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RPG Maker MV    Posted January 29, 2016 by DoubleX

DoubleX RMMV Linked Battlers


Lets users set some states to let their owners share some stats



 *    # State Notetags:                                                       
 *      1. <linked battlers: LBCX, LBSX, LBWX>                                
 *         - Sets all owners of this state meeting LBCX to share stats        
 *           included in LBSX with weight LBWX applied to each of them when   
 *           any included stat of any included battler changes                
 *         - Only the 1st applicable notetag of the state with the highest    
 *           priority will be applied to the stat change of the linked battler
 *         - If a linked battler can't take all of that battler's share of the
 *           original stat change due to hitting the min/max stat value, thost
 *           not being taken by that battler will be shared by the rest of the
 *           linked battlers also                                             
 *         - The battler originally having a stat to be changed is the last   
 *           linked battler taking the change not shared by any other ones    
 *         - LBCX can be set in Linked Battler Condition Functions            
 *         - LBSX can be set in Linked Battler Stat Functions                 
 *         - LBWX can be set in Linked Battler Weight Functions               


Plugin Calls

*    # Configuration manipulations                                           
 *      1. DoubleX_RMMV.Linked_Battlers.prop                                  
 *         - Returns the property prop under DoubleX_RMMV.Linked_Battlers     
 *      2. DoubleX_RMMV.Linked_Battlers.prop = function                       
 *         - Sets the property prop under DoubleX_RMMV.Linked_Battlers as     
 *           function which will be bound to the battler upon use             
 *         - No DoubleX_RMMV.Linked_Battlers.prop change will be saved        
 *    # State manipulations                                                   
 *      All meta.linkedBattlers changes can be saved if                       
 *      DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                     
 *      1. meta.linkedBattlers                                                
 *         - Returns an Array of all LBCX-LBSX-LBWX triples, each in the form 
 *           of [LBCX, LBSX, LBWX]                                            
 *      2. meta.linkedBattlers = [[LBCX, LBSX, LBWX], [LBCX, LBSX, LBWX], ...]
 *         - Resets the Array of all LBCX-LBSX-LBWX triples, each in the form 
 *           of [LBCX, LBSX, LBWX], stored sequentially in that Array         
 *      3. meta.linkedBattlers[i] = [LBCX, LBSX, LBWX]                        
 *         - Sets the (i + 1)th LBCX-LBSX-LBWX triple as LBCX-LBSX-LBWX



     *    Linked Battler Condition Functions                                  
     *    - Setups LBCX used by <linked battlers: LBCX, LBSX, LBWX>           
    /* LBCX are used in functions included in LINKED_STATS
     * LBCX are functions that will be bound to battler calling them upon use
     * LBCX names can only use alphanumeric characters
     * Each linked battler besides the caller can be referenced by battler
     * The caller will always pass LBCX even when it's supposed to fail
     * The below LBCX are examples added to help you set your LBCX
     * You can freely use, rewrite and/or delete these examples

    // Sets the linked battler condition to include all linked battlers
    LBC1: function(battler) { return true; },

    /* Sets the linked battler condition to include all and no linked battlers
     * if switch with id x is on and off respectively
    LBC2: function(battler) { return $gameSwitches.value(x); },

    // Adds new LBCX here

     *    Linked Battler Stat Functions                                       
     *    - Setups LBSX used by <linked battlers: LBCX, LBSX, LBWX>           
    /* LBSX are used in functions included in LINKED_STATS
     * LBSX are functions that will be bound to battlers upon use
     * LBSX names can only use alphanumeric characters
     * It must return an Array, which should include all strings of getter
     * functions of each stat to be included
     * The below LBSX are examples added to help you set your LBSX
     * You can freely use, rewrite and/or delete these examples

    // Sets the linked battler stat to include hp, mp and tp
    LBS1: function() { return ["hp", "mp", "tp"]; },

    // Sets the linked battler stat to include nothing
    LBS2: function() { return []; },

