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[RMXP]Recruiting for harvest moon style otome [Fairly urgent]

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Genre: Life Simulation, Romance, Social
Rating: Teen
Platform: RPG maker XP (PC)
Inspiration: Harvest moon, Animal Crossing, The Sims
Type of Recruiting: Voulenteers (unpaid)
Website: http://www.celestialdance.weebly.com
Years in Progress: 2008-2013



Summer had dawned and come to a close on cue, as the leaves slowly cascaded from greens to ambers. The oncoming fall had welcomed more than just the chill of winter to the town of Araysia.
The story begins with our eight year old hero Alice and her mother Julie, moving in to the sizable town of Araysia. School begins in a few days, and the excitement has finally set in. The thoughts of a new life swarm her mind, but little does she know that her move was the dawning of something greater than a simple story she predicted. Control the hero through her life over a series of chapters as she slowly grows from a young child to adulthood whilst making friends, developing a personality, attending classes and perhaps even starting a family.

Project Bio

Celestial Dance is a life and dating simulation inspired by Harvest moon, the hit video game series. The game begins with the hero as an eight year old child, and the player designs and moderates her life as they choose as she grows up while following a unique story line. 

Team Bio:

As the primary creator of Celestial Dance, I carry the main part of the projects weight. That's not all though, we have a full fledged production team behind the scenes as well.
Voice actors: We have our voice actors that contribute their voices to the project
Amelia: Is my cousin who error checks, approves or denies various checkpoints and helps with some of the production
Crystal: My best friend and closest companion. She helps with nearly everything as well
Kaza:  Our only current concept writer and our go-to guy for help.
Daniel Carpenter: our composer that is currently designing the near entirety of our soundtrack
Dawning Ember productions: Managed by Amelia, Owned primarily by Roxie and Amelia.
Rooftops Revolution Studios: Owned and Managed by Roxie. In charge of video game development, story and features.
In total, there are about thirteen people that are part of our production team (not including voice actors). I do the primary work on the project.

Searching for:

Eventers: Someone who can event some of the many love scenes. You will be given the milder ones to event, but you must be able to interpret the dialogue and stage directions and make cut-scenes based on this.
Mini-game eventers: Someone who can design small mini-games for throughout the game. They do not have to be complex. [Pending]
Outfit Designer [artist]: Someone to draw up some outfit concepts for the characters.

  • Wedding Dress design #1

  • Wedding Dress Design #2

  • Wedding Dress Design #3

  • An outfit series of your choosing (3-4 pieces) (Design your own outfit line)

  • A series of three dresses.

  • 1-3 possible NPC outfits (not confirmed)

  • A Prom Dress

  • an outfit suitable for a pre-teen

  • An outfit suitable for an adult

  • 2 outfits for teenage boys

Scene Artist:
Art in Celestial dance is highly valued. In the spin off planned for production, it shows that it takes place near an Artist's colony. All of that aside, artists are needed for Celestial Dance to enhance certain scenes. They must be able to draw in ANIME STYLE to match the character art.
The art needed will be presented in the game as a part of the cut scenes. They appear to enhance what is going on. More than one scene artist is required since drawing in itself is difficult. There are many drawings, but I shall not be listing them, since I will be contributing as well. You will receive pictures of the characters to draw as reference. Things like this include: 

-Two kids. One sits on a rock crying, the other stands behind her smiling. He tries to comfort the crying girl.
-A picture of two teens kissing. 
-*THIS IS A MAYBE, and this can be you only job* 24 characters drawn
separately from the character artwork in different positions. They will be used in the opening theme. The characters will scroll with a background behind them and the logo above. This is a big job and will be given to the person who believe they can handle it/want to do it.
Concept Writers: Writing of event concepts and how love scenes would play out. 
Character Dialogue Writers: People who will select a character and write out their mass of dialogue for each relationship level.
School Lesson Writers: THESE ARE URGENTLY NEEDED- People to help write simple school lessons based on the lesson outline given. They are only a couple dialogue boxes in length, but there are a lot of them. We need some people to help take this burden off of our shoulders.
Item Planning:
There are hundreds of items missing from the game... Food, toys, gifts... They are all important to game play. Whether it is to make, sell or give, the items are very important. I am looking for a group of people to develop a list of items, descriptions and appearances. The job can be done by everyone, with the exception of the tributes. You must explain why you should be able to do that list.
Example of a list:
-New york Style Cheesecake "This sweet dessert is made with sugar and cream cheese. Well that was cheesy!" [Reference image]
-Strawberry Cheesecake... ... ...

List of Lists needed:
This is a list of the lists I'm looking for. If you choose to do a starred list, you must prove that you know of that specific thing is being tributed. Some are more for friends and fans rather than for myself. The meaning "in a set" is that you have a series of similar items: Green tea, berry Tea... etc. One planner is only required to do a minimum of two. You are free to make up your own foods, etc.

List of at least 20 unique desserts (some in a set)
A list of around 20 non-alcoholic drinks (some in a set)
A list of Jewelry around 5-10 items max
A list of around 10-15 plushies not based on pre-existing
A list of 5-7 plushies based on pop-culture icons.
Tribute items (Toys, plushies etc.) to the ORIGINAL Yu-gi-oh series.*
Tribute items (Toys, plushies etc.) to Pokemon: Game or Anime.*
Tribute items (Toys, plushies etc.) to the Harry Potterseries.*
Tribute items (Toys, plushies etc.) to Phoenix Wright Game Series.*
Tribute items (Toys, plushies etc.) to the Studio Ghibli Films.*
Tribute items (Toys, plushies etc.) to the game series Harvest moon.*
Tribute items (Toys, plushies etc.) to the Ouran High school host club Anime.*
Tribute items (Toys, plushies etc.) to popular animes such as Inuyasha, Full metal Alchemist... etc. *
SPECIAL: Tribute items for the ORIGINAL beyblade: G-rev, V-force/2002 and 2000 **
*You must prove you know this series well. Each project can only have one person assigned to it.
** Same as above, with the bonus that I will be your best friend (Favorite thing in the whole world. Beyblade is literally like a first love to me XD)

Mini-Game ideas:
 Simple mini-games have always been difficult to come up with. Without any graphical interface, you must design small game concepts that can be played within a game.
Contact Information

The absolute best way to contact me is by e-mail: roxanne410@yahoo.ca which I check regularly. If you feel uncomfortable with sending me a message over e-mail, feel free to contact me on here.  :)

Media, visual etc:

Please visit This thread to view more about the project.  :) It has the highlighted information from the project. In order to see the progression or more about the project, I suggest visiting The game updates section of the website. It's been a while since I've updated the other sections, but they're not too out of date. The website is the most up to date :3

Thanks in advance!


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Wha-Wha-What's this???  I see no replies?!?!? Well, I see that you need an Eventer and I'm your man! I'm pretty darn good with events, and can help you out with the eventing if you need! I'll work as much/as hard as I can, the only possible complications might be that i'm currently job-hunting, and working on my own solo RMXP project, but until I get a job I can most certainly work on this, and even once I do get a job I can work on this in my spare time.


My skills as an eventer are pretty good, and I can event anything you give me. I've been working in RMXP for 5 years now and 85% of that time has been devoted to my eventing skills. Other skills of mine include managing the database, minor spriting, I'm pretty good at writing, decent with maps, but I absolutely CANNOT make or work on scripts to save my life.

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