My Game Title
In the world of the Freyborn there is the land of Asgard. In Asgard there is the Arch Mage ruler of all magic and the most powerful mage in the world. The current Arch Mage was assassinated by an unknown cult, and there is a war to claim the new position,Pyra an Asipiring Charismatic High Spirited Pheionix Fire Mage seeks the tittle of Arch Mage and make the world remember Rosenwell the house of the former Pheonix QueenFeatures
- Story Driven
- Beat EM Up ARPG
- Gradual Challenge scaling
- Publisher
- Genre
- Other
- Rating
- 13+
- Engine
- RPG Maker MV
0% - Pre-Development Set Up
Show & Tell Posts
- I am in need of an animator/artist for cutscenes and other necessities to make the game visually appealing,Voice actors there are plenty of people who want to be one but theres not room in the industry for new ones thats why here its a good way to prove your worth,a scripter/programmer to make combat more appealing and to add features like easy to skill cutscenes option in case the player doesn't wanna watch it,and a composer to add some spice to the ost. My job is anything not listed like: Marketer (the team decides the end value of the product though not me) Eventer ETC Here's how we share the cut of the game's profit: I get 5% I have to eat too ya know 😛 Voice Acting gets 10% due to the fact its not an essential to the game. Funding for development of the next game is 5% […]
Credits & Thanks
Developer (software), Developer (engine)