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RPG Maker MV    Posted January 29, 2016 by DoubleX

DoubleX RMMV Constants Edit


Lets users edit some hardcoded default RMMV constants on the fly


* @param ---DataManager---
 * @default
 * @param maxSavefiles
 * @desc Sets the maximum save files as maxSavefiles, which must return a Number
 *       Don't change maxSavefiles inside the save menu unless you know what
 *       you're doing
 * Don't reduce maxSavefiles on the fly unless you know what you're doing
 * @default 20
 * @param ---BattleManager---
 * @default
 * @param _escapeRatio
 * @desc Sets the escape ratio increment upon each failed party escape as
 *       _escapeRatio, which must return a Number
 * @default 0.1
 * @param ---Game_Action---
 * @default
 * @param _applyCritical
 * @desc Sets the critical damage multiplier as applyCritical, which must return
 *       a Number
 * @default 3
 * @param ---Game_BattlerBase---
 * @default
 * @param MaxBuff
 * @desc Sets the maximum buff level as MaxBuff, which must return a Number
 *       Don't reduce MaxBuff in battles unless you know what you're doing
 *       Don't set MaxBuff as larger than 2 unless you know what you're doing
 * @default 2
 * @param MaxDebuff
 * @desc Sets the maximum debuff level as MaxDeBuff, which must return a Number
 *       Don't reduce MaxDeBuff in battles unless you know what you're doing
 *       Don't set MaxDeBuff as larger than 2 unless you know what you're doing
 * @default 2
 * @param paramMax
 * @desc Sets the maximum parameter values as paramMax
 *       General form: [mhp, mmp, atk, def, mat, mdf, agi, luk]
 *       paramMax must return an Array with at least 8 elements and the first 8
 *       elements always being nonzero Number except mmp which can be any Number
 *       Don't change paramMax on the fly unless you know what you're doing
 * @default [999999, 9999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999]
 * @param paramBuffRate
 * @desc Sets the boost/drop percent of a parameter buff/debuff level as
 *       paramBuffRate, which must return a Number
 *       Don't change paramBuffRate during battles unless you know what you're
 *       doing
 * @default 0.25
 * @param maxTp
 * @desc Sets the maximum tp value as maxTp, which must return a nonzero Number
 *       Don't change maxTp on the fly unless you know what you're doing
 * @default 100
 * @param isDying
 * @desc Sets the critical hp region as hp lower than mhp / isDying
 *       isDying must return a nonzero Number
 *       Don't change isDying on the fly unless you know what you're doing
 * @default 4
 * @param ---Game_Battler---
 * @default
 * @param initTp
 * @desc Sets the maximum initial tp value as initTp if tp isn't preserved
 *       initTp must return a non negative Number
 * @default 25
 * @param chargeTpByDamage
 * @desc Sets the maximum tp value charged by damage as chargeTpByDamage, which
 *       must return a non negative Number
 * @default 50
 * @param ---Game_Actor---
 * @default
 * @param stepsForTurn
 * @desc Sets the number of steps per turn outside battles as stepsForTurn,
 *       which must return a nonzero Number
 *       Don't change stepsForTurn outside battles unless you know what you're
 *       doing
 * @default 20
 * @param basicFloorDamage
 * @desc Sets the basic floor damage as basicFloorDamage, which must return a
 *       Number
 * @default 10
 * @param ---Game_Enemy---
 * @default
 * @param DropItemDouble
 * @desc Sets the enemy item drop rate 2x multiplier as DropItemDouble, which
 *       must return a Number
 * @default 2
 * @param ratingRange
 * @desc Sets the maximum difference between the maximum and minimum effective
 *       enemy action rating as ratingRange, which must return a Number
 * @default 3
 * @param ---Game_Party---
 * @default
 * @param maxGold
 * @desc Sets the maximum game party gold value as maxGold, which must return a
 *       Number
 *       Don't reduce maxGold on the fly unless you know what you're doing
 * @default 99999999
 * @param maxItems
 * @desc Sets the maximum game party items as maxItems, which must return a
 *       Number
 *       Don't reduce maxItems on the fly unless you know what you're doing
 * @default 99
 * @param ratePreemptiveHigh
 * @desc Sets the game party preemptive rate when the game party has higher agi
 *       than that of the troop to be encountered as ratePreemptiveHigh, which
 *       must return a Number
 * @default 0.05
 * @param ratePreemptiveLow
 * @desc Sets the game party preemptive rate when the game party has lower agi
 *       than that of the troop to be encountered as ratePreemptiveLow, which
 *       must return a Number
 * @default 0.03
 * @param ratePreemptiveRaise
 * @desc Sets the game party preemptive rate multiplier as ratePreemptiveRaise,
 *       which must return a Number
 * @default 4
 * @param rateSurpriseLow
 * @desc Sets the game party surprise rate when the game party has lower agi
 *       than that of the troop to be encountered as rateSurpriseLow, which
 *       must return a Number
 * @default 0.03
 * @param rateSurpriseHigh
 * @desc Sets the game party preemptive rate when the game party has higher agi
 *       than that of the troop to be encountered as rateSurpriseHigh, which
 *       must return a Number
 * @default 0.05
 * @param ---Game_Troop---
 * @default
 * @param DropGoldDouble
 * @desc Sets the enemy gold drop rate 2x multiplier as DropGoldDouble, which
 *       must return a Number
 * @default 2
 * @param ---(v1.01a+)Game_CharacterBase---
 * @default
 * @param isDashing
 * @desc Sets the speed exponent increment with 2 as the base when the
 *       characters' dashing as isDashing, which must return a Number
 * @default 1
 * @param ---Game_Player---
 * @default
 * @param isBush
 * @desc Sets the encounter progress value multiplier when the player's in the
 *       bushes part of the map as isBush, which must return a Number
 * @default 2
 * @param hasEncounterHalf
 * @desc Sets the encounter progress value multiplier when the game party has
 *       the encounter half flag as hasEncounterHalf, which must return a Number
 * @default 0.5
 * @param isInShip
 * @desc Sets the encounter progress value multiplier when the player's in a
 *       ship as isInShip, which must return a Number
 * @default 0.5
 * @param ---Scene_Shop---
 * @default
 * @param sellingPriceDivisor
 * @desc Sets the selling price divisor as sellingPriceDivisor, which must
 *       return a nonzero number
 *       Don't change sellingPriceDivisor when showing the selling price unless
 *       you know what you're doing
 * @default 2

