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Picture help


so anyways when I was making my picture based HUD when i check the menu the pictures won't disappear i remains on top of the menu

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wait i found a way but don't know why it won't work


conditional branch $scene = scene_menu.new

move picture 40 @20, Upper left(250,200),(100%,100%),0,normal

conditional branch $scene = scene_map.new

move picture 40 @20, Upper left(250,200),(100%,100%),255,normal


i tried to not put the .new after the scenes but it still won't work

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Wooow wait... What're you trying to do with those scenes anyways? Otherwise you just need to input an "Erase picture" event command.

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he is using a hud made with common events. And he wants the pictures to "Hide" when u open the menu, and re-appear when he goes out of the menu

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he is using a hud made with common events. And he wants the pictures to "Hide" when u open the menu, and re-appear when he goes out of the menu

I understand what making a picture-based HUD means. The point of my question is to understand why the heck he would put the scene change commands in contional branches.

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i think he is checking the scene and moving the picture acordingly, like moonpearl said you should use the erase picture command, as for checking the value of the scene(any variable for that matter) in script, you would put "$scene ==" not "$scene =" $scene = sets the value and $scene == checks it, my question is why you even need to do this stuff, by default when the map scene isnt active it disposes all pictures present, are you using a real time custom menu or anything? another alternaltive if you dont want to delete the hud is to increase the z value of your window


edit: another reason you script calls are bugged, take this for example "$scene == Scene_Map.new"

you need the caps, exactly like the class name is in the database

Edited by diagostimo

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my question is why you even need to do this stuff, by default when the map scene isnt active it disposes all pictures present

Plus, events don't run when not on the map anyways.

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Plus, events don't run when not on the map anyways.

true, which is why i asked if hes using a custom menu, if he is using a menu that has the maps Spriteset as the background and updates game_map in order to update the Spriteset his events will run, in that case a conditional branch that only checks if" $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map)" will work fine and not redraw the image when the menu opens

Edited by diagostimo

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Plus, events don't run when not on the map anyways.

events don't run, but it seems like the picture won't remove itself

but what i don't understand is other pictures remove itself but this one won't budge

unless i remove it manually


oh wait diagostimo did you say if it uses the map as spriteset well i am using a transparent menu script but the pic isn't changing its transparancy it stays at 255 no matter what i do


and how do you change the z coordintates of a pic

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as for now i can only fix it when i remove the transparency script

anyways sorry if i bothered you guys

Edited by albertibay

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can you post the transparancy script? it using the maps spriteset for the background, i think that maybe they might have added some code that forces and update or picture creation


edit: also on that matter do you want your picture apart of the background? i think the creator might have added picture creation into the menu to keep stuff legit to how it was when you entered the menu but not acounted that map pictures have a high z value, really you shouldnt play with the pictures z as you would get unexpected behaviours with fogs and what not, but you can always increase your windows z, if you look into your menu scene script, you will see something along the lines of :

@command_window = Window_Command.new

to give it a specified z underneath each variable that creates a window you would put the name with .z and give it value, so for the command window:

@command_window.z = 1000000

Edited by diagostimo

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good to know

here is the transparency script



# Translucent Menu

# Version: 1.00

# Author : LiTTleDRAgo


module DRAgoCFG


def create_spriteset; @spriteset_bgmap = Spriteset_Map.new; end

def dispose_spriteset; @spriteset_bgmap.dispose; end




class Window_Base < Window


alias xeodrago_initialize initialize

def initialize(x, y, w, h); xeodrago_initialize(x, y, w, h)

self.back_opacity = 200 if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Menu) ||

$scene.is_a?(Scene_Item) || $scene.is_a?(Scene_Skill) ||

$scene.is_a?(Scene_Equip) || $scene.is_a?(Scene_Status) ||

$scene.is_a?(Scene_Shop) || $scene.is_a?(Scene_File) ||

$scene.is_a?(Scene_Name) || $scene.is_a?(Scene_End)




class Scene_Menu

include DRAgoCFG

alias xeodrago_main main

def main







class Scene_Item

include DRAgoCFG

alias xeodrago_main main

def main







class Scene_Shop

include DRAgoCFG

alias xeodrago_main main

def main







class Scene_Name

include DRAgoCFG

alias xeodrago_main main

def main







class Scene_Skill

include DRAgoCFG

alias xeodrago_main main

def main







class Scene_Equip

include DRAgoCFG

alias xeodrago_main main

def main







class Scene_Status

include DRAgoCFG

alias xeodrago_main main

def main







class Scene_File

include DRAgoCFG

alias xeodrago_main main

def main







class Scene_End

include DRAgoCFG

alias xeodrago_main main

def main






Edited by albertibay

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ah i see the problem, after looking into spriteset_map, that automaticly creates all the picture objects, you can find this from line 44 in spriteset map:

@picture_sprites = []
for i in 1..50

we have a few options that we could do, first you could increase the z of your windows, or you could lower the z of the sprites, to lower the z of the sprites below the code i just pointed to, place this:

@picture_sprites.each {|sprite| sprite.z = VALUE }

that will set a default z value for all your pictures, bear in mind that the default z of a window is 100, but this would set your pictures below the fog layers etc, so i think the safest option would be to increase the z value of all your windows, actually after thinking about it, it would be very simple, go to scene base and you will see a line that says: self.z = 100

just change that value and all your windows will change, the only negative effect this would have would be for scripts that change the z value inside them, as it would not acount for your default increased value, but you could easily just go in changing the z's if a case like that did occur,

finally if you do not want the pictures & fogs etc displaying at all in your menu's then you would need a rewrite of the maps spriteset, or a custom one that voids out all of the above except the map


on note as to what moon pearl just said, you could erase the picture in an event when you press the B button to stop it being drawn, bearing that you dont want it drawn at all

Edited by diagostimo

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Plus, events don't run when not on the map anyways.

events don't run, but it seems like the picture won't remove itself

Well what I'm saying is there's no point checking what type of scene you have, because if your event is running, the scene MUST be a Scene_Map (and besides the code as you wrote it does NOT check what type the current scene is, it's doing something completely different and pointless). So you can just drop those conditional branches, what you need to do is erase the picture before calling the menu, and restore it right afterwards, because the event won't continue unless you return to the map. And use the "Erase picture" command rather than the "Move picture" command.

Edited by Moonpearl

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