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hud positioning and hp/mp bars


Hey guys Iam in need of some script editing since I feel like iam losing my mind trying to figure this stuff out myself :P I'm at a point were iam configuring my battle systems graphics and iv stumbled upon a major setback or 2 actually.


for starters , Iam using moghunters new battle system called "Schala" and I must say iam totally in love with it. 

http://www.atelier-rgss.com/Schala/Manual.htm <- link to it.


as for my problem , Iam currently creating my own graphics for the huds and hp/mp bars etc and now i tried to change the positioning of them. I can see that in the script he has alot of configuration when it comes to just that , but unfortunatly it dosnt just for the things i want lol :P


1. In his script you have the option to posiion your HUD and the distans between the other members huds, but you can only set the distans between the main guy and the other 2. So basiclly what i want is to have 3 locations for the 3 different huds , hope that makes sense. 


example: HUD1  x[12] y[34] / HUD2 x[45] y[89] /HUD3 x[7]y[88]

instead of how it is now: HUD_SPACE = [20,35] <- both hud 2-3 so they move together.


2. And I would also like to change the HP/MP bars , usually in moghunters battle systems he has a png file in the graphics folder that acts as the hp bar , but in this case there isnt one. so iam guessing a script is drawing the bars somewere :P so a way to modify the bars would help alot.



Pheew , didnt mean to write this much lol , i just suck at explaining :P anyway I really hope someone can help me out with this thanks in advance :)

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