    // Adds new LBSX here

     *    Linked Battler Weight Functions                                     
     *    - Setups LBWX used by <linked battlers: LBCX, LBSX, LBWX>           
    /* LBWX are used in functions included in LINKED_STATS
     * LBWX are functions that will be bound to battlers upon use
     * LBWX names can only use alphanumeric characters
     * It must return a Number
     * No stat change will take place for any linked battler if the sum of all
     * weights of all linked battlers is 0
     * Each linked battler besides the caller can be referenced by battler
     * The below LBWX are examples added to help you set your LBWX
     * You can freely use, rewrite and/or delete these examples

    // Sets the linked battler weight to be the same for all linked battlers
    LBW1: function(battler) { return 1; },

    /* Sets the linked battler weight to be multiplied by x if the linked
     * battler is the one having a stat to be changed
    LBW2:  function(battler) { return battler === this ? x : 1; },

    // Adds new LBWX here

    /* Sets the battler functions to be used by linked battlers
     * Its property names must be the battler stat getter function names
     * Its values must be Arrays, each containing the battler stat setter
     * function name, the index of the argument as the original new stat value
     * in the stat setter function argument list, and each linked battler's
     * min/max stat value
     * All battler functions as min/max stat value must be referenced by this
     * All the included battler stat getter functions will be extended

      /* General form:
       * FunctionClass: {
       *     getter: ["setter", statArgIndex, "statMin", "statMax"]
       * }

      Game_BattlerBase: {
        /* General form: 
         * getter: ["setter", statArgIndex, "statMin", "statMax"]
        hp: ["setHp", 0, "0", "this.mhp"],
        mp: ["setMp", 0, "0", "this.mmp"],
        tp: ["setTp", 0, "0", "this.maxTp()"]
        // Adds new functions here

      // Adds new classes here


The Code

License Terms

Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.


You’re supposed to edit the plugin js file directly to set notetag values

Version History

*      v1.00d(GMT 1500 29-1-2016):                                           
 *      1. Fixed undefined g in Proto[func[0]] bug                            
 *      2. Fixed passing getter instead of its name to linkedBattlersStateId  
 *      3. Fixed calling getter via this[getter] instead of this.getter       
 *      4. Fixed state.linkedBattlers instead of state.meta.linkedBattlers bug
 *      5. Fixed adding 2 Arrays instead of concatenating them bug            
 *      6. Fixed undefined battler isStateAdded bug                           
 *      7. Fixed linked battlers' stats being possible to be non-integer bug  
 *      8. Only the target will collapse when some others die at the same time
 *      v1.00c(GMT 1400 31-12-2015):                                          
 *      1. Fixed writing getter contents directly instead of using String bug 
 *      v1.00b(GMT 1100 28-12-2015):                                          
 *      1. Fixed unintentionally declaring global variable in strict mode bug 
 *      2. Fixed using new Function and class instead of eval and prototype   
 *      v1.00a(GMT 1400 23-12-2015):                                          
 *      1. 1st version of this plugin finished

Credits & Thanks


Terms & Conditions

*      You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact       
 *      You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than    
 *      DoubleX or his aliases                                                
 *      None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases

Comments (3)

  • [b]Updates[/b]
    [code] * v1.00b(GMT 1100 28-12-2015):
    * 1. Fixed unintentionally declaring global variable in strict mode bug
    * 2. Fixed using new Function and class instead of eval and prototype [/code]

  • [b]Updates[/b]
    [code] * v1.00d(GMT 1500 29-1-2016):
    * 1. Fixed undefined g in Proto[func[0]] bug
    * 2. Fixed passing getter instead of its name to linkedBattlersStateId
    * 3. Fixed calling getter via this[getter] instead of this.getter
    * 4. Fixed state.linkedBattlers instead of state.meta.linkedBattlers bug
    * 5. Fixed adding 2 Arrays instead of concatenating them bug
    * 6. Fixed undefined battler isStateAdded bug
    * 7. Fixed linked battlers' stats being possible to be non-integer bug
    * 8. Only the target will collapse when some others die at the same time[/code]

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  • Posted about 9 years ago

  • Engine
    RPG Maker MV
  • Category
    Gameplay Scripts
  • License
    Attribution 3.0 Unported
  • Version




