have tested the script i posted up and all is well


you can also get rid of the public instance variables, i forgot to remove them

 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_reader :stored_items, :stored_weapons, :stored_armors

Edited by diagostimo

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i have the script under all other scripts, and above main. i do have custom scripts, so i guess i could try it in a blank project.

i removed the public instance variables, and it gives me the same error.

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hmmm strange, can you upload a sample project exactly how it is?

also in the time being you could try changing the following in def remove_item and regain item :(1..$data_OBJECT.size)

to : (1...$data_OBJECT.size), just add a . for each object in each method

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this should have popped to mind earlyer, the problem is your using a save, the initialization only runs on a new game, because your loading old data the variables dont exist, creating a new save should solve your problem :)

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this should do it:



# Script Calls:
# -------------
# * $game_party.remove_items (removes and stores all objects in possesion)
# * $game_party.regain_items (regains all stored items)
# * when using the script calls removing items multiple times will result in
#   item amounts stacking so you dont have to worry about losing stored items,
#   also regaining items will stack ontop of the current invetory so you dont
#   need to worry about losing the current possesions
# ** Game_Actor
# * edited public instance variables to be accessible outside the class
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_accessor :weapon_id, :armor1_id, :armor2_id, :armor3_id, :armor4_id 
# ** Game_Party
#  modified to remove and store items, weapons and armors
class Game_Party
 # * Object Initialization
 alias init_items initialize
 def initialize
   @stored_items = {}
   @stored_weapons = {}
   @stored_armors = {}
 # * Get stored item amount
 def stored_item_number(item_id)
   # If quantity data is in the hash, use it. If not, return 0
   return @stored_items.include?(item_id) ? @stored_items[item_id] : 0
 # * Get stored weapon amount
 def stored_weapon_number(weapon_id)
   # If quantity data is in the hash, use it. If not, return 0
   return @stored_weapons.include?(weapon_id) ? @stored_weapons[weapon_id] : 0
 # * Get stored armor amount
 def stored_armor_number(armor_id)
   # If quantity data is in the hash, use it. If not, return 0
   return @stored_armors.include?(armor_id) ? @stored_armors[armor_id] : 0
 # * Remove and store items in possesion
 def remove_items
   (1...$data_items.size).each {|i|
  @stored_items[i] = stored_item_number(i) + item_number(i)
   (1...$data_weapons.size).each {|i|
  @stored_weapons[i] = stored_weapon_number(i) + weapon_number(i)
   (1...$data_armors.size).each {|i|
  @stored_armors[i] = stored_armor_number(i) + armor_number(i)
   ($game_party.actors).each {|actor|
  w = actor.weapon_id
  @stored_weapons[w] = stored_weapon_number(w) + 1 if w > 0
  actor.weapon_id = 0
  a1 = actor.armor1_id
  @stored_armors[a1] = stored_armor_number(a1) + 1 if a1 > 0
  actor.armor1_id = 0
  a2 = actor.armor2_id 
  @stored_armors[a2] = stored_armor_number(a2) + 1 if a2 > 0
  actor.armor2_id = 0
  a3 = actor.armor3_id
  @stored_armors[a3] = stored_armor_number(a3) + 1 if a3 > 0
  actor.armor3_id = 0
  a4 = actor.armor4_id
  @stored_armors[a4] = stored_armor_number(a4) + 1 if a4 > 0
  actor.armor4_id = 0
   @items = {}
   @weapons = {}
   @armors = {}
 # * Regain stored items
 def regain_items
   (1...$data_items.size).each {|i|
  amount = stored_item_number(i)
  gain_item(i, amount)
   (1...$data_weapons.size).each {|i|
  amount = stored_weapon_number(i)
  gain_weapon(i, amount)
   (1...$data_armors.size).each {|i|
  amount = stored_armor_number(i)
  gain_armor(i, amount)
   @stored_items = {}
   @stored_weapons = {}
   @stored_armors = {}



it will remove the equipped and add it to the stored equipment, but it will not re-equip them, that is up to the player respectively as its harder to account for them re-equipping stuff in the meantime :D

Edited by diagostimo

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