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Seeing who all would be interested in a community project?

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I want to see who all are interested in a community project for gdu?

This thread is also for ideas suggestions and other discussions about this. There have been a few attempts at this before while the site was known as rpxu but I feel that the new era of gdu deserves one that can be finished.

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Here's my opinion on these community projects

- they should be done when the community is active ("active" - what an arbitrary word - are there enough ppl to make it a "community" project?)

- There needs to either

-- a really good project leader

-- or someone who can work on it solo when he needs to


The nature of these things is that members will be keen, but then they'll disappear. They may start work on it, but then they'll disappear. This is how it works. Therefore, I recommend that any potential project be someone's own project to begin with. Not an existing project, but I think there needs to be something material before there's recruitment, which may challenging if you want everyone to contribute to the storyline and planning, etc. There could be a series of polls, and a beginning of the game actually created from those polls, and then recruitment of actual members to begin the "community" project.


They always fail in the planning stages...


I would give a community project given the current conditions far less than 1% chance of success. I've said these things before and members told me to shut up, but I was just trying to help... They said I was being negative, but look how far they got. It's a pretty big commitment if people rely on you, which is why reliance should be kept at a minimum. What we learned:

- the project leader must show actual leadership skills and be very organized

- dont leave every little detail open to discussion - there's just too much and everyone loses interest because it takes too long

- dont rely on the whole team - the leader should be able to continue alone when his team members vanish - and they will

- project leader must always be active, and show an inspirational level of motivation


Even a topic like this - who's interested? There's only a handful of active members right now. If you were to being the project now then people can come and go later. I anticipate an increase in activity, else I wouldn't be here :P

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I'm in depending on the engine of choice as you know. I'm not against using RM though I would rather be working in Unity, as I'm probably one of the few people here for now that use Unity and knows C#, Unity would probably be a pipe dream for now. If a project was started using Unity I think it would be a great chance for others to learn C# and even get used to using a 3D game engine as opposed to a 2D RPG maker.

For a change I'm willing to throw my hat into the ring for project leader for a Unity project, I have experience with the engine and have lead small scale projects recently that made it to completion before everyone went barbaric on me and flipped out cause I was trying to get coders to clean up their code and fix bugs.

Even after a large game project, like this would be, reaches completion, there is still a lot of work to be done in bug fixing and beta testing which would likely take a few months, and testing in itself is a long and tedious process better to not be done by designers and programmers.

I'm all for a community project and would like to see something take off, I would even like to be part of that project when it does. The problem however is that we don't have the most active community and those of us that are active are always working on other projects.

The best plan of action would be a starting a 2 or 3 person project to get started and let others join in work on it when they get the chance. Big plus for those that join early is they get more of a say in the project such as story content or systems control. Having a small project with loads of potential would do more to get others interested and have more people join or just give minor support can do a lot to keep a project moving.

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With my current project all I can contribute are some ideas and story/writing editing.


Since I was a Magazine editor I do have experience in that field.

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I agree with everything Marked said 100%, the part I can't stress enough is limiting choices, too many choices just lead to disaster. I've seen it myself a couple of times especially the big one in rmxpu which completely vanished without thought. I am interested, always am in these type of things but I won't join in because I will vanish and focus on my own stuff, it's hard enough already to keep focused on one game alone (Lumis), my day-to-day life just seems to pre-occupy me more, that and gaming.

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@Marked We discussed this in chat last night.

@RageMage Are you starting your own community project to lead? At the time I am writing this reply the engine has not be fully decided. I am still hopeful for the possibilities.

I am going to do 90-99% of the work on the game project myself but I would take a few people helping me with planning and decisions, but I don't feel anyone would commit to the whole project. I hate when people join only to abandon it a few weeks in if that long.

@dolarmak ideas on story and writing tips are always helpful.

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From my experience, community projects don't work out too well. Either they've been EXTREMELY sluggish on development or drop dead. The only successful community project I've seen was the one from Chaos Project, although theirs was a demo. I'm not trying to rain on your parade or anything, I'm just letting you know what I've been through. I can only wish you and all who participate good luck. I won't have anytime to lend a hand for this project. But if there are any graphics that I can help with, let me know. I'll try to help the best way I can.

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No I'm just saying that I can help to keep things moving, though saying I'd take a leadership position was only from my past experience dealing with people whom seem to lose interest quickly as well as help to keep things on track and making the tough decisions as opposed to having several conflicting ideas. Though as I would imagine you would like to take the lead on the project as you have started the topic on it.


Working on a group project is a lot different from a solo project, there are a lot of things that must be discussed in depth and decided on before the project even gets close to starting development. Just as a very unrealistic example, the game is meant to be a RPG but your programmers work on a FPS for months and months, nobody thinks to mention it early on and now there goes a few months of work wasted. If you can get together a HCD just a small basic simple document to get the basic idea across that can be elaborated on in discussion by those who are working on the project.

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I think the biggest problem is how much work is needed for the project. How about we create an one to three hour community. Let's start small before going big.

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Well I am just taking a few key points and making them choices for the community to interact in the decisions. Too many choices leave a vague hole for the project to fall into and get stuck in.


I would love help but I am not counting on it.


So this may be a project for the community not by the community.

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Honestly, I think that this will be challenging to pull off. It's success depends on several factors, some affected by us directly or indirectly, but personally speaking, I'd love to be a part of something like this.

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Well when "the great downtime" happened interest in this drasticly dived down and I haven't been able to rally any more following back to it and it is stuck at week 3 for now.

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Well when "the great downtime" happened interest in this drasticly dived down and I haven't been able to rally any more following back to it and it is stuck at week 3 for now.

I see.

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The key to success is perseverance. And running the community project in terms of contributions so that each contributor can be taken away permanently so that only the project manager is required to keep the project alive. And replacing old contributors with new.

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The key to success is perseverance. And running the community project in terms of contributions so that each contributor can be taken away permanently so that only the project manager is required to keep the project alive. And replacing old contributors with new.

Not to forget, it's not like skilled contributors are growing out of nowhere left and right. If I had a nickel for every time, the team reaches a stage where skilled contributors of every single category are there in the team, then I'd be pretty poor.

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I am developing the demo so it can be released up to a point where the story is now and you can actually choose the situations in the game.

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