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Creating a text box, I wanted to add a character image to the text box (just above it) so I downloaded a face set for a character. It has 8 different faces on it, including the one I want. 
I do not know how to choose the singular portrait because when I add "Show Picture" and import to downloaded facesets, it has all 8, not the single portrait. 
Any way I can get the single character portrait instead of all 8.



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Uh, you can't use a Faceset from RMVX on RMXP. You'll have to cut each face out with paint/photoshop/gimp and then use it with whatever you're doing.

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Yeah it's definitely a lot easier to cut our your individual faces, which is easy to do / learn to do.


There are also better ways in RMXP to showing your faces,


http://www.gdunlimited.net/scripts/rpg-maker-xp/custom-message-systems/advanced-message-script [script]

http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/files/file/133-emily-konichis-faceset-tutorial/ [events]

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That's for RPG Maker VX or VX Ace, so there's no way to select them singularly, unless you use Paint or some editor to individually crop them out. But that's a neat idea, to use facesets.


I myself like to use the show picture option after selecting a position that I like, but some people find that troublesome, so I recommend to them http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/files/file/63-ccoas-ums-18/.


That's Ccoa's UMS, a really great message system. If you're very far into your game already, I don't recommend using this if you want to keep many of your adjustments the same, because when I first used this it altered my title's message box back to the original position when I had moved it. I had to go back into the message system and adjust that again, as well as the font and some other things. But it allows you to use facesets (even animated ones) and other very useful items, such as more than four choices and such.


There's also AMS, found here: http://www.gdunlimited.net/scripts/rpg-maker-xp/custom-message-systems/advanced-message-script. Personally, I've tried using that one and didn't like it that much. But you may think differently. I'm certain that one allows you the use of facesets.


Give them both a try, or if you get bored of the some of shortcuts and code you need to copy-and-paste, you might in the end decide to try the "Show Picture" event like me.


One user also wrote this: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/files/file/133-emily-konichis-faceset-tutorial/ which I think is a very helpful tutorial.


Hope this was helpful to you in some way.

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