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Game Dev Unlimited



By Darkness,

Seize a new hope in a new world.


By Goonlalagoon,

Short RPG fantasy adventure

Oni's Era

By David-Johnston,

"We're meant to lose the people we love, how else would we know how important they are to us?"
The dead lay in the mansion, the place Hiroshi didn't think he'd ever even see again. But now he goes back to find the answers to the questions he has had since the beginning.

Prophet Sword

By DustyZiroto,

A world where enchanted swords hold the key to sealing all the worlds evil. This is the book of the sealing of "Corruption, and Greed".

1 on 1 : A Medabot Fan Game

By James-Anthony-Hyatt,

A no name town in a no name country, a young Cousin of Ikki Tenryou , gets his first Medabot from Ikki as a gift, Ikki then tells him that to be a good Medafighter he has to get a many parts as he can so he will always be able to adapt to any situation that may arise. After thinking on it for a while our young medafighter decides to get the Mead Jun k yard and robattle the bots there for practice and to see if he can get any half way decent parts. After a long day of Robattling,

Wonder’s War

By Ardaceus,

Join a globally made team of heroes to battle the wars that dwell within your mind, and on the spectacular land of Novus.

Justice in Unity

By TeacupBiscuits,

The story of a lone-wolf French Detective, Elliot Mortensen, and his life after having a partner forced onto him. Starts out as a comedy and ends in tragedy, so to speak.


By Denna,

ListenWhat is it about?The puppetman is a creature that wanders the earth, unseen by almost everybody who is not close […]

Dungeon of Monarchs


Explore the testing grounds of the ancient Monarchs… were they buried alive, or did they make a thriving underground metropolis?

Revenant Gods sets in the world based on Norse mythology. It tells the story of Rain, a simple young bow
destined to be entangled with the turmoil between the three great nations of the world. Caught between the conflict
of world peace and the rising of the world-eater dragon Nidhoggr, where would Rain stand?
Follow him to the end of the end of the world, Ragnarok as he cuts through the enemies in this fast-paced adventure!




Development Status

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