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Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP :Looking to add enemy skills


I hope there's someone here who can help me with this. I have the Tankentai battle system for RPGXP and I'm looking to add a skill to it. I wanted to set up an event where the player is trapped in a room with a wall of spikes coming toward him(This would be the enemy) and in a game battle the player would have to attack the approaching wall to destroy it before the time runs out.  I'm not very good with scripts so I was wondering if A) where are the skills located in the script and B) Has anyone ever tried this?


Any help would be appreciated.





Oops, Just noticed this morning that this is not a support section but for scripts only. My Bad. Could a moderator or administrator move this to where it's suppose to be? Thanks.

Edited by Jason217

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oh so you want to do a Final Fantasy 4 , Evil Wall kinda creature.


After reviewing Tankentai I remember how awful the configuration was. I believe the proper way to set skills are still within the main Database, but in order to set the attack type you need to use the "Change State" column so the game knows what type of skill it is. Also the 'Variance' might also attribute something but I can't remember.


I would suggest using Atoa's Translation http://victorscripts.wordpress.com/rpg-maker-xp/battle-scripts/atoa-custom-battle-system-3/ Its the same Tankentai engine, updated and with more extras. He also did a much better breakdown for the instructions. Skills are done a little bit differently in it, but are much easier to use with much more freedom.


For Atoa's battle script to make skills the 'config2 - Advance' in the script editor is has instructions.

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oh so you want to do a Final Fantasy 4 , Evil Wall kinda creature.


After reviewing Tankentai I remember how awful the configuration was. I believe the proper way to set skills are still within the main Database, but in order to set the attack type you need to use the "Change State" column so the game knows what type of skill it is. Also the 'Variance' might also attribute something but I can't remember.


I would suggest using Atoa's Translation http://victorscripts.wordpress.com/rpg-maker-xp/battle-scripts/atoa-custom-battle-system-3/ Its the same Tankentai engine, updated and with more extras. He also did a much better breakdown for the instructions. Skills are done a little bit differently in it, but are much easier to use with much more freedom.


For Atoa's battle script to make skills the 'config2 - Advance' in the script editor is has instructions.

Actually I was thinking Indianna Jones and the Temple of Doom;)


I've tried Atoa's Translation and there's a lot more work involved in that one. I have to make animation sprites for not just the characters but every enemy as well where as the Tankentai system I can use the standard sprites and battlers. Plus scripts and programing goes over my head so I have trouble makeing sense out of what I'm looking at.


:)Thanks for the help all the same though.

Edited by Jason217

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suit yourself, but Tankentais gives no information of how to set up skills or enemies. you essentially have to know how to code RSS.

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suit yourself, but Tankentais gives no information of how to set up skills or enemies. you essentially have to know how to code RSS.

Which unfortunately I know absolutely nothing about. I look at scripts and a lot of times I can't figure out what I'm looking at. Now I did see the slide forward in a RPGVX game useing a VX verson of the script (Game long since gone) The script though was all in Japanese and would not work with XP.


I suppose I could try Atoa's Translation again but unless I'm mistaken (And I can be) there's a limit as to how big you can make the sprites. If I'm thinking about the right Battle system. Oh, I don't know if anyone else had this issue but when I downloaded the Atoa's Translation demo the text didn't pop up when I was trying it out. All I got was a blank message box.

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Jason217 is right, Atoa's new script does require too much work and very unnecessary at the most especially for something so simple. If you need a help manual for the time being on setting up skills for Tankentai try this out: http://www.rpgmakervx.net/index.php?showtopic=19752

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