The Code

License Terms

Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.

Version History

*      v1.02a(GMT 1400 24-1-2016):                                           
 *      1. Fixed called DoubleX_RMMV.Constants_Edit before it's defined bug   
 *      2. All configuration values will be saved in $gameSystem              
 *      3. Increased this plugin's readability                                
 *      v1.01a(GMT 1400 10-11-2015):                                          
 *      1. Added param isDashing under Game_CharacterBase                     
 *      2. Fixed MHP param not working on actors bug                          
 *      v1.00b(GMT 0700 8-11-2015):                                           
 *      1. Increased this plugin's simplicity and user-friendliness           
 *      v1.00a(GMT 1100 30-10-2015):                                          
 *      1. 1st version of this plugin finished

Credits & Thanks


Terms & Conditions

//      You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact       //
//      You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than    //
//      DoubleX or his aliases                                                //
//      None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases                   //

Comments (3)

  • [b]Updates[/b]
    [code] * v1.02a(GMT 1400 24-1-2016):
    * 1. Fixed called DoubleX_RMMV.Constants_Edit before it's defined bug
    * 2. All configuration values will be saved in $gameSystem
    * 3. Increased this plugin's readability [/code]

Leave a Reply


  • Posted about 9 years ago

  • Engine
    RPG Maker MV
  • Category
    System Enhancements
  • License
    Attribution 3.0 Unported
  • Version




