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A teenage boy killed himself over an anime.

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This is a sad story. I blame the parents. The father knew the kid had a problem. The father should had taken the proper steps to get help for his son.

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Okay if a kid doesn't know the difference from reality and fantasy, someone must take the time to explain it to them and then bash every TV in the house with a sledgehammer. Seriously it's going to be like with everything else, "video games cause violence", "card games are created by Satan". Now there will be a new one, "Anime makes people kill themselves." Sounds to me like the parents didn't care and seems like the kid should have been talking with a therapist. Did nobody notice that this guy had a problem?

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It has to be the anime creator, I mean.. he knew what this would do to that kid, but he did it anyways. Sad turn of events, but I can see the finger-pointing and accusation-flinging from here.


Oh, and no spoiler warning for that article!?


The nerve of some people.. >_>

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I’m glad you commented it in such a way Marked, the right way.

For a moment there, I thought your post was about what I said. Kids are stupid, and they're all stupid. They are impressionable, naive, and they rely on older family members to not act negligently or unconscionably.


It has to be the anime creator, I mean.. he knew what this would do to that kid, but he did it anyways.



If this hadn't made the kid kill himself, then I don't see him making it too much further in life. I bet his parents never let him watch the lion king...

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That's a little.. harsh, Kirhi. But I tend to agree with you for some parts. However, from what I can see of the topic, I think blame the parents. "Didn't know what was real or not"? Umm.. Yeah, buddy, last time I checked, that's autism, you might wanna go get that checked out. Autistic people tend to do that a bit, not be able to communicate properly, so on, so forth. The thing to do with autistic kids is to have them checked out for it, because the earlier they are diagnosed, the earlier you can sort of teach them how this world works, or they tend to get helplessly lost in it.

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It's okay to feel bad about someone's death without acting like they personally knew the guy. Maybe someone is to blame, depends what angle to look at it from. I wouldn't wholely blame it on his parent, but I do think that they should have picked up on something this bad (autism), being his parents and all, but then we don't know their relation, actions or awareness. Maybe they where in denial and denied anything wrong with the boy.


This is going to sound, and will be, very harsh with current standards but naturally if something living has a great enough defficiency then that living thing would die off so it doesn't pass on to offspring and so a healthy chain in is kept in the race. So with that and what I said in the first paragraph, maybe the end result would have been the same disaster.

Edited by madanchi

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What annoys me about this is the ignorant are quick to point figures at people. Like who make the anime and why didn't the kid get help? GOD I can’t stand that.


Ohh, guess I forgot to end my bit with [/end sarcasm]

All too often in society, people dont want to take responsibility for themselves, and point the finger at anything and everything they can. That's what I was satirizing. In the end, the only one who can be blamed for the kid killing himself is the kid. He made the conscious choice to kill himself, his parents didnt push him out the window, he opened that bastard up, stepped right out, and plummeted to his pointless demise. Sure, his parents could have influenced him to not commit suicide, but to try to place blame is wrong. I dont know the kid, and I feel no need to get down on my knees, and cry myself to sleep over this, but a human being died prematurely, which is what is sad.


As for being "fake" and "ignorant". Who are you to decide who is fake and who is genuine? I think you were a little premature there on your assumption. I said nothing in these two posts that isnt my position on this issue, and while I admit I am ignorant of the pathology of suicidal people, I feel your overall generalization of me being ignorant on the whole issue was wrong.

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In the end, the only one who can be blamed for the kid killing himself is the kid. He made the conscious choice to kill himself, his parents didnt push him out the window, he opened that bastard up, stepped right out, and plummeted to his pointless demise. Sure, his parents could have influenced him to not commit suicide, but to try to place blame is wrong. I dont know the kid, and I feel no need to get down on my knees, and cry myself to sleep over this, but a human being died prematurely, which is what is sad.


I don't see why we have a problem with blaming other people for someone else's actions, particularly a child. Humans are social people and everything we do is influenced by other people. You just can't have a general rule for each person: Did they act freely and consciously and independently of any influence?


I'm going to make a few assumptions here and declare it was not entirely the kids fault. He clearly had some mental issues. One would think raising a child would put that parent on notice as to a mental condition.


I just don't think you can say that a kid killing himself over a cartoon is entirely his own fault.

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