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RPG Maker MV    Posted January 30, 2016 by DoubleX

DoubleX RMMV Intercept Item


Lets users set states intercepting skills/items conditionally
Designed to mimic FF5's Blue Magic and FF6's Runic command


 *    ## Notetag Info                                                         
 *    # Skill/Item/State Notetags:                                            
 *      1. <intercept item tier: x>                                           
 *         - Lets battlers having states with this notetag intercept          
 *           skills/items with this notetag if x is positive for those states 
 *           and skills/items                                                 
 *         - If the intercept tiers of the states are greater than or equal to
 *           that of the skills/items, they'll be intercepted if other        
 *           conditions that are set by you are also met                      
 *         - If more than 1 battler can intercept a skill/item, the one having
 *           any intercept state for the shortest time will intercept it      
 *         - If more than 1 state of the same battler can intercept a         
 *           skill/item, the one having the highest priority will intercept it
 *         - This notetag needs <ally intercept item> and/or                  
 *           <foe intercept item> to be present as well to work               
 *      2. <ally intercept item>                                              
 *         - Interceptors having states with this notetag can intercept       
 *           skills/items with this notetag if their users are allies and     
 *           other conditions are met                                         
 *         - Putting this notetag above <foe intercept item> means allies     
 *           will always intercept the skills/items if enemies can also       
 *           intercept them                                                   
 *         - The ordering of <ally intercept item> and <foe intercept item>   
 *           in skills/items to be intercepted will be used if intercepting   
 *           states also has both of those notetags                           
 *      3. <foe intercept item>                                               
 *         - Interceptors having states with this notetag can intercept       
 *           skills/items with this notetag if their users are foes and other 
 *           conditions are met                                               
 *         - Putting this notetag above <ally intercept item> means foes will 
 *           always intercept the skills/items if enemies can also intercept  
 *           them                                                             
 *         - The ordering of <ally intercept item> and <foe intercept item>   
 *           in skills/items to be intercepted will be used if intercepting   
 *           states also has both of those notetags                           
 *      4. <intercept item chance: x>                                         
 *         - Interceptors having states with this notetag have a x% chance to 
 *           intercept skills/items that can be intercepted if other          
 *           conditions are met                                               
 *         - Skills/items that can be intercepted with this notetag have a x% 
 *           chance to be intercepted by interceptors if other conditions are 
 *           met                                                              
 *         - The real chance of success is that of intercepting states        
 *           multiplied by that of skills/items to be intercepted             
 *         - If this notetag is absent, the chance of success will be 100%    
 *      5. <intercept item mp>                                                
 *         - Interceptors having states with this notetag absorb mp equal to  
 *           the mp cost of the skills/items intercepted if those skills/items
 *           also have this notetag                                           
 *      6. <intercept item tp>                                                
 *         - Interceptors having states with this notetag absorb tp equal to  
 *           the tp cost of the skills/items intercepted if those skills/items
 *           also have this notetag                                           
 *      7. <hit intercept item mp>                                            
 *         - Failed interceptions due to <intercept item mp limit> will cause 
 *           the skill/item to only hit the interceptor if both the           
 *           skills/items and states have this notetag                        
 *      8. <hit intercept item tp>                                            
 *         - Failed interceptions due to <intercept item tp limit> will cause 
 *           the skill/item to only hit the interceptor if both the           
 *           skills/items and states have this notetag                        
 *      9. <intercept item learnt>                                            
 *         - Only skills/items that are currently learnt by its battler can be
 *           intercepted if both them and states have this notetag            
 *      10. <intercept item usable>                                           
 *          - Only skills/items that are currently usable by its battler can  
 *            be intercepted if both them and states have this notetag        
 *      11. <learn intercept item>                                            
 *          - Successful interceptions will cause its battler to learn the    
 *            intercepted skill/item if both them and states have this notetag
 *            and they're not already learnt                                  
 *    # State Notetags:                                                       
 *      1. <intercept item animation: id>                                     
 *         - Animation with id id will be played upon successful interceptions
 *      2. <intercept item count: x, f>                                       
 *         - The intercepting state will worn off after its battler used it to
 *           intercept x skills/items                                         
 *         - Failed interceptions will also be counted is f is true           
 *      3. <intercept item mp limit>                                          
 *         - If this state's used to intercept skills/items and intercepting  
 *           them would lead to the battler's mp being greater than that      
 *           battler's mmp, the intercept will fail                           
 *      4. <intercept item tp limit>                                          
 *         - If this state's used to intercept skills/items and intercepting  
 *           them would lead to the battler's tp being greater than that      
 *           battler's maximum tp, the intercept will fail                    
 *      5. <intercept item mcr>                                               
 *         - The mp absorbed by the battler using this state to intercept     
 *           skills/items will be the actual mp used by their users           
 *    ## Plugin Call Info                                                     
 *    # Skill/Item/State manipulations                                        
 *      1. meta.interceptItemTier                                             
 *         - Returns the intercept item tier in <intercept item tier: x>      
 *      2. meta.interceptItemTier = tier                                      
 *         - Sets the intercept item tier in <intercept item tier: x> as tier 
 *         - All meta.interceptItemTier changes can be saved if               
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                
 *      3. meta.battlerInterceptItem                                          
 *         - Returns the ally/foe intercept item tier in                      
 *           <ally intercept item tier> and <foe intercept item tier> in the  
 *           form of { ally: true, foe: true }                                
 *         - Property name ally and foe will be defined only if the former and
 *           latter notetags are used respectively                            
 *         - The ordering of those property names is that of those notetags   
