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Sci-Fi Starships

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Ok. I'm trying to make a relitivily modern game...well :rolleyes: ...not modern since it's in 2558...but, furturistic....

I've looked *EVERYWHERE* :( and no body has them.... Could someone show me a sprite and/or tileset of a Starship hanger or something or my game wouldn't make a tick of sense ;) ... Is there *anybody* out there who has what it takes????




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There are some VERY few maps (dosen't go over 5 me sayz) that are modern as you say want 'em, But I dont think thats enough..

So (this just an opinion) I think you should either make 'em, or start another subject, something that goes with RTP..... Oh and making Maps is not so easy to learn y'know, rather irritating as well..

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It's complicated, sweat-draining and requires an anal-retentive attention to detail, so I'd have to agree with DD. You'll either have to pick a different subject matter, go through the agonizing learning process, or put in allot of requests for custom maps. It's daunting, the futuristic feel. I for one gave up on it about ten minutes into design. 'Course, I'm lazy.

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I just want to say I agree with Daze at the point he sayz he is lazy n' all....

oh and I just want to say that you will be teh first legendary all-new mamal to make an all-new new Mapz of the future where me and Daze most likely would be dead which would make it a better place to live and enjoy your happy life in.... Hotel Roomz are booked for free when you get your copon from- ......ummm..yeah

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