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The Naramura "Challenge"

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So, I decided to go ahead and retry this idea...I was hoping that now that this forum is active (unlike before) perhaps we can at least get a few people in it.


The Naramura Challenge


The Contest

The Naramura Challenge is as follows:

You must make a game that is 2 hours in length (or longer) by March 31, 2007 at 11:59PM my time (which I think is EST...). For anyone who doesn't know EST...that's 5 hours LESS then GMT, thus, it would be 5 AM in London, while it's midnight here. You MUST put in an "application" to join the contest by February 7, 2007 at 11:59 PM EST (AKA, you must let me know you wish to join. Simply typing "I want to join" will be enough ^^). It is then that the contest will be closed for people to join. You MUST have your project in by the deadline (March 31).


Your assignment is thus: You must make a game using only battlers from this site: Naramura! This is the reason it is known as the "Naramura Challenge". (For those who say it isn't a challenge, then cool. I'm glad...just remember that Naramura has almost no enemy battlers, only characters, thus you'll have to use the characters for your enemies...)


The Rules

1) You must use only battlers from Naramura!

2) You MUST have your "application" in by February 20, 2007 by 11:59PM EST (sooner is appreciated!)

3) Your game MUST be 2 hours long or longer (longer is recommended, though length will not determine your score)

4) It MUST include at least 1 side quest (What are games without side quests, right?)

5) Your game MUST be an RPG

6) You may use any version of RMXP that is currently available, legel or PKE, or otherwise...but no RM2k3 or earlier games will be accepted.

7) You MAY use other scripts, music, and other things in your game if you wish, but the battlers MUST come from Naramura.

8) Your game MUST be in un-encrypted format when you send it to be judged (Note: if you wish to release it afterwards...well...you can encrypt it and such then if you want ^^)

9) Your game MUST have been started on or after the date you signed up. You may not submit a game you have been working on for the last 10 months (just an example).



Erm...I'm not quite sure about this, yet...I'm currently broke, so I couldn't buy anything for anybody...but, if I DO manage to find prizes, I will post them immediately. Otherwise...there may not be prizes...sorry for anyone who was wanting one...(unless, that is, Marked wants to pitch in and give out some kind of award...I dunno if he has a reward system or not, though).








A quick note

Anyone here who wants to sign up as a judge may. I am accepting 5 at the most...(which means I need 4 more)

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So, I decided to go ahead and retry this idea...I was hoping that now that this forum is active (unlike before) perhaps we can at least get a few people in it.

Ouch man :D Na, just kidding. The forum is still really new, so it would have better to start this a little later when we have more active members. So if you dont get many participants, you should probably extend the application due by date. And is this a multi-forum competition?


And Dark Dragon, this is a one on one, no teams, I believe, right SCMike?


I will let you know if I will join by the due by date. Because it all depends on something else Im doing...so I'll let ya know.

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So, I decided to go ahead and retry this idea...I was hoping that now that this forum is active (unlike before) perhaps we can at least get a few people in it.

Ouch man :D Na, just kidding. The forum is still really new, so it would have better to start this a little later when we have more active members. So if you dont get many participants, you should probably extend the application due by date. And is this a multi-forum competition?


And Dark Dragon, this is a one on one, no teams, I believe, right SCMike?


I will let you know if I will join by the due by date. Because it all depends on something else Im doing...so I'll let ya know.

No, it isn't multi-forum this time...CA still has it as the 4th thing on the contest list...and I don't want to remake the contest and have everyone get mad cause I posted a SECOND Naramura challenge topic...and as I am sure almost everyone has checked the CA one already, I doubt I could just do an edit of the first post and still get people to join from there...


Yes, it is one on one. If you WANT to make a team, I see no problem in that...but it is prefered if you do it one on one...as we are trying to see YOUR skills, not the skils of a team of 50 people... (random number >>)


Lastly, all right, thanks. I'll add Satiel to the list.

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Ok, application deadline extended to Febrary 20 as it is almost February and no one but Satiel has signed up...

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