 *      4. meta.battlerInterceptItem = { ally: true, foe: true }              
 *         - Sets the ally/foe intercept item tier in                         
 *           <ally intercept item tier> and <foe intercept item tier> in the  
 *           form of { ally: true, foe: true }                                
 *         - Property name ally and foe will be defined only if the former and
 *           latter notetags are used respectively                            
 *         - The ordering of those property names is that of those notetags   
 *         - All meta.battlerInterceptItem changes can be saved if            
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                
 *      5. meta.interceptItemChance                                           
 *         - Returns the intercept item chance in <intercept item chance: x>  
 *      6. meta.interceptItemChance = percent                                 
 *         - Sets the intercept item chance in <intercept item chance: x> as  
 *           percent%                                                         
 *         - All meta.interceptItemChance changes can be saved if             
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                
 *      7. meta.interceptItemMp                                               
 *         - Returns the intercept item mp flag in <intercept item mp>        
 *      8. meta.interceptItemMp = flag                                        
 *         - Sets the intercept item mp flag in <intercept item mp> as flag   
 *         - All meta.interceptItemMp changes can be saved if                 
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                
 *      9. meta.interceptItemTp                                               
 *         - Returns the intercept item tp flag in <intercept item tp>        
 *      10. meta.interceptItemTp = flag                                       
 *          - Sets the intercept item tp flag in <intercept item tp> as flag  
 *          - All meta.interceptItemTp changes can be saved if                
 *            DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                               
 *      11. meta.hitInterceptItemMp                                           
 *          - Returns the hit intercept item mp flag in                       
 *            <hit intercept item mp>                                         
 *      12. meta.hitInterceptItemMp = flag                                    
 *          - Sets the hit intercept item mp flag in <hit intercept item mp>  
 *            as flag                                                         
 *          - All meta.hitInterceptItemMp changes can be saved if             
 *            DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                               
 *      13. meta.hitInterceptItemTp                                           
 *          - Returns the hit intercept item tp flag in                       
 *            <hit intercept item tp>                                         
 *      14. meta.hitInterceptItemTp = flag                                    
 *          - Sets the hit intercept item tp flag in <hit intercept item tp>  
 *            as flag                                                         
 *          - All meta.hitInterceptItemTp changes can be saved if             
 *            DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                               
 *      15. meta.interceptItemLearnt                                          
 *          - Returns the intercept item learnt flag in                       
 *            <intercept item learnt>                                         
 *      16. meta.interceptItemLearnt = flag                                   
 *          - Sets the intercept item learnt flag in <intercept item learnt>  
 *            as flag                                                         
 *          - All meta.interceptItemLearnt changes can be saved if            
 *            DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                               
 *      17. meta.interceptItemUsable                                          
 *          - Returns the intercept item usable flag in                       
 *            <intercept item usable>                                         
 *      18. meta.interceptItemUsable = flag                                   
 *          - Sets the intercept item usable flag in <intercept item usable>  
 *            as flag                                                         
 *          - All meta.interceptItemUsable changes can be saved if            
 *            DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                               
 *      19. meta.learnInterceptItem                                           
 *          - Returns the learn intercept item flag in <learn intercept item> 
 *      20. meta.learnInterceptItem = flag                                    
 *          - Sets the learn intercept item flag in <learn intercept item> as 
 *            flag                                                            
 *          - All meta.learnInterceptItem changes can be saved if             
 *            DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                               
 *    # State manipulations                                                   
 *      1. meta.interceptItemAnimation                                        
 *         - Returns the intercept item animation id in                       
 *           <intercept item animation: id>                                   
 *      2. meta.interceptItemAnimation = id                                   
 *         - Sets the intercept item animation id in                          
 *           <intercept item animation: id> as id                             
 *         - All meta.interceptItemAnimation changes can be saved if          
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                
 *      3. meta.interceptItemCount                                            
 *         - Returns the intercept item count with the fail flag in the form  
 *           of { count: count, fail: fail }                                  
 *      4. meta.interceptItemCount = { count: count, fail: fail }             
 *         - Sets the intercept item count with the fail flag as count and    
 *           fail in the form of { count: count, fail: fail }                 
 *         - All meta.interceptItemCount changes can be saved if              
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                
 *      5. meta.interceptItemMpLimit                                          
 *         - Returns the intercept item mp limit flag in                      
 *           <intercept item mp limit>                                        
 *      6. meta.interceptItemMpLimit = flag                                   
 *         - Sets the intercept item mp limit flag in                         
 *           <intercept item mp limit> as flag                                
 *         - All meta.interceptItemMpLimit changes can be saved if            
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                
 *      7. meta.interceptItemTpLimit                                          
 *         - Returns the intercept item tp limit flag in                      
 *           <intercept item tp limit>                                        
 *      8. meta.interceptItemTpLimit = flag                                   
 *         - Sets the intercept item tp limit flag in                         
 *           <intercept item tp limit> as flag                                
 *         - All meta.interceptItemTpLimit changes can be saved if            
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                
 *      9. meta.interceptItemMcr                                              
 *        - Returns the intercept item mcr flag in <intercept item mcr>       
 *      10. meta.interceptItemMcr = flag                                      
 *          - Sets the intercept item mcr flag in <intercept item mcr> as flag
 *          - All meta.interceptItemMcr changes can be saved if               
 *            DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                               


The Code

License Terms

Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.

Version History

*      v1.00b(GMT 1000 30-1-2016):                                           
 *      1. Fixed typo $dataStates(stateId) instead of $dataStates[stateId]    
 *      2. Fixed undefined BM.interceptors when changing states outside battle
 *      3. Fixed missing argument item in GB.possibleInterceptStates bug      
 *      4. Fixed searching interceptors in the interceptor state id pairs bug 
 *      5. Fixed returning interceptor state id pair in GU.interceptor bug    
 *      6. Fixed learning skills that are already learnt bug                  
 *      7. Fixed passing a battler instead of an Array to showNormalAnimation 
 *      v1.00a(GMT 1500 16-12-2015):                                          
 *      1. 1st version of this plugin finished

Credits & Thanks


Terms & Conditions

*      You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact       
 *      You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than    
 *      DoubleX or his aliases                                                
 *      None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases

Comments (0)

  • [b]Updates[/b]
    Added this video:
    [url=]DoubleX RMMV Intercept Item[/url]
    [code] * v1.00b(GMT 1000 30-1-2016):
    * 1. Fixed typo $dataStates(stateId) instead of $dataStates[stateId]
    * 2. Fixed undefined BM.interceptors when changing states outside battle
    * 3. Fixed missing argument item in GB.possibleInterceptStates bug
    * 4. Fixed searching interceptors in the interceptor state id pairs bug
    * 5. Fixed returning interceptor state id pair in GU.interceptor bug
    * 6. Fixed learning skills that are already learnt bug
    * 7. Fixed passing a battler instead of an Array to showNormalAnimation [/code]

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  • Posted about 9 years ago

  • Engine
    RPG Maker MV
  • Category
    Gameplay Scripts
  • License
    Attribution 3.0 Unported
  • Version




