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RPG Maker MV    Posted August 14, 2016 by DoubleX

DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Cooldown


Lets users set skills/items causing user to cooldown after user



* @param cooldown_c1
 * @desc Sets the 1st atb cooldown bar color as text color cooldown_c1
 *       cooldown_c1 must return a valid text color code
 *       cooldown_c1 should return the same value during the same battle to
 *       ensure proper atb cooldown bar color displays
 * @default 19
 * @param cooldown_c2
 * @desc Sets the 2nd atb cooldown bar color as text color cooldown_c2
 *       cooldown_c2 must return a valid text color code
 *       cooldown_c2 should return the same value during the same battle to
 *       ensure proper atb cooldown bar color displays
 * @default 26
 * @param cooldown_bar_text
 * @desc Sets the code of the cooldown bar description text as cooldown_bar_text
 *       It'll only be used if no <patb cooldown text: text> notetag's used
 *       Available cooldown_bar_text code:
 *       item - The skill/item name causing the cooldown will be the cooldown
 *              bar description text
 *       Setting cooldown_bar_text as an unavailable code means atb_bar_text
 *       will be the cooldown bar description text
 *       cooldown_bar_text should return the same code during the same battle to
 *       ensure proper cooldown bar text displays
 * @default item
 * @param post_cooldown_common_event_id
 * @desc Sets the common event with id post_cooldown_common_event_id to be
 *       called right after a battler has finished cooling down
 *       post_cooldown_common_event_id must return a Number
 *       If post_cooldown_common_event_id doesn't return the id of an existing
 *       common event, no common event will be called with this timing
 * @default 0



*    # Skill/Item Notetags:                                                  
 *      1. <patb cooldown: scale, code>                                       
 *         - Sets the cooldown rate to use the skill/item's invocation speed, 
 *           which will be multiplied by scale                                
 *         - code can be either of the below:                                 
 *           set - The cooldown value per frame will be the skill/item's      
 *                 invocation speed * scale, which should be nonnegative      
 *           add - The cooldown value per frame will be the absolute value of 
 *                 the battler atb gain value per frame + the skill/item's    
 *                 invocation speed * scale                                   
 *           multiply - If the skill/item's invocation speed * scale is       
 *                      positive, the cooldown value per frame will be the    
 *                      battler atb gain value per frame * the skill/item's   
 *                      invocation speed * scale                              
 *                      If the skill/item's invocation speed * scale is       
 *                      negative, the cooldown value per frame will be the    
 *                      battler atb gain value per frame / (the skill/item's  
 *                      invocation speed * scale)                             
 *                      If the skill/item's invocation speed * scale is 0, the
 *                      battler using the skill/item will be fully cooled down
 *                      in 1 frame                                            
 *      2. <patb cooldown colors: text color 1, text color 2>                 
 *         - Changes the atb cooldown bar color 1 and 2 to text color 1 and 2 
 *           respectively when this notetag's used                            
 *      3. <patb cooldown text: text>                                         
 *         - Changes the atb cooldown bar description text as text when this  
 *           notetag's used


Plugin Calls

*    # Data Skill/Item manipulations                                         
 *      1. meta.patb_cooldown                                                 
 *         - Returns the skill/item invocation speed scale and cooldown rate  
 *           code in the form of { scale: scale, code: code }                 
 *      2. meta.patb_cooldown = { scale: scale, code: code }                  
 *         - Sets the skill/item invocation speed scale and cooldown rate code
 *           in the form of { scale: scale, code: code }                      
 *         - All meta.patb_cooldown changes can be saved if                   
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                
 *      3. meta.patb_cooldown_colors                                          
 *         - Returns the text colors stored in                                
 *           <patb cooldown colors: text color 1, text color 2> in the form of
 *           [text color 1, text color 2]                                     
 *      4. meta.patb_cooldown_colors = [text color 1, text color 2]           
 *         - Sets the text colors stored in                                   
 *           <patb cooldown colors: text color 1, text color 2> as text color 
 *           1 and 2                                                          
 *         - All meta.patb_cooldown_colors changes can be saved if            
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                
 *      5. meta.patb_cooldown_text                                            
 *         - Returns the text stored in <patb cooldown text: text>            
 *      6. meta.patb_cooldown_text = text                                     
 *         - Sets the text stored in <patb cooldown text: text> as text       
 *         - All meta.patb_cooldown_text changes can be saved if              
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                
 *    # Battler manipulations                                                 
 *      1. patb_val.cooldown                                                  
 *         - Returns the battler's cooldown value                             
 *      2. patb_val.cooldown = val                                            
 *         - Set the battler's cooldown value as val                          
 *      3. patb_rate.cooldown                                                 
 *         - Returns the battler's cooldown rate                              
 *      4. patb_rate.cooldown = rate                                          
 *         - Set the battler's cooldown rate as rate                          
 *         - It'll be reevaluated if it can be changed without plugin calls   
 *      5. patb_val_change.cooldown = true                                    
 *         - Notifies that the cooldown value's changed                       
 *         - It must be used right after the atb bar length changed


The Code

License Terms

Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.


* The default plugin file name is DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Cooldown v101b
 * If you want to change that, you must edit the value of
 * DoubleX_RMMV.PATB_Cooldown_File, which must be done via opening this plugin
 * js file directly

Version History

*      v1.01b(GMT 1500 11-8-2016):                                           
 *      1. In sync with the latest DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Core version  
 *      v1.01a(GMT 0200 20-2-2016):                                           
 *      1. Lets users set the cooldown bar description text via notetags      
 *      2. Lets users trigger a common event upon battler cooldown finish     
 *      3. Fixed not refreshing the battler upon finishing cooldown bug       
 *      4. Fixed a compatibility issue with charge addon upon cooldown finish 
 *      v1.00a(GMT 1100 9-2-2016):                                            
 *      1. 1st testing version of this plugin finished

Credits & Thanks


Terms & Conditions

* You shall keep this plugin’s Plugin Info part’s contents intact
* You shalln’t claim that this plugin’s written by anyone other than
* DoubleX or his aliases
* None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases

Comments (2)

  • [b]Updates[/b]
    [code] * v1.01a(GMT 0200 20-2-2016):
    * 1. Lets users set the cooldown bar description text via notetags
    * 2. Lets users trigger a common event upon battler cooldown finish
    * 3. Fixed not refreshing the battler upon finishing cooldown bug
    * 4. Fixed a compatibility issue with charge addon upon cooldown finish [/code]

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  • Posted about 9 years ago

  • Engine
    RPG Maker MV
  • Category
    Custom Battle Scripts
  • License
    Attribution 3.0 Unported
  • Version




