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How to change the battle transition for each enemies?


I just wonder how to change the battle transition for each enemies.


I always thought RMXP has that command. but,I can't do it.


such as,when I fight with an ant,the battle transition is stripe.


and when I fight with a dog, I change the battle transition to normal fade out.


like what we can do in RM2k or RM2k3. change the transition freely.

Edited by Darkness

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6 answers to this question

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Here's a script I made to do it. You can change the transition based on what troop of enemies you're fighting.


module Transition_Config
 def self.transition_args(troop_id)
   case troop_id
   # input the arguments for the transition for each troop id
   # in this example configuration, the transition for the troop with the id
   #   of 1 will take 40 frames and will use the transition '001-Blind01'
   # the arguments are:
   #   [duration, transition_graphic_path]
   when 1 then return [40, 'Graphics\\Transitions\\001-Blind01']
   when 3 then return [40, 'Graphics\\Transitions\\002-Blind02']
   else return [20]

module Graphics
 class << self
   alias tdks_unique_trans transition

 def self.transition(*args)
   if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle)
  args = Transition_Config.transition_args($game_temp.battle_troop_id)

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Oh, and I finished the Battler Transition script so you can assign different transitions to each monster so now you might want to get the new version.

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Well, Thank you very much about that Battler Transition script. but,I don't understand how to use it.

I couldn't set the collapsing transition effect for each enemies. It's still random.

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Go down to the part where it says:

def self.transitions(enemy_id)

To change the effect for any monster(s), use this template:

when ENEMY_ID then return []

Insert the different transitions you want that monster to use in between the square brackets.

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This forum is for scripts. All support topics go in the support forum. There's a real big notice there, but people only tend to read what they're looking for. I moved 2 of your other topics. There's a serious mod shortage here :/

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