Bigace360 38 Report post Posted February 18, 2013 Hey Marked, I was wondering if you could, or planning to, design a scripting section similar to that of your tutorial section. Since the current one looks horrible compared to the tutorials. Also design a database similar to this: So it would be easier for people to find what their looking for, because right now the whole XP/VX section is a mess. I'm trying to make the VXAce section look good, but it still looks like a mess. At least with a encoded database on the site everything would look more organized and easier to find. I mean seriously, how often is the XP/VX script list updated? With this system, it should updated themselves like from the link above, where if I change the version number or script name in the thread it automatically changes in the database. Just a suggestion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigace360 38 Report post Posted February 21, 2013 I guess we'll be just ignore this then?? :huh2: :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marked 197 Report post Posted February 22, 2013 ignoring* Yeah sorry I didn't see this on the recent posts list. I like it how someone always steps up when the forum falls. Can you convince me to make this? Scripts are obviously in more demand than tutorials, and it seems the month I spent making that system is likely to be one of the biggest wastes of my time in my life so far. Srsly I worked very, very hard on it. Sorry to keep saying that. I just checked and I see a few of you have tested it out, that's good to see. I had some time tonight while peps was watching a movie I already watched so I started something (this btw is trying out a new system to have nicer structured URL's, eg /scripts/rpg-maker-xp-battle-scripts/minkoff-or-wateva) coz y'know the tuts have either a /t/ or /category/ in the URL, but this removes irrelevant keywords. This structure contains almost every keyword a user may type into google. Anyway. Can you convince me that it will be worthwhile to create this? If you can, I'll have a good think about it. I'm willing to do things for people who care about this site, which to me belongs to whoever wants to be apart of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diagostimo 11 Report post Posted February 22, 2013 I agree with big ace, I think the scripting section could do with more organization, like a database to organize and categorize scripts, I know I am a less active person around this forum, but I like to pop in and chip in where I can, if you where to put the effort in to create a great scripting section I would definitely contribute to it, I could also set up a request thread and make scripts on request, anyway I definitely think there has to be some categorization of scripts so people can find what they want, and things don't get lost in the past, if you make a database system, you could make it where people submit there scripts in a certain format to a certain section, i.e script submissions, then a moderator can put it in the database, stopping people being able to directly post into the script database reducing requests going to the wrong place ect, I think an overall structure like this would be nice: RGSS1rpg maker xp script database requests submissions troubleshooting RGSS2ect Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigace360 38 Report post Posted February 22, 2013 Actually we already have a structure like that. The fact of the matter is that, even though I can't speak for everyone else, this system would useful in many ways that diagostimo as kind of already explained. Script submission would be more organized and easier to search what your looking for. Submission would be simpler, I wouldn't have to constantly upgrade the script database topic. You can regulate which scripts are ready to be added and which aren't. Obviously if they layout is wrong or the script is gibberious. We won't add it. If you ever use the point system again, it should be easier to add points to those who have submitted scripts. I see something like that in the tutorial section. I'm sure theres more I can't think of right now. Plus need any help getting everyone scripts into the database, I'm always here to help at night. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marked 197 Report post Posted February 23, 2013 This is gona depress me. This is an example of what I was working to before the project crashed and burned so miserably... I challenged myself today, but I managed to code the start, but a fully functioning script section. This took me a day whereas the tutorials section took more than a month to create. The main reason for that is the tutorials system is more complete but its quite sophisticated at the same time. Not that most of you know that having not tested it. But my point is that everything I have created so far all combines to allow me (the option) to create things like this very quickly. One day during our 7 years and suddenly we have a script section. See what I'm getting at? Btw bigace, I made this for you. I'll go over stuff quickly Features All the forum BBCode, using the RMU text editor (same in as in the tuts section, not that most of you would know) Awesome uploads - ajax/multiple simultaneous uploads/multiple demos/direct downloads Structured layout for each script Uses paste bin for on-page scripts (dude, dont argue with me on this, its not my first scripts section) Carousal gallery for screenshots Compulsory Creative Commons license system A nice editor with ajax save - not that most of you will witness this awesomeness What it's missing, and other stuff No filtering yet, lets fill it up first Categories done in an interesting way... it's the quickest way I could think to do it, but it seems structured to me regardless and will probably work Can't see when a category is empty, needs a counter Demo's could use a downloads counter Haven't put in the stats or any sidebar categories collapse even when in that category - ie no "active" state tabled listings - ugly right? The original goal I had was to completely remove all tutorial and script forums on the forum. But yeah... that was a long time ago. Example Scripts (only tested in firefox. View in firefox to find out if something outta place is a bug) Index I know all people see are the front-end and there's a ton of stuff missing. Stand back and look at the potential. The editor is as noob-proof as possible, it takes just a few minutes to transfer topics into the system for simple scripts. Merry Christmas bigace. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Polraudio 122 Report post Posted February 23, 2013 Nice idea but i personally like the way it currently is mainly because i find making topics more fun and easier to manage. Not to mention it makes it easier to get feedback and help when making scripts due to people able to post long posts of code to help with problems. Unless you can make this also post a topic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigace360 38 Report post Posted February 23, 2013 Oh shit that looks nice so far, and still has potential to grow. However an issue I would have is what Polraudio said. There is no where for people to post and leave comments, since scripts do need feedback. Unless I missed something. Also with the category listing I have an idea: I believe the we should show the version number at the top instead of the section and then categorizes each section like in the image above. That also gives more room to the name. --------------------------------------------------------- Here's a List of categories I have: Actor Add-on Add-on Collection Custom Battle System Battle Add-on Custom Environment System Custom Equipment System Custom Item System Custom Menu System Custom Message System Custom Movement System Custom Shop System Custom Skill System Enemy Add-on Environment Add-on Game Utility Menu Add-on Message Add-on Minigame Misc Add-on Misc System Movement Add-on Player / Party / Troop Add-on Scripting Tool Title / Save / Load / GameOver Add-on ---------------------------------------------------------- Last I found this SMF mod. It will format the code to match syntax colors and stuff. It would be used like this . It includes all the supported languages, include Ruby. I think it'd be interesting to have. And as far as I know, the normal still works as well. I don't know if it would work with your forum, but I guess you could give it a try. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marked 197 Report post Posted February 23, 2013 Before anything else, I want some data to play with. You owe me some scripts :thumbsup: I like that category view idea but I'm not a fan of that many categories. Comments are inferred, I just haven't coded a commenting system, it's probably not that easy. For that plugin, I can easily do that here. But I do not want to store scripts in the database. Last time there were so many formatting issues if you remember. A demo is preferred anyways. Nice idea but i personally like the way it currently is mainly because i find making topics more fun and easier to manage. Not to mention it makes it easier to get feedback and help when making scripts due to people able to post long posts of code to help with problems. Unless you can make this also post a topic. That actually kinda annoyed me. EDIT: Comments system: integrated into IPB's post for the future feature of integrating comments into the latest posts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigace360 38 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 Well I've shortened the list, how does this look:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Actor EnhancementAdd-on CollectionCustom Battle ScriptsCustom Menu ScriptsCustom Message SystemsCustom Movement SystemsCustom Shop SystemEnvironment and Field ScriptsGameplay ScriptsGame UtilityMinigamesMisc SystemScripting ToolsWindow ScriptsTitle / Save / Load / GameOver Add-on-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About the scripting part, I can always upload .txt files right? This is because sometimes I don't like releasing demos, especially if there a small scripts.Also here's some scripts if you want to test them out: Warrior Core Engine [RMXP] Call Event [RMXP] Multi Variable Window [RMVXA] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marked 197 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 Sure can, check out the editor and it says the filetypes. What you're supposed to do is for small scripts use paste bin, which is really easy btw. I showed you the example above. All you do is paste it in and grab the ID and throw it into the textbox and you're good. For longer scripts perhaps upload a text file, but you'll probably still want to use paste bin, the reasoning being that there's always a risk of the formatting getting screwed up. And finally for complicated scripts, upload an entire demo. I like those categories. I'll add those in, but still gotta think about how I've made the categories and whether to change the system. In particular if I were to change the category of my script, the search engine likes immediately break. Shouldn't be much category changing though. And if you go in the editor, you have each of the above categories for each engine. I'll try to change it for 2 drop downs: engine -> category. But it's still the one category. You see I don't have a system of nested categories... I'll think about it. In the meantime, everyone has the tools to upload all their scripts. Lol, no one's gona. I'll consider moving scripts into it, my weekend is almost over :( test Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigace360 38 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 [Facepalm] you meant to actually insert the script. I'll get to that in a minute. Edit: I can't edit the script, it sends me to an error page. Also whats the side bar for Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marked 197 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 I just completely rewrote the category system. Do you still get an error when trying to edit? I will make the script listings much better later on, particularly your idea/image above with division of the categories. Btw the site you're copying from has slightly different bbcode. Watch your img tags. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigace360 38 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 Yup I still get the error when I click edit. Plus when you change the categories, my Multi-Variable Window script is now in the RMVXACE section. 404: Page Not Found It seems like the page you are looking for no longer exists. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marked 197 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 What is the URL that gives you that error? Yeah the category system was completely rewritten. Everything should be out of place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigace360 38 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marked 197 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 O.o I logged in as you (its an admin feature, can't get your pass dw) and saw the error. That' weird... I went briefly through the code and couldn't find out why that's happening for you. Technically you should have the same mod abilities as me since I built it in that way and its working for me. I'll look at this when I have time and I"ll post back in this topic. Sorry bout that :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigace360 38 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 okay lol, I'll wait for your reply. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marked 197 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 Yeah sorry about that. Just a variable out of place. Tested and working now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigace360 38 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 Cool, also I was wondering if you could include the .rb extension so I don't have to change all my scripts to .txt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marked 197 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 I could, but, I feel like noobs may get caught out by it. Because windows computers don't associate it with any program. Unless you were to provide both a .rb and a paste bin, then that'd be Ok. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigace360 38 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 I could, but, I feel like noobs may get caught out by it. Because windows computers don't associate it with any program. Unless you were to provide both a .rb and a paste bin, then that'd be Ok. Wordpad Notepad Notepad++ Other word apps open it as well unless I missed what you meant. While it is true that some noobs might not know what it is, most do or at least figure it out real quick. I kind of stop using pastebin since dropbox is easier to use, but I guess I can log in again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marked 197 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 Yeah what I meant by associate with any program was that when you click it, you get that screen where you have to find the program to open it. I know every computer can actually open it. But it looks like an unknown filetype, and what is the benefit of using that filetype over say a .txt or .rtf? Dropbox? Can you embed scripts like that using dropbox? The reason I'm using pastebin is coz we can easily display the script on the site, like so: If you can do that with dropbox then I'll make it happen. Also, do the paste bin things ever expire? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigace360 38 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 Okay that make since, ya I guess that would be confusing for noobs. And with dropbox, I meant it was more convenient for me as I can keep track all my scripts and other files without having to log in to other places. This problem with using dropbox to display is that IE users, the computer tries to just download the file while Google Chrome user the browser actually gives the .txt file its own page. So no you can't, unless you can convert a txt file into that intergrated thing you have for pastebin, you'll have to stick with pastebin. So I'll just add a .rb file and a pastebin script to mines. To answer you're last question, it shouldn't as my stuff is still there and I haven't added anything in a year. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marked 197 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 Alright sounds good, I'll add .rb when I get chance, hopefully tonight. I added those new categories as per your suggestions. I'll integrate comments into the latests posts and boom. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigace360 38 Report post Posted February 24, 2013 small problem my Window Multi-Variable is still showing up in RMXP section as well as the RMVXA section, should only be RMVXAce. Otherwise everything else looks sick. I'll begin uploading tonight, I have stuff to finish right now. Edit: Can you add a link for images as well instead of just uploading it from the computer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
QuesTMajoR 4 Report post Posted February 25, 2013 A Good Suggestion ...Cause Im getting a problem also on finding and searching for Scripts that has been posted here... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marked 197 Report post Posted February 25, 2013 A Good Suggestion ...Cause Im getting a problem also on finding and searching for Scripts that has been posted here... Yeah, I duno how long you've been here but I've posted plenty on the issue with topics. Eg, in the mission statement. Also, there was always a scripts section planned, but I wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for bigace. We also used to have one last year. small problem my Window Multi-Variable is still showing up in RMXP section as well as the RMVXA section, should only be RMVXAce. Otherwise everything else looks sick. I'll begin uploading tonight, I have stuff to finish right now. Weird, I'll have a look soon. Edit: Can you add a link for images as well instead of just uploading it from the computer. Nah, coz I really really hate dead images. :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bigace360 38 Report post Posted February 25, 2013 Ya it shows it self in the RMXP section, but then when you click on it the Multi-Variable script page shows that its in RMVXA. The problem might lye where when you change the around the categories, the script got saved in both sections. It might just need to be deleted, if you have to delete both scripts to fix the issue I can always just upload it again. Scratch that, my Window_GameCompletion appears in the RMXP section as well even though I checked RMVXA.Edit: Quick question: how did you upload pastebin to the site, I want to research something with dropbox.Edit2: I'm guessing later on you'll have a feature that has the mods check the script page before its submitted so we don't have noobs and trolls submitting garbage. Edit3: Lizzie S's Auto-Save Script would be in the Title, Save, Load, GameOver Addon category not the Scripting tool category. Edit4: Could you add a Version History as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marked 197 Report post Posted February 25, 2013 Scratch that, my Window_GameCompletion appears in the RMXP section as well even though I checked RMVXA. Edit: Quick question: how did you upload pastebin to the site, I want to research something with dropbox. I didn't have time to look into the double section thing just yet. It's got me stumped but haven't looked into it. Here's how I did the pastebin thing Same with youtube. They provide you with the embed code, which is usually just an iframe. The iframe links to a URL, which generally contains an ID of some sort. You simply store that ID in the database, insert it into the iframe in your html markup. It's pretty much the most simple part of the whole thing. For dropbox just look for an embed link, but you don't even need that. If you can get a page that shows only the code, then we can chuck into our own iframe. Edit2: I'm guessing later on you'll have a feature that has the mods check the script page before its submitted so we don't have noobs and trolls submitting garbage. Yup. Right now no one else really knows about it. It just depends. It's difficult to setup and I'm trying not to waste my time these days. So we'll see. It's not left out on purpose, obviously. Edit3: Lizzie S's Auto-Save Script would be in the Title, Save, Load, GameOver Addon category not the Scripting tool category. Ahh thanks, changed it. You should be able to do that yourself as a scripts mod. But let me know coz with these scripts, I'm redirecting the topics to these new pages. Transfers links in the google index. Edit4: Could you add a Version History as well. Like just a textbook right and you just list the history yourself? Also, check out the comments here: Since I used the same table in the database for the scripts comments, I can easily transfer all the posts to the corresponding script. I'll try to integrate such posts into the latest posts, and then you'll see how this system will work. It will be completely integrated. Hopefully one day, the scripts and tut forums will be gone. That's a lot of content to transfer